Driving stories from around the world

Have you ever witnessed turkeys attacking cars, a truck bed catching on fire, or a cow sitting on a car? Each episode we bring on a new guest to discuss crazy driving stories, driving fails, and first-time driving experiences.

Driving Questions

How to Prepare Your Car for the Road After It Snowed

Wet roads and inclement weather means it will take you longer to stop. It is best to stay back because you never know when you will need to hit the brakes. Prep for driving in snowy or icy conditions starts before you even get in your car. Make sure to…

Police Ticket Quotas: Are they Legal?

Growing up ticket quotas is something I have always wondered about. I can’t be the only one who heard that police officers have ticket quotas and that’s why they are out more at the end of the month because they need to reach said quota. In some states, yes, it is illegal, but…

How to Tell if You Blew a Tire?

I like how all the advice that is out there is to not get scared or stay calm. It’s easy to say, but when you are in the situation, it’s hard to stay calm and not be scared. I would freak out, and I know this from experience. If your steering wheel starts vibrating while your car is pulling you toward the…

When is it Okay to Not Wear a Seat Belt?

A seat belt plays a very important role in helping to slow your impact or prevent you from hitting the dash or airbag, and in minor crashers or sudden stops, the seat belt works to keep you in your seat and prevents you from flying out through the windshield. And to answer your question that is forming in your head…

Eating While Driving: Is It Illegal?

I am sure this is something we all have done at some point in our lives (or many of us may still do this more regularly), but eating while driving is fairly common. We just don’t have the time and the only place we have time to eat is while driving. Plus, who has time to sit and properly eat a meal? Not me. Although we all do it, it is…

Males or Females: Who has Higher Insurance Premiums?

We all want to save money on insurance. It’s expensive after all., and there are so many factors that you can control to help reduce your premium or get as many discounts as possible, but the one factor you can’t control is your gender. And yes, your gender does play a role in your insurance premium.

Work Zone Speed Limits: When does it apply?

With summer comes the dreaded construction that is an inconvenience, but at the same time, needed. Wouldn’t it be nice if the roads just repaired themselves or construction happened when you aren’t on that road? That would be nice, but it’s not feasible. When workers are not present, then…

Is my child ready for the adult seatbelt?

Making that transition from a booster seat to the adult seat in a car is not always set in stone with the exact age and time. So how do you know when you can make that transition and is your child ready to make the move?  Most often, this transition happens between the ages of…

Everything You Need to Know About Out of State Tickets

What might fly in your home state may not in another, so be careful what driving practices you engage in. You are already going to stick out to the locals and the police officers with your out of state license plate, and it increases your chances of getting an out of state ticket, especially since the officer is less likely to…

Is it really necessary to wear a seatbelt?

Anything that keeps you safe and reduces your chances of being injury is an amazing feature, in my opinion. Seat belts saved 14,995 lives (in 2017) and it could have saved about 2500 more people if they had actually worn their seat belt. But some may argue that…

What Should You Do If You Blew a Tire?

It is absolutely important that you do not freak out in the moment. I know you may be on the verge of a panic when something like this happens, but you need to make sure you stay calm. You will be able to handle the situation better when you are not…

Driving with Interior Lights On: Is It Illegal?

Driving with the lights on is illegal or so we repeatedly heard from our parents when we were younger, and we continued this belief into our adulthood. But is it illegal? There is no law stating that it is illegal, however…

Who has the Right of Way at a Four Way Stop?

Don’t you just hate that awkward moment when you arrive at a stop sign at the same time as someone else? And now you are sitting there looking at each other, trying to read each other’s minds. Well, ask yourself these questions…

What Should You Do if a Car is Coming The Wrong Way in Your Lane?

When a car is coming straight toward you in your lane, try to get the driver’s attention by honking and flashing your lights, while planning a way to avoid a direct hit. Don’t stare at the oncoming vehicle, as your car will follow your line of sight. Instead, look…

Young Drivers vs. Seniors: Who is More Likely to Get in a Crash?

Did you know that, according to IIHS, young drivers, especially those between the ages of 16-19, are 3x more likely to be involved in a crash than those over the age of 20? You may attribute it to the fact that young drivers are inexperienced, but when it comes to comparing young novice drivers to senior ones…

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Driving Stories from Around the World

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