Driving Myths: Part 1

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By: Taranjit | Last Updated: August 10, 2020

Growing up, I have heard quite a few myths about driving, which at the time I didn’t know they were myths. I just thought, my parents and those older than me must know what they are talking about, and just went on to believe it. But then as I got older and started driving, I started to question whether these myths I was told were actually true or not.

Myth #1: Red cars get pulled over more

This was a common one that I heard while growing up. Be careful if you drive a red car because your chances of getting pulled over are higher than other colors. And I believed it because of the reasoning I was given (and I had no reason to question it at that time). My classmates would constantly repeat this myth and say it’s because red catches the police officer’s attention more, and that is why they get pulled over more than other colored cars. But this is not the case. No matter the color of your car, if you are driving recklessly, you have the same chance of getting pulled over as someone in a red car.

Myth # 2: Seatbelts cause more harm than good

Have you ever had someone get in a car and refuse to put on their seatbelt because they didn’t believe it was safe? Research actually shows that wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of death by 45%. They are one of the most effective ways to prevent serious injury when in an accident.

Myth # 3: You must warm up your car before you drive

This was something that was required back in the day, specifically in the time of Carburetor engines, but nowadays, cars are designed so you don’t have to do this. In fact, you are actually wasting gas, time, and might cause more wear by letting your car just sit and idle. Experts say 30 seconds is the general rule.

Myth #4: You’re safe from getting pulled over if you are driving only 10 mph or less over the speed limit

Police officers can pull you over for even doing 1 or 2 mph over the speed limit. It all depends on the day and the officer. If the officer sees more reckless drivers, then your chances of getting pulled over for going a few mph over the speed limit are slim, but if the officer had a slow day and everyone is cruising by at the speed limit and you happen to be going 8 mph over, then your chances of getting pulled over increase.

Myth #5: Cell Phone Use at Gas Station Can Cause Explosion

I have heard this a lot and never really thought to pause and do some research to see if this is actually the case. You see signs on gas pumps all the time saying no cell phone use, but, apparently, there is yet to be a gas station fire to be linked to cell phone use. Instead, there are multiple other factors that you should worry about that could start a fire.

Comment below which myth you use to believe. 

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