Extra Content for Ep14: Car Pocket…Kiss Pocket

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Have you ever wondered how people narrating movie trailers or dramatic introductions are able to get their voices so deep? So have I! Sure, some people may use sound effects to artificially make their voice deeper (…have you heard our promo?) or they just get really close to the microphone and make their voice as deep as possible (again, have you listened to our promo?).

So now that we were finally able to start episode 14, we delve into a wide array of (unrelated) topics. First, you get a very vivid sense of what it is like to move a monster mattress out of a crowded bedroom. This mattress was so big it brought up feelings of The Princess and the Pea as well as solutions to getting better ventilation (without the use of products like Vicks). Which brings us to phlegm… and how it is hindering my musical voice that you, the listeners, are apparently having jamming out parties to. I’m not sure jamming out would be the correct action to be doing while listening to this podcast, but hey, you do you! Speaking of being yourself, and expressing your thoughts, hear about an interesting situation at a gas station with a poorly printed ad and anti-smoking sentiments by listening to Episode 14: Car Pocket… Kiss Pocket.

Apparently, I forgot to post this clip as I had mentioned in a previous episode. So as not to deprive you of this amazingly hilarious image that you can remember anytime you think of money, enjoy a segment from the movie Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon. Start watching the clip at 0:12 and watch until 0:25 (or watch the whole thing because the whole movie is great!)

At this point, we finally arrive at the originally planned topic of discussion for this episode: Crazy, yet very real, suing stories. Yeah, people can be very weird and pursue lawsuits for the most craziest things.

Instance #1: Two women in Montana and a Border Agent

Reason: Speaking Spanish

Instance #2: Burger King, jammed restroom door, and free burgers for life

Reason: Employee Treatment

Instance #3: Indian man and his parents (who happen to be lawyers)

Reason: No consent for birth (I still am in confusion about this one… maybe someone

else understands? )

Intrigued? To hear more about these cases, listen to Episode 14 right on the website or on your favorite podcast app!

It is in situations like the jammed restroom door, where one might actually be grateful of those establishments that had opted for stalls rather than single occupancy (and fancy) restrooms. Because, at least in the instance of a jammed door, one would be able to crawl under and to their freedom on the other side! (Though the thought of what disgustingness might be on that restroom floor is something that might make me reconsider the “under the door” method of escape).

Let us know below what you would do if you were stuck in a restroom (or have you already been stuck in one?)!

You can also enjoy our usual wandering into random topics. This week’s episode includes trying not to see spoilers to shows, Full House and Aunt Becky, salty bins, actors that cannot dance, and misheard lyrics.

In particular, there is one song which I have been singing wrong for who knows how many years. Isn’t it weird how we are able to create our own lyrics and if you actually think about what you are saying, it is complete and utter nonsense? Yet we continue to sing it as if it is normal.

Yeah, that’s what I did.

So the song is “Soni de Nakhre” from the movie Partner (the Bollywood movie… not to be confused with any potential Hollywood movie that exists with the same name). Before I delve into the lyrics that I heard. Listen to the song and see what you hear (and then we can compare!). The specific words that you are trying to decipher are at 0:30 – 0:54 seconds in the YouTube Video (Don’t worry, the lyrics I misheard are in English!).

Now that you have listened to that very fun song (that I enjoyed a lot, even with my weird lyrics), let us know below what you heard! When listening to the song, I heard the main line of “Soni de Nakhre sone lagde mainu…” (which translates to “I like her (soni) antics/mannerisms (nakhre)”), but then the next part is where I got stuck. The original line, that I found out after googling the lyrics, is “Pump up the jam!” Simple, right?

Of course not. I thought they were still singing in Hindi, therefore my brain came up with the lyrics “Gaddi jeb” which translates to “car pocket.” Now how does that make any sense? I don’t know but my brain went with it, until I realized those words could not be right. I had an “aha!” moment, so I re-listened to the song and was like “oh! It is not gadi jeb, it is papi jeb!” (That translates to “kiss pocket” which of course makes a whole lot more not-sense). Listening back, it seems obvious (now that I have also read the true lyrics) what they are saying!

So I have been singing this song with these lyrics for longer than I care to admit 🙂 But, hey, it makes the song more interesting. Imagine what a music video with those lyrics would look like (or any song with misheard lyrics)? Somebody who is musically inclined should make that into a dance move, I’m sure it would be a hit! (Kiss pocket, kiss pocket, kiss pocket… car pocket!).

Head on over to the podcast page and listen to the full Episode 14: Car Pocket…Kiss Pocket to hear our more in-depth conversations (and of course more weirdness!).

And don’t forget to connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest to get sneak peeks of upcoming episodes and extra content, such as Driving Thoughts!

Also, check out our Commuter Update Blog for some of the crazy incidents that we have experienced during our commutes!

Have a funny, crazy, weird, or interesting commute story? Share it with us to be featured on an upcoming episode of Drive With Us! And we will be in contact 🙂

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