Driving Mistakes that are Illegal

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By: Taranjit | Last Updated: June 29, 2020

I am sure I am not alone in witnessing the crazy things other drivers do on the road. I see many drivers participating in driving mistakes all the time (and in the moment it may seem harmless to them), but it is dangerous to have that kind of mentality. Did you know that some of the driving mistakes you might be making while the wheel are illegal in some states and could get you a ticket? Here are some driving mistakes that are illegal.

The left lane is a passing lane only

The left lane, or commonly known as the fast lane, is the lane the speed demons often use. They whiz right past you in the blink of an eye, and sometimes at ridiculous speeds. But, did you know, that using the left lane for anything but passing or turning is illegal in 8 states?

Yes. 8 states consider it illegal to drive in the left lane unless you plan on passing another vehicle or are planning on making a turn. 

These 8 states include: Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and West Virginia.

Often times, states have signs posted stating that this is the law, but this may not always be the case. So be careful when traveling between states or you might end of with an unwanted out of state ticket.

Cutting through the corner gas station

This is something I have never considered in my life, but I did witness it once in my life. And I was like, wow. That person has no patience to sit a red light for a couple of minutes. It’s like, dude. We all are patiently waiting here, too. What makes you so special?

Rush or no rush, cutting through a gas station may be a clever move (in your mind), or at least you thought it was until you got a ticket, but it is illegal in most states. Matt Pinsker, a traffic defense attorney and criminal justice professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, deals with many cases where offenders have made this move. He shared that the gas-station-cut-through is illegal for a couple of reasons. 

The biggest reason being that the driver that is cutting through the gas station is most likely doing so at high speeds, and that is extremely dangerous. This increases his chances of hitting someone merely to save a minute or two (which if you hit someone, you are going to slow yourself down more than if you just waited at the red light). 

Not to mention, do you know how frustrating or annoying it might be to the gas station owners? Having to witness people cut across your properly at such high speeds and the danger they pose. It is a gas station for heaven’s sake, If you hit that pump, imagine the damage you could case.

The traffic light is there for a reason, and it is unfair to the drivers around you who are patiently waiting for their turn to go only to see you bypass all traffic and illegally cut through a gas station to get in front of them. 

Accidentally crossing into the shoulder

Living in Maryland, I see this happen more often that I would wish (which I would never wish this), and it is usually not by accident. Drivers here are often multitasking while driving, and not in a good way. Distractions, such as texting and driving or driving under the influence, are dangerous, and negatively impact your driving (whether it is swerving or drifting to the shoulder or over the yellow line).

Engaging in such behavior is dangerous no matter where you live, but be extra careful if you are in the state of New York (although, you should not engage in such behavior at all) because a police officer can pull you over even if one tire goes over the white line into the shoulder. There is a law in New York that requires drivers to be able to drive their vehicle within their lane.

It makes sense if you look back on it. Not staying in your lane can be seen as a danger or a risk to you and other drivers on the road with you. The officer that witnesses this does not know if you accidently went over the line into the shoulder or if you are under the influence of a substance.

Just remember that when you get behind the wheel, you have the responsibility to be focused on driving and solely driving. No distractions and stay in your lane.

Final thoughts

Driving is a privilege, and it can easily be taken away from you. You earned the right to operate the huge piece of metal that we call a car, and you have the responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner. Be smart when you are on the road and follow the traffic laws that are set in place. They are there for a reason.

Comment below if you have made any of these mistakes.

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