Transcript of E6: Bringing Back the 90s

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Bhavneet: Hello podcast listeners. Welcome back to Drive with Us. It’s Bhavneet.

Taranjit: And Taranjit. Today we’re going to talk about the 90s and our favorite shows and just general facts and differences about 90s. Everyone’s trying to bring them back.

Bhavneet: Kind of the 2000s. It kind of like tipped over, spilled over into the early 2000s.  Yes. So, we’re like a 90s thousands kids. 90s thousands. Yup.

Taranjit: That’s what everyone is trying to bring back.

Bhavneet: Yup. Because they were cool. They were awesome. We had the greatest shows of all time.

Taranjit: Yea. They don’t make shows like that anymore.

Bhavneet: Nope. Cat Dog.

Taranjit: Wow. That’s all you remember?

Bhavneet: Hey Arnold. Wild Thornberrys.

Taranjit: Rugrats.

Bhavneet: Rugrats. Dragon tales. Everything. Rollie Pollie Ollie.

Taranjit: Dexter’s Laboratory.

Bhavneet: Danny Phantom.

Taranjit: Kim Possible.

Bhavneet: You want me to sing you the theme song? Yo, Danny Phantom. He was just 13 when his parents built a very strange machine. Designed to view a world unseen. He’s gonna catch ‘em all cause he’s Danny Phantom. I could go on.

Taranjit: I know. You probably know the Kim Possible one, too.

Bhavneet: I did at one point, but I forget

Taranjit: It’s your ringtone. It’s your notifications.

Bhavneet: Yeah, if the tune starts going, I remember.  

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: Now, I gotta remember it. It was… Yeah. Not coming. Oh it’s kind of going, but the words are not all there.

Taranjit: So, it’s in your head? It’s not coming out in sound?

Bhavneet: Nope. Oh it was like call me text me if you want to reach me… Something like that.  Doesn’t matter where. It doesn’t matter when. I will be there for you till the very end. Danger or trouble I’m there on the double. Yeah. You know that you can… could always call. Kim Possible. Call me. Beep me. If you want to reach me. Boop. Boop. What’s the snitch?

Taranjit: So, what was the most fun hand jewelry of the 90s?

Bhavneet: Okay. I didn’t know any trends. I lived under a rock.

Taranjit: No. It’s a kids thing.

Bhavneet: Silly bands? Those those those slap bracelets?

Taranjit: That’s it!

Bhavneet: Ooo. I was right. Those hurt!

Taranjit: The inventor of the slap bracelets was a shop teacher who was playing with steel ribbons.

Bhavneet:  What’s that?

Taranjit: I guess like it was harder ribbons or something. So, I guess she was like, “Oh, well, this is cool. Snap”.

Bhavneet: Those hurt. Like people would be very aggressive with those. Like smack. Smack. Put it on. Put it on. I’m just giving you a bracelet.

Taranjit: Everyone used to fun. They just like open, snap. Open. Snap.

Bhavneet: They hurt! Weapons.

Taranjit: Yes. Can’t be given to kids today.

Bhavneet: Nope. You know how many lawsuits there would be?.

Taranjit: They will be probably try to eat them.

Bhavneet: Eat the bracelets?!

Taranjit: With the Tide Pods.

Bhavneet: Oh God. Okay. First off Why? Just Why? Why?

Taranjit: Apparently the newest trend is to drink tampon water.

Bhavneet: Ew.

Taranjit: Because it gives them a high.

Bhavneet: Ewww.

Taranjit: Not like used ones.

Bhavneet: Okay. I was like. That is disgusting.

Taranjit: Because I guess they have like some kind of like bleach or something in it. So like, if you soak it in water, and they drink that water and it gives them a high

Bhavneet: People are trying to die.

Taranjit: That’s what kids are doing these days.

Bhavneet:  Like, yes, I couldn’t do that. What the heck. What we used to do was take pillows and play Legends of the Hidden Temple. And today kids are eating tide pods and drinking tampon water.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Like what happened to good old jumping across a daybed and playing whatever that Billy goats game was or the  troll under the bridge. Or whatever it was.

Taranjit: Yes. You were always the troll.

Bhavneet: Not always. But mostly.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Because I suck at running across. Yeah. So, we used to play this game where we had a daybed and one of us would run across from one end to the other. And the other person would be the troll under the bridge. And they had to try and grab the person as they ran across. It was pretty fun. And there’s also mattress slides. And…

Taranjit: We would lock our bedroom door, slide our bed mattress off the edge and slide down it.

Bhavneet: Yeah

Taranjit: And we didn’t have that much room. It was like the mattress between the bed and you slid down it, and then you were so close to the wardrobe.

Bhavneet: You run into the TV stand wardrobe. Yeah. But it was fun. That was our high.

Taranjit: I know. And then as soon as we heard our mom coming, we were like, hurry. Hurry. Pushing it back on before unlocking the door and sitting down.

Bhavneet: And play Sega. Nothing going on up here. Speaking of Sega. That thing was so beat up, but it was our treasured Sega. We had to like, hit it on the head. And like every which way just to turn it on. And then we would find the perfect location. It was like such a weird angle. Four feet off the ground. And we would stack VHSs. Yeah. VHSs. Anyone remember those? VHSs underneath to like, keep it there. So we could play.

Taranjit: Yeah, we… It was like a Tetris game or something. Like we had to get it the exact right way and have to be sitting perfectly at a different angle.

Bhavneet: There’s nothing more fun than having to work for your video games a new way each day. You wanted to turn on, you got to figure out how to turn it on.  

Taranjit: We used to hit it, too, because we thought that would turn the star to spin and we will get infinite lies.

Bhavneet: It was the Toy Story game.

Taranjit: But then we realized there was some other way to get it.

Bhavneet:  It was like a cheat code. We were young. We didn’t know that.

Taranjit: Because one time it fell off the stand and it started spinning. We were like whoa.

Bhavneet: So, then we would whack that thing until it would work. Maybe that’s why it wouldn’t turn on all the time. Yup.

Taranjit: And then, Mortal Kombat.

Bhavneet: Finish him. That was a very violent game. But so fun. You would throw people up into spikes, and then they would bleed and then fall into the river of blood. And then again, it was probably acid or something because when they came back up, they were a skeleton and then just floated away.

Taranjit: I just remember seeing finish him.

Bhavneet: And then button mashing, if that’s a term.

Taranjit: Another interesting fact. I only said one. You guessed the slap bracelet.

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah, I guess it.

Taranjit: PowerPoint was not originally associated with Microsoft Office.

Bhavneet: Really?

Taranjit: What was it originally for?

Bhavneet: Programming?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: What do you mean originally for?

Taranjit: Like, it wasn’t originally designed for Microsoft Office. What was designed for?

Bhavneet: Like another programming thing? Like, I don’t understand the question

Taranjit: It is kind of hard to ask you a question about this.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: Fun fact. It was originally intended for Macs not PCs.

Bhavneet:  What? No. I’m glad we have it.

Taranjit: Our first computer was like an Apple kind of computer. Remember that?

Bhavneet: That’s true. Yeah. No wonder I didn’t understand it. The green one, right.

Taranjit: It was white

Bhavneet: No, the one that had green letters.

Taranjit: Oh

Bhavneet: That wasn’t really a computer of much sorts. No, I’m glad PowerPoint is for PCs now. That would suck. I wouldn’t have made any of the projects or presentations that I have throughout my school career.

Taranjit: It would be so much more confusing if it was made for Macs than it is now.

Bhavneet: Thank you for coming over to Microsoft. Like, seriously.

Taranjit: Next thing I read on this article, which I don’t know if this is true, but…

Bhavneet: Oh, great. So is any of it true?

Taranjit: I don’t know. But I was reading and I don’t understand how it works. But yet again, I don’t know all the names of the people in this band. So in NSync’s name

Bhavneet: Isn’t that Justin Timberlake’s band?

Taranjit: Yeah. Apparently the name was like his mom thought of this name. And she

Bhavneet: What NSYNC?

Taranjit: Yeah,

Bhavneet: Oh, your mom named your band.

Taranjit: And it’s the last letter of each band members’ name. I don’t know who the band members are in it, but isn’t Justin Timberlake’s last name T?

Bhavneet: The last letter of what? The first

Taranjit: The last letter of each band members name… oh, their first name.

Bhavneet: NSYNC.

Taranjit: That makes sense.

Bhavneet: I thought… that’s really cool though. Oh my god. That’s smart. Okay, whoever’s mom thought of this

Taranjit: His mom

Bhavneet: Oh, you smart. Kudos to you. I would never thought of that. That’s really cool.

Taranjit: And I was thinking when I first read this, but then I said it out loud it made more sense. When I first read it I thought I meant like last letter like last name and I’m like..

Bhavneet: First letter of last name.

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: Not last letter of first name. That’s really cool.

Taranjit: So the other boy band at the time was named after something else. The Backstreet Boys. What were they named after?

Bhavneet: the Backstreet Boys. The alley behind their house? I don’t know.

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: No idea. Again, I don’t know pop culture.

Taranjit: They were named after a flea market in Orlando called Back Street Market.

Bhavneet: A flea market. They named themselves after a flea market.

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: Did they perform there?

Taranjit: It’s a pretty cool name. Backstreet Boys.

Bhavneet: Well, they’re pretty popular so… it worked out. No cool acronyms for them.

Taranjit: So eBay wasn’t always called eBay. What was it called?

Bhavneet: IBay? I buy? I buy.

Taranjit: I buy what?

Bhavneet: It was IBuy?

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: I buy things. I buy eBay.

Taranjit: Auction Web.

Bhavneet: Twa? Pink Panther reference. Jacque Clouseau.

Taranjit: Auction Web

Bhavneet: Interesting.

Taranjit: I don’t know how they came up with eBay.

Bhavneet: Internet

Taranjit: Bay

Bhavneet: Except for internet’s with an I so… Electronic? Electronic…

Taranjit: Internet Explorer? I don’t know.

Bhavneet: I was thinking too hard. Probably just like, Oh, E…Bay. Yeah. And they’re like eBay, like how did Amazon get called an Amazon? Like, they’re like, oh, the Amazon rainforest. It has everything. So we’re going to be Amazon and sell everything. Oh, that actually makes a whole lot of sense when I said out loud.

Taranjit: Yeah, I was just about to say, that was a good point.

Bhavneet: I figured it out. I knew it. I got it. Jeff Bezos. I know how you were thinking. Wait, was he the founder, or just a CEO?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: Well, whoever came up with the name I figured it out.

Taranjit: Was it always Amazon? Or was it like something else? And they’re like, Oh, wait,

Bhavneet: We’re going to be like the rain forest and have everything and anything

Taranjit: Apparently started off as like a book selling site.

Bhavneet: Yeah, it did. So why Amazon?

Taranjit: It had all the books

Bhavneet: Everything and everything

Taranjit: Literally has everything

Bhavneet: It does. I need to read a book.

Taranjit: So the Hummer. It was released in 1992, it weighed eight tons. How many miles per gallon did it get?

Bhavneet: Four?

Taranjit: Nope

Bhavneet: Two, like a Bugatti.

Taranjit: Now it got more than that.

Bhavneet: 10.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Oh, I don’t like Hummers.

Taranjit: It was released in 1992? I mean, there were a lot of Hummers around

Bhavneet: Aren’t they like really bad for the environment?

Taranjit: Yeah, I don’t really see that many anymore.

Bhavneet: Yeah, not a whole lot. But there are a lot of Army stuff, Hummers. Yeah, it’s a big thing. They do, like aot the armored vehicles like Dunbar and all that. They look like they could be Hummers.

Taranjit: I don’t know

Bhavneet: You see those trucks? Those armored trucks? They kind of look like the front could be but who knows. Maybe they are.

Taranjit: They’re leftover Hummer, so they  just kind of…

Bhavneet: Stealing it.

Taranjit: Yeah. The last thing I have about the 90s the toy Bop It.

Bhavneet: Oh my god, Bop It. Bop It. Pull it. Twist it. I never played Bop It so I don’t know all the things but I knew it was popular.

Taranjit: It was inspired by two other toys. And it was a combination of two toys.

Bhavneet: Am I missing out by not playing?

Taranjit: What toys do you think it was a combination of?

Bhavneet: Are these toys I know? That little stretchy thing where you stick your fingers in it and they get stuck.

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: And then you pull. Pull it?

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: Bop It.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Bop It is like that one Indian game that we used to play where you would all sit in a circle. And one.. And… no, one person would sit in a circle. Wait, no. What? One person…

Taranjit: Wait, wait. How can one person sit in a circle?

Bhavneet: You lay down? I don’t know. One person would sit and everyone else would stand and they would, I forget what the song was, but you would put your fists on top of each other on top of the person’s head. And then something like that, and then when you get to the top you like all hit the person’s head or something. And you run and they had to tag someone. I think that’s how it went.

Taranjit: Yeah, I think it was something like that

Bhavneet: Bop it.

Taranjit: No, but that’s not the right answer.

Bhavneet: That is??

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Okay. I can’t think of any other games.

Taranjit: Simon and whack a mole

Bhavneet: Simon. Oh yeah

Taranjit: It’s kind of like telling you what to do.

Bhavneet: Whack a mole.

Taranjit: Yeah it’s like, Bop it

Bhavneet: Bop it. Oh, you’re like… Bop it. Bop it. Bop it. Twist it.

Taranjit: Pull it.

Bhavneet: What’s the fourth thing? Isn’t it four things?

Taranjit: I think so.

Bhavneet: I’ve never played it. What’s the fourth thing? Somebody tell us. Let us know. I need to know.

Taranjit: Google.

Bhavneet: Somebody tell me. Post it on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Something. Let me know. I need to know.

Taranjit: So as I was looking at these fun facts about the 90s I also found this list by Bustle that said the things that 2000 Kids, things about 2000s kids that terrify 90s kids.

Bhavneet: Terrify, okay. I was kind of on the verge I was kind of like half and half. So…what scares 90s kids?

Taranjit: First thing it says you never live your life without the internet.

Bhavneet: Oh, that’s true. Okay, so I’ve lived my life without the internet. Again. We played Legends of the Hidden Temple. If any of you don’t know what that is. Look it up. Best Game Show ever.

Taranjit: Yeah. We used to mimic everything they did.

Bhavneet: Yep. Take pillows and you would jump across them like they are little steppers

Taranjit: And also Double Dare. We used to be like no, go over there. Go over there.

Bhavneet: Is that the house game?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: No, no. That wasn’t. The one where you ran through the house?

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: Oh. Double Dare 2000. They had the 2000 version.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Okay. So there’s the 2000s. Yep. game shows or the 90s

Taranjit: Smartphones are just a thing for you guys.

Bhavneet: Again, with the internet. Yep.

Taranjit: Then it said that Walkmans, CDs, and tapes are just punch lines for them.

Bhavneet: Okay. cassette tapes were the jam.

Taranjit: I remember when I got my first Walkman.

Bhavneet: I never had a Walkman

Taranjit: I had one tape that I just played over and over again.

Bhavneet: We played Anamika. If any of you know who that is. She was like, she was our jam when we were little.

Taranjit: Oh yeah. We used to listen to her over and over again.

Bhavneet: Kala-sha-kala. Anamika.

Taranjit: Then it said your Disney crushes seems so young in comparison to ours. Well, I mean, now the kids like at young age can start acting whereas when we’re watching them they were older

Bhavneet: Again. We grew up with more Bollywood then Hollywood or like Disney

Taranjit: Living in Indian household. You basically have to watch Indian shows.

Bhavneet: So we grew up with Hrithik, Shahid and Priyanka instead of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Taranjit: The other thing it said: you know how to do makeup like a pro.

Bhavneet: I do?

Taranjit: No, the 2000 kids.

Bhavneet: Oh okay.

Taranjit: You will never know the joys of playing pinball on the computer. More like Minesweeper,

Bhavneet: Oh my god. I never understood that game. But then our brother explained it to us and I’m like, wow, I feel so stupid. You know what I would do?

Taranjit: What?

Bhavneet: I would just, I would, I would just click random squares. And I’m like, oh, shoot. I died. Try again. Hey look, numbers. Is the high number better? Click number. Click, click, click, click, click. Oh, I died. I never realized the point. That’s why I hated it.

Taranjit: They never had to share a Family Computer.

Bhavneet: We had to share.

Taranjit: Yeah, one computer. I remember when they first came out. And they’re like, so bulky.

Bhavneet: I didn’t remember when they first.. But like, I remember our old computer. What was the point of the one that was in our parents’ room? It was like black screen and angry letters. And did nothing.

Taranjit: Yeah, I don’t know what that did.

Bhavneet: We just like we’d go in there and just type letters.

Taranjit: I don’t think we had like any sort of internet or anything for it. Just kind of like the computer.

Bhavneet: So we would just like, randomly type things on there. And I don’t know if we like ruined it anything or something, but we would go over there and just like click, click, click, click, click, enter, click, click, click, click, Oh, Backspace, backspace, click, click, click, click. Yep. That’s my pecking of noise.

Taranjit: Last thing on this list says your entire life is documented.

Bhavneet: Yeah, pretty much. I yeah. Nope. Not. I don’t know how people like every two seconds. Here’s my food. There’s the floor I stepped on.

Taranjit: If you ever wanted to find someone, you could probably just go on their social media and find where they are every second of every day.

Bhavneet: No thank you. No, stalkers please.

Taranjit: So I found these cool, fun facts. Well, not fun facts, like trivia questions about 90 shows. I want to test your knowledge.

Bhavneet: I don’t have much knowledge.

Taranjit: You watch these shows.

Bhavneet: Oh, I watched them religiously.

Taranjit: So let’s see.

Bhavneet: Like I remember. Rolie Polie Olie. He’s small and smart and round and something, something, something, something, he’s the swellest kid around. He’s Rolie Polie Olie. I don’t know that middle part. Like, I never knew it. I always went dun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun he’s the swellest kid around. Anybody know the lyrics, please let me know.

Taranjit: And then out of the box  

Bhavneet: Out of the box. That was the best show.

Taranjit: The ending when they used to sing

Bhavneet: Something and Vivian.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: What was his name?

Taranjit: Tony?

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah, right. Yep. I think so.

Taranjit: What kind of animal is Rocco?

Bhavneet: Rocco? I have no idea. So weird. He’s like a… Rocko’s Modern Life, people. We watched this show. He wore a blue like Hawaiian shirt.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: What the heck was he? I never knew. He was a weird thing. He had a tail.

Taranjit: Apparently a lot of people thought he was a kangaroo, but he’s a wallaby.

Bhavneet: They’re kind of like kangaroos. I never realized that. Okay. I didn’t know what a wallaby was when we were little. So… okay

Taranjit: I never really thought about that. Like, oh, what is he? I was just like oh, Rocco.

Bhavneet: Yeah, Rocko’s Modern Life. Whoo.

Taranjit: What religion do the pickles from the Rugrats practice?

Bhavneet: They have a religion?

Taranjit: Apparently.

Bhavneet: What? I didn’t know this. Okay. You said Rugrats. And I thought of the episode with a mattress.

Taranjit: Oh, yes.

Bhavneet: If any of you know what I’m talking about. Good for you. Where like the dad has like imprinted on his mattress. And they think it’s a monster. And it’s eating him. And they must save him.

Taranjit: And then when I think their grandfather or the dad, like went to go, like, throw the mattress out. And they’re behind it. And it’s like moving. And

Bhavneet: He was like sleepwalking, too. So he was all like, ooooh, they’re like, aaaah! Okay. I don’t know religion. DeeDee and…

Taranjit: Tommy and his family are Jewish.

Bhavneet: Jewish. What?

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: I didn’t know that. Who knew that? Where did they say that?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: When did they show that?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: Anybody know that? What?

Taranjit: What’s the name of the fictional town where Rocket Power takes place.

Bhavneet: Oh, gosh. Um. Oh my god. We got our brother hooked on this show. This is a great show. Reggie. That and CatDog. Sam, Otto, Otto? Otto. Uh huh.

Taranjit: What was the other kid with the backwards hat?

Bhavneet: Yeah. What was the name? I was about to say Doofus. What kind of name is that? Oh my god, was his name? Reggie. Otto. Sam.. Twister.

Taranjit: Yeah, Twister.

Bhavneet: And what was the dad’s name? I forget what the… Oh my god. We had a game and we recently, like not recent recently, but we played it again. Nintendo GameCube 90’s kids hello. Hello.

Taranjit: So what’s the town’s name?

Bhavneet: I don’t remember. Something weird. I got no idea.

Taranjit:  Ocean shores. California.

Bhavneet: Of course, it’s California. Should have guessed that.

Taranjit: Thornberrys. Next question’s about them.

Bhavneet: About who?

Taranjit:  Thornberrys

Bhavneet: Oh, the Wild Thornberrys. Where the monkey was smart and the boy was not.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Eliza

Taranjit:  Darwin.

Bhavneet: Darwin was a monkey. No, no, Darwin was the boy which was ironic. Now that you’re older and you realize that Darwin was the guy who discovered like learned about evolution

Taranjit:  What was the monkey’s name.

Bhavneet: Oh my God. He had some smart name. I don’t know. Darwin was the boy, I don’t remember.

Taranjit:  Okay. Here’s your question, what is Eliza Thornberry secret gift?

Bhavneet: She can talk to animals.

Taranjit:  Yeah

Bhavneet: I know that one. That was a good show.

Taranjit:  This one’s pretty easy too. Who has a half bone half fish house?

Bhavneet: Okay. This is another one that I don’t know the words to. Da-doo-da-doo-da-doo CatDog. That’s how I sing the theme song. Da-doo-da-doo-da-doo CatDog.

Taranjit:  Okay, do you know this one?

Bhavneet: Anybody know the words to that song?

Taranjit:  Yeah, we don’t know the words to a lot of the theme songs.

Bhavneet: Please tell me I need to know. I know the tunes. I’ve tried to listen so intently when I rewatch these and I can’t figure it out.

Taranjit:  Hey Arnold.

Bhavneet: Hey football head? Helga G. Pataki. It’s so tacky yaar.

Taranjit:  And her Arnold shrine.

Bhavneet: That was creepy. Very creepy.

Taranjit:  Herald

Bhavneet: Every time I say Helga G Pataki I think of the line from Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham

Taranjit:  It’s so tacky

Bhavneet: It’s so tacky yaar. Except for we totally exaggerated that

Taranjit:  You exaggerated it.

Bhavneet: Not how he says it. We watched the movie and all he says is “it’s so tacky yaar.” All right, let’s go.

Taranjit:  I don’t even think he adds yaar. I think just like so tacky

Bhavneet: Yeah I know he doesn’t even say yaar. He’s like it’s tacky all right let me go find my brother. Meh.

Taranjit:  You made it sound so much cooler than it was.

Bhavneet: Look I publicized your line for you. Okay. Helga G Pataki.

Taranjit:  In which New York City borough does Arnold live?

Bhavneet: Brooklyn. I don’t know. Oh, I just guessed.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Like I knew that. I didn’t even know it was New York. That makes sense

Taranjit: This is a… Did you? I don’t know if you know this but it’s interesting. It’s about Doug. Remember Doug.

Bhavneet: Oh yeah. Doug. He has a blue friend.

Taranjit: What’s his name?

Bhavneet: Scooter. I think. Something like that

Taranjit: Name Doug Funny’s favorite band.

Bhavneet: Beatles

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: I just guessed. I have no idea. Again. No pop culture knowledge.

Taranjit: Yeah, I don’t know when if they mentioned this. I don’t remember this. The Beets. That was the name of the band. He loved the Beets.

Bhavneet: Is it like the Beatles, but like,

Taranjit: I guess fiction version?

Bhavneet: Yeah, maybe.

Taranjit: Oh, this is another question off of that one. What was the name of the Beets hit song?

Bhavneet: So is it a beetle song?

Taranjit: No. No.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit:  No this is like they’re made up in the show.

Bhavneet: Yeah, but is it like off of?

Taranjit: I don’t know. I don’t know.

Bhavneet: If anyone knows let us know. I don’t know. It’s above my head. Okay.

Taranjit: Killer Tofu

Bhavneet: Killer Tofu? I guess it could kill you. I mean technically anything could. But okay.

Taranjit: So, as we were looking at 90 stuff and early 2000s we came across a quiz like always

Bhavneet: Yes quizzes are fun

Taranjit: Which early 2000s cartoon are you? So here’s what we did.

Bhavneet: Here’s what we did? Here’s the quiz.

Taranjit: Here’s the quiz.

Bhavneet: Ask the question.

Taranjit: One. If a bully was picking on a smaller kid you would: A) runaway you don’t want to be next. B) just take it, your the smaller kid.

Bhavneet: Aww

Taranjit: C) Tell a teacher. This is a problem for adults to handle. Or D) stand up to the kid. Someone’s got to.

Bhavneet: I said, stand up to the kid. Someone’s got to.

Taranjit: I said, just take it

Bhavneet: As much as I probably would be. I’d like to think that I would do that one. Okay. I would probably be the smaller kid but.

Taranjit: Pick a superpower: invisibility, super speed, flying, ability to talk to animals, super fast healing, or time travel.

Bhavneet: Going with my shyness, invisibility please. Uh, letter A please. Diana White.

Taranjit: What is invisibility?

Bhavneet: Oh, now we’re in jeopardy. We went from Wheel of Fortune to…oh, her name’s not Diana. Her name’s Vanna White.

Taranjit: I didn’t even catch that.

Bhavneet: Shows how much… as I was saying it I was like that does not sound right. But…shows how much I watch Wheel of Fortune.

Taranjit: I said time travel. Because like, you can just go wherever you want to go whenever you want to go.

Bhavneet: Okay. Invisibility.

Taranjit: Question number 3

Bhavneet: 4?

Taranjit: 3.

Bhavneet: Oh, sorry. Yep.

Taranjit: Choose one word to describe yourself. Ready for your options?

Bhavneet: Yes

Taranjit: Creative? Probably you. Intelligent, funny, athletic or curious.

Bhavneet: Number two, please. What’s behind door two?

Taranjit: You said intelligent?

Bhavneet: Why I’m not.

Taranjit: I thought you would say creative.

Bhavneet: I’m not that creative. Not that creative.

Taranjit: So mine was more of a process of elimination answer.

Bhavneet: Like a quiz. Alright, can’t be that one. Oh, now I’m down to two. Maybe this…

Taranjit: So, I was like creative. I’m not. Funny. Nope. Athletic, definitely not. Curious. Eh. So like, I guess intelligent.

Bhavneet: I guess I’m intelligent cuz I process of eliminated to get to it. And only intelligent people would do that.

Taranjit: Yeah. So I picked intelligent.

Bhavneet: Okay, way to go.

Taranjit: That’s how I picked it though.

Bhavneet: That’s a good thought process for an intelligent person.

Taranjit: I’m the more I guess I think more logically than creatively. So I guess it makes sense why did that but…

Bhavneet: Okay. Number four.

Taranjit: Pick an entertainment industry job. Director, actor, music producer, costume designer, singer, or screenwriter.

Bhavneet: Because I like the beats, Music Producer

Taranjit: I said Director.

Bhavneet: Oh, boss lady.

Taranjit: Again. Process of elimination. Actor? I’m not good at it. Music Producer? I don’t think I have that creativity to do that. Again, Costume Designer. No creativity. Singer? I can’t sing. Screenwriter? Definitely can’t right so I guess I’ll just direct.

Bhavneet: Process of elimination. I guess so. I guess I’ll be the boss. Oh, fine if I must.

Taranjit: Pick a Gatorade. Red, blue, yellow or green?

Bhavneet: So we said the colors because we don’t know the flavors. This is how much we drink Gatorade. So I will take the original please. Lemon lime. That one I know.

Taranjit: I’ve only had yellow. So yellow.

Bhavneet: Lemon lime. That one I know the name of, that’s about it.

Taranjit: How you feel about the X Games? It’s the greatest sporting event of the year. I don’t know, because I don’t watch it. Nervous, I constantly think the athletes are going to get hurt.

Bhavneet: So none of those answers are accurate. I’ve watched X Games and kind of enjoy them. But it’s not like I love them. Or I always think they’re gonna die. It’s kind of like in the middle so I just went with I don’t know because I don’t watch it because of like, none of the other two are accurate at all.

Taranjit: I just went… I was kind of thinking like, Oh, I don’t know if it’s the greatest cuz I didn’t say like, I didn’t feel like that was my answer. And then I said I didn’t want to say I don’t know because I don’t watch it because I’ve watched it.

Bhavneet: Exactly

Taranjit: I went with nervous.

Bhavneet: This was a really hard question. Like who came up with these options? They’re not good. So yeah, I lied.

Taranjit: You lied.

Bhavneet: Yeah, I lied on the test.

Taranjit: And your results are going to be altered.

Bhavneet: Sweet.

Taranjit: I didn’t even ask the question.

Bhavneet: I was responding with my answer and it made sense.

Taranjit: Do you have a sweet or savory tooth.

Bhavneet: You know that answer.

Taranjit: Sweet, savory, or both?

Bhavneet: Sweet. Which is why I’m fat

Taranjit: You’re not that fat.

Bhavneet: Yes

Taranjit: I went with a bit of both.

Bhavneet: I do like both. But sweet. If you give me something sweet to eat, I will eat it. I love sweet. How many people are with me. Sweet. Let me know.

Taranjit: Pick a time period to live in. The Jurassic period, Ancient Egypt, Renaissance, Roaring 20s, 60s, or the future

Bhavneet: I went with future. Photosynthesis. Anyone get that? Photosynthesis.

Taranjit: And he was like fuuuutuuuure.

Bhavneet: Oh yeah that’s better. That’s better. Future. Except right. He was saying future but he was doing photosynthesis.Like the weird

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: Yeah. Okay.

Taranjit: Spongebob.

Bhavneet: Future. Future. Future. What’s really weird. SpongeBob’s like a 90 or 2000 show. Right? But we never watched it until our brother started watching it. Never watched SpongeBob

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Then we like watched every episode because he watched every episode. Sometimes twice.

Taranjit: Number nine. What are you afraid of? Spiders, heights, public speaking, or the dark?

Bhavneet: As much as public speaking is the worst thing ever. Like how many of you guys have had to do that? It’s terrible it’s scary. Never gets better. Guess what I picked?

Taranjit: Heights

Bhavneet: Obviously.

Taranjit: I know you’re terrified.

Bhavneet: Yeah. I can’t go up a ladder

Taranjit: You can’t go on chair

Bhavneet: I can’t even get on a chair. Because I think it’s gonna break. Part of it is my overstressed brain. I worry about everything.

Taranjit: And you make me start worrying about things I didn’t even worry about.

Bhavneet: I don’t know my brain, like, thinks of all the things that could go wrong in a situation. Any situation that we’re in like, but what if this happens and it’s like, I never even thought of that. That’s not even a  thing. But it is now. Now I’m thinking of it.

Taranjit: Yeah, thanks to you.

Bhavneet: So I couldn’t even paint like I had to pay the top part of the wall. I couldn’t even get on the chair. Like my legs were so tensed. By time I got down I had cramps and it’s like, oww.

Taranjit: Leg workout.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Leg workout, get on a chair.

Taranjit: I picked spiders.

Bhavneet: Not heights?

Taranjit: Not scared of heights. If I was at the edge of the Grand Canyon. Yes.

Bhavneet: That was scary. I thought I was gonna fall over. And I was like, five feet back.

Taranjit: But like, standing on a chair or ladder? No problem.

Bhavneet: And they had no, like, nothing to protect you. Iif you fall over you’re gone.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: I’m like aah.

Taranjit: People were going to the edge. They were like, sitting and dangling their feet. I was like, nope.

Bhavneet: Nope. Someone touches me. I’m gonna fall over.

Taranjit: I stood as close as I could and just like looked over real quick and backed up.

Bhavneet: I stood as close as I could, which was five feet back. And I still thought that I was going to fall down. I’m too high.

Taranjit: Now. Pick a fruit. Bananas, grapes, peaches, pineapples?

Bhavneet: You know my answer.

Taranjit: Grapes.

Bhavneet: I love them grapes. Red ones. Red ones are the best, especially when they’re all crunchy and juicy because they’re sweet. I love sweet. Not too sweet like the purple ones. Are they black? I don’t know.

Taranjit: Purple, black whatever.

Bhavneet: But red they’re perfect.

Taranjit: I love pineapples.

Bhavneet: That was an option?

Taranjit: Yeah,

Bhavneet: Not a big fan. They’re ok.

Taranjit: You can live forever. Would you? And your choices. Absolutely. I’d love to see how the world changes. Yes. Only if I could stay young forever. No, life special because time is limited.

Bhavneet: I said. No, life is special because time is limited.

Taranjit: Same, I said the same thing

Bhavneet: We think alike. Except you’re not afraid of the same things as me. And you don’t worry about everything. So we don’t think alike. I make you think like me. Yeah. All right.

Taranjit: Next question. How long

Bhavneet: Next answer. You spoke too fast.

Taranjit: How long do you spend on the computer a day? Your choices: less than an hour, I prefer to be outside or reading; one to four hours, I spend time but not my whole day; four to eight, I spend a solid chunk of my day; or eight plus I’m give to my computer.

Bhavneet: I’m give to my computer.

Taranjit: I don’t think I wrote the complete answer.

Bhavneet: You give your life to your computer pretty much or something.

Taranjit: Probably.

Bhavneet: Okay. So it depends on where I am. Or like, what my situation is not the time. But on average, I would say one to four hours. I spent some time but not my whole day on the computer because I prefer to read but I don’t spend less than an hour because I got a lot of work to do.

Taranjit: Yeah, if I had a choice, I probably be doing the less than an hour, but I don’t. So I usually go like I said one to four on average. Just like you

Bhavneet: Computers are like you have to use them.

Taranjit: You can’t go without it now.

Bhavneet: Exactly. Back to the 90s.

Taranjit: Last question.

Bhavneet: Last answer.

Taranjit: If you won the lottery what would you buy? A private island, a yacht, a dream trip, a Lamborghini, a robot, nothing I’d save the money.

Bhavneet: I don’t want a yacht because I can’t swim. Again. And it’s a pretty tall… heights. So I picked a dream trip.

Taranjit: Same. So what did you get? Results.

Bhavneet: Okay, fine. You are the Fairly Odd Parents.

Taranjit: What?

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: For real?

Bhavneet: Yeah. What, I just randomly thought of The Fairly Odd Parents

Taranjit: You’re going to be jealous of my answer.

Bhavneet: You’re a dreamer, your imagination takes you on some pretty wild adventures. However, you realize that winning and achieving greatness requires a lot more than wishful thinking.

Taranjit: Yeah, that works. I got Kim Possible

Bhavneet: Kim Possible?!

Taranjit: Uh-huh.

Bhavneet: Call me, beep me if you want to reach me.

Taranjit: It says

Bhavneet: Doesn’t matter where it doesn’t matter when I will be there for you till the very end. Danger or trouble I’m there on the double. You know that you can always call or you always can call Kim Possible. Danny Phantom.

Taranjit: It says, with your confidence and bravery nothing can stand in your way. Whether it’s stopping a supervillain from destroying the world with a giant laser or acing a test or just being a normal person. You excel at everything. You also clearly understand that anything is possible for a Possible.

Bhavneet: I’m a dreamer. Okay, so if I was on that show, I would be Ron Stoppable because I’m scared of heights. Yes. So I would be Ron Stoppable.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: As much as I want as much as… as much as I would want to be Kim Possible.

Taranjit: Much like, whoa.

Bhavneet: That’s how scared I am

Taranjit: What are you doing Danny Phantom now as as Ghost.

Bhavneet: Box ghost. You didn’t watch that so you don’t know.

Taranjit: That and Duck Tales. I could never get into. But

Bhavneet: Oh. I love DuckTales. No, not DuckTales. Darkwing Duck.

Taranjit: Darkwing Duck. That’s what I meant. Darkwing Duck.

Bhavneet: Darkwing Duck. I love that show. I don’t remember what it’s about at all. I just remember there was a duck in a purple like cape outfit thing with a hat. Was he a detective superhero? What was he? I don’t know. Anybody remember? That was a good show.

Taranjit: So I got your favorite show character.

Bhavneet: Yeah it’s not fair

Taranjit: We didn’t even watch Fairly Odd Parents until later

Bhavneet: Again, until our brother started.

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: And he’s what six years younger. We were not with the trends of what everyone else watched. When everyone else watched Pokemon we watched dragon tales.

Taranjit: That was our show before going to school. As soon as it finished it was time for the bus like

Bhavneet: Preschool. Elementary, early elementary school. Dragon tales was our show.

Taranjit: Dragon Tales…

Bhavneet: Dragon Tales something something dragon tales

Taranjit: And then

Bhavneet: To a land of… I don’t know

Taranjit: Max and what’s her name? Ruby?

Bhavneet: I think so. I don’t remember really

Taranjit: Where they’re like I wish

Bhavneet: I wish with all my heart to fly with the dragons in the land

Taranjit: Apart

Bhavneet: Heart.

Taranjit: Heart? Apart?

Bhavneet: I don’t remember! I was just saying stuff

Taranjit: And then Cassidy and the twin dragons

Bhavneet: And the blue one and the big grandfather one. That was a good show.

Taranjit: So we did the which cartoon character are you? And then we also did another quiz to see which 90s cartoon show we were.

Bhavneet: Yeah except for I mean the cartoon was a show too. It meant by cartoon show cuz I got Fairly Odd Parents

Taranjit: Oh yeah

Bhavneet: Yeah

Taranjit: I guess

Bhavneet: I got one that I didn’t like the show

Taranjit: Wait what?

Bhavneet: I think you liked it but I didn’t.

Taranjit: I got one we watched.

Bhavneet: I think we watched it or you watched it and I didn’t like it. Pick a Pokemon. I can’t pronounce these. Again, didn’t watch Pokemon. Did not follow that trend. Except for we had like a lot of Pokemon cards.

Taranjit: But, we didn’t get them they were left it at a rental house that we owned and they’re just left over so we’re like oh Pokemon cards.

Bhavneet: Not we owned, our parents owned, but so. Balbazar, Charmander, Mewtwo, Squirtle.  I think that’s how that one said it. That’s the only one I remember. Pikachu and Dragonite.

Taranjit: I picked Pikachu because that’s the only one I knew.

Bhavneet: I picked Squirtle because I thought it was funny I don’t know anything about them but that was funny. Pick a 90s jam which is really hard because again no pop culture. Blink 182’s What’s my age again; MMM Bop or triple m Bop by Hansen; Do up what that or no do up that thing by Lauren Hill; Baby One More Time by Britney Spears; Mo Money Mo Problems by Notorious R i G or Wanna be by Spice Girls. Which I didn’t realize what song that was until we looked it up and I was like, oh my god. Chicken Little. It’s the only time I ever heard that song.

Taranjit: I never even really knew what the Spice Girls songs were at all but I had a Barbie doll.

Bhavneet: Yeah. I don’t even know which one you had. You had one.

Taranjit: I forget her name. I knew it at the time when I had the doll.

Bhavneet: If you wanna… What was the song? It was like… something.

Taranjit: I don’t remember. You wanna, you wanna

Bhavneet: You wanna, wanna, wanna, wanna.

Taranjit: Yeah something like that.

Bhavneet: If you want to be my. Yeah.

Taranjit: That’s it.

Bhavneet: Okay. All right. Which one did you pick?

Taranjit: I picked Britney Spears Baby One More Time because

Bhavneet: That was our jam when we were little. The one Britney Spears song.

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: That we like listened to. Yep, that’s the one I picked, only the one I knew. Alright. Pick a food. Dunkeroos.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Which I didn’t know what they were. Until we went to New York

Taranjit: We tried them for the first time and then we loved them ever since.

Bhavneet: But those who were, like, our sneak up midnight snacks every night we were there which, yeah, not good. Hyped up on sugar before you try to go to sleep. And then I wake up in the middle of the night.

Taranjit: And then their scary bathroom.

Bhavneet: Oh my god. Don’t even get me started. That was the worst thing ever. Okay. So first mistake we were like, what? I was like seven or something. And they made us watch The Ring

Taranjit: And at night. Which made it worse.

Bhavneet: Yeah. I was so terrified. Because they’re, like, so much older. I’m the youngest. I freaked out. So scared. And then their bathroom looks exactly like the one in the movie.

Taranjit: I didn’t take a shower in there after watching that.

Bhavneet: Nope. I didn’t shower. I’m just like, nope. Go in there. Yep. I showered. Uh huh. Get out.

Taranjit: It was so scary.

Bhavneet: That was the worst. Oh my god. Nope. Don’t want to talk about that. Nope.

Taranjit: You just did.

Bhavneet: Dunkaroos. Crackers with cheese dip. Warheads. First time I had those was in like, sixth grade health class. Sunny D. Gushers or Hi-C.

Taranjit: I picked Dunkaroos

Bhavneet: I picked Gushers. Cuz I was like Dunkaroos yeah. But then I went on that train of thought. And then I saw the bathroom. So I’m like, nope. Gushers. Pick a pattern. Don’t know how to describe these. So I picked the first one. So take the quiz.

Taranjit: I picked the sixth one. The one that was like a colorful animal print. Like Cheetah like tiger…

Bhavneet: I didn’t know how to describe any of these. So take the quiz will post the links. Let us know which ones you picked and who you get. Pick a toy. Talk boy. Talk Bay, Talk. Bay. Spiky puffball, castle with an action figures, water gun, bird balance on finger thing. That’s what I called it. I don’t know what it was. It’s a bird balance on your finger. I don’t know. Or mini doll fairy shoe.

Taranjit: Rihard gave us that something like that. That little bird thing on the balance they remember?

Bhavneet: Oh yeah. Which one did you pick?

Taranjit: I picked the sixth option because it reminded me of that shoe you had

Bhavneet: I still have it. It’s right here behind us. We’re in the attic.

Taranjit: Wait

Bhavneet: It’s in here. Yeah, I have a box of toys

Taranjit: It reminded me of that like shoe play thing you had.

Bhavneet: Kind of like Polly Pocket but not. I had a Polly Pocket. But it’s a little little doll thing. But it doesn’t move it’s like frozen. It’s like little action figure.

Taranjit: Apparently they came out with like max pockets or something for boys.

Bhavneet: I mean, everyone’s got to have a toy. Right? But I have that shoe thing. You’ll probably find it. Probably behind me somewhere. Which one of these game shows could you beat? Nick arcade? Nick Guts. Legends of the Hidden temple. What would you do? Double Dare or Figure it out. That was another show.

Taranjit: Yes. We watched that to.

Bhavneet: Yep. All the game shows.

Taranjit: So I really wish I could have like won on Legends of the Hidden temple. But there’s no way so I picked Double Dare. Because I felt like I could do that

Bhavneet: Was Double Dare the one with the house?

Taranjit: I think so. That’s what I’m thinking of when I picked it.

Bhavneet: That’s what I thought it was. I wasn’t sure. So I picked Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Taranjit: There’s no way I could beat that

Bhavneet: I don’t think I could beat it but I thought it would be fun so I picked it.

Taranjit: That’s what I wanted to pick. But I’m like the question’s like what you could beat.

Bhavneet: Yeah, I know. But I just really want to be on that show.

Taranjit: If Double Dare was the house one, I definitely feel like I could. I had a chance.

Bhavneet: That would be cool. That was fun.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Just watching it. Pick a 90s couple. And I wrote next to it don’t recognize any of them. There’s no names underneath.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: So I picked Friends.

Taranjit: Same because it was the only one I knew.

Bhavneet: Never watched the show, but Jennifer Aniston’ in it. Alright. Pick a slang word

Taranjit: Word

Bhavneet: Word. That’s the word. All right. Tight, fly, crib. What is crib? Like my crib? Okay. Dope, psych spelled weird or word.

Taranjit: Word

Bhavneet: Me too! Word.

Taranjit: Remember… what show? That’s So Raven or something where their just like word.

Bhavneet: I think it was like one of the people just keep going word

Taranjit: Word

Bhavneet: Word word word word. Pick a RL Stein’s Goosebumps book. I don’t I haven’t read any of these. I think I’ve read goose bumps but I don’t remember any of these so Phantom of the Auditorium, Revenge of the law gnomes, Say cheese and die, How I got my shrunken head, The night of the living dummy or the haunted mask.

Taranjit: I just picked Say cheese and die. I don’t remember my reason. I don’t know if it was a cover or what but I like this one.

Bhavneet: I picked Revenge of the law gnomes. It seemed the less gory. Pick a 90’s film. Homeward Bound, The Incredible Journey, Mulan, Home Alone, A Goofy Movie, Aladdin or Matilda.

Taranjit: I picked Aladdin.

Bhavneet: I picked. Guess what?

Taranjit: What was the options?

Bhavneet:  Homeward Bound, Home Alone, Mulan.

Taranjit: Mulan. You picked Mulan.

Bhavneet: Mulan. Yeah.

Taranjit: When I heard it, I’m like, she picked this. But then I forgot the options.

Bhavneet: Mulan. As much as I love Aladdin. I’m like, really into Milan. Like a lot. I really like that movie. So what did you get? What 90s cartoon series are you?

Taranjit: The PowerPuff Girls

Bhavneet: What?! I got a… oh I can’t say that. I got a show that I did not like

Taranjit: Wait. It says you

Bhavneet: I love that show

Taranjit: Kick a…

Bhavneet: Kick A? Why not B?

Taranjit: With a double S and you know it. While you may get frustrated with others on occasion. You’re still the smartest, coolest person on the block.

Bhavneet: That’s not cool. I want to be PowerPuff Girls.

Taranjit: Bubbles.

Bhavneet: I was Bubbles. You were Buttercup.

Taranjit: No Blossom.

Bhavneet: Blossom. The red one.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: I was Bubbles. Always Bubbles. Guess what I got?

Taranjit: I don’t know, what?

Bhavneet: Recess. You liked this show

Taranjit: No I didn’t.

Bhavneet: I hated it. Hated it.

Taranjit: It was like a… if nothing’s on, I guess show.

Bhavneet: Yeah, but you are more okay with it. I absolutely hated the show. You’re a person of the people. You tend to get along with everyone. And you tend to find yourself having to sneak out of uncomfortable situations from time to time. But hey, that’s life. PowerPuff Girls. What the heck.

Taranjit: Yeah, I like my answers. And then we are so into these quizzes because it was reminding us of our favorite shows

Bhavneet: Reminiscing

Taranjit: We took one more, but we won’t bore you with all the questions and the answer choices. We’re just going to go straight to the results.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: So which 90s Nickelodeon character are you?

Bhavneet: Tommy Pickles.

Taranjit: I got the same thing!

Bhavneet: Gosh, darn it when I get good ones you get them too. Alright. Fine. A boy’s got to do what a boys got to do. Your kind, loyal brave.

Taranjit: Wait. It said a boy’s got to do? It said a baby’s got to do

Bhavneet: No it said boy.

Taranjit: It said a baby

Bhavneet: I wrote boy, twice.

Taranjit: It said baby.

Bhavneet: Maybe you should read this with flair. Read it.

Taranjit: It says a baby’s got to do what a baby’s got to do.

Bhavneet: With flair.

Taranjit: Flair?

Bhavneet: A baby’s got to do what a baby’s got to do.

Taranjit: No. You want me to read the whole thing?

Bhavneet: Yeah with flair.

Taranjit: Your kind, loyal, brave and straightforward individual. Do you like, take vacations? You’re a true explorer who will jump at the chance of going on an adventure.

Bhavneet: Your friends look up to you as a leader. Because they know you always do what’s right. You protect your peers from bullies. Even though you sometimes can be fooled. Tommy Pickles. Unquote.

Taranjit: We’re both Tommy

Bhavneet: There’s only room for one Tommy in this world. I’ve sent my laser from stun to kill. Oh, great if someone attacks us we can blink up to death.

Taranjit: At least have a screwdriver.

Bhavneet: I do too. At least I’m not Chucky.

Taranjit: Why? What’s wrong with Chucky?

Bhavneet: I’m a scaredy cat then.

Taranjit: Your scared of heights.

Bhavneet: I am but not the whole world. Maybe.

Taranjit: Maybe. You do worry though. So…

Bhavneet: That is true. Maybe I should have just been Chucky.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Chucky, whatever his last name is.

Taranjit: You rigged it to get Tommy Pickles.

Bhavneet: Apparently I did. So let us know what you guys got. What series you are or which 90s character you are.

Taranjit: We’re very curious to see if you’re on the same team as us

Bhavneet: Like me! Or her…you know,

Taranjit: I got the cooler shows. Kim Possible. The PowerPuff Girls and Tommy Pickles.

Bhavneet: That is true. If anyone gets Danny Phantom. You’re my hero. Let me know. Danny Phantom. Can you sing the song? I never got to sing the song. Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And thank you for letting us join you on your daily commute.

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