Transcript of E3: The Space Outside Earth

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Bhavneet: Welcome to Drive With Us. It’s your favorite hosts, Bhavneet

Taranjit: And Taranjit.

Bhavneet: And today we’re gonna talk about space. Not space around you, but the space outside of Earth.

Taranjit: Outer Space.

Bhavneet: Yes, outer space.

Taranjit: You could have just said outer space. Not the space around you, but the one around Earth. You know there’s a word for that?

Bhavneet: Oh we just made one?

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: I love the space outside of Earth! It’s outside of Earth.

Taranjit: Did you hear that there’s no gravity in the space outside of Earth?

Bhavneet: No, but I heard that they’re building, like, cars and ships to go there.

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: You gonna buy me a ticket? Back to last time.

Taranjit: There we are again.

Bhavneet: Alright, well. In the news, recently, Virgin Galactic had their first launch since their failed attempt in 2014. So like 4 years. They launched successfully and they’re trying to commercialize spaceflight. How cool is that? Not? I think it’s cool. You look bored. No space. She doesn’t like space guys. She wants to stay in the inner space of Earth, not the space outside of Earth.

Taranjit: Yeah, I don’t know if I would want to go or not.

Bhavneet: They’re doing, like, orbital trips. Like short ones where you go out, you can see Earth and be like, “ooh that’s where I live” and then go back down.

Taranjit: So not that long.

Bhavneet: No

Taranjit: Very short

Bhavneet: Yeah. Just in the orbit. Just… boop… down. So you can be like “Whoa Earth. Look at you!” Come back.

Taranjit: Okay

Bhavneet: Would you want to do that?

Taranjit: If you pay for it.

Bhavneet: Well, I would pay for myself… so. I mean if you would pay for me…

Taranjit: But that’s the same thing.

Bhavneet: But then we can go together.

Taranjit: Yeah, but you could pay for both of us.

Bhavneet: I give you a gift. You give me a gift.

Taranjit: Not that kind of gift. I don’t have that kind of money.

Bhavneet: That’s not nice.

Taranjit: Apparently, they’ll only be able to take 6 people at a time, though.

Bhavneet: Really?

Taranjit: Yeah. Maximum capacity, 6.

Bhavneet: Well, I mean when astronauts go on… go to space, how many people go? Not a lot.

Taranjit: Yeah, but how many people have already bought tickets? Guess.

Bhavneet: Millions

Taranjit: No not that much.

Bhavneet: Billions

Taranjit: No not that much.

Bhavneet: Oh, I thought you were going higher. How many people are on the Earth?

Taranjit: How many people bought tickets?

Bhavneet: Hundreds.

Taranjit: How many hundreds?

Bhavneet: Eight.

Taranjit: Mmm.

Bhavneet: Err… Six

Taranjit: Nope

Bhavneet: Five

Taranjit: You’re going the wrong direction

Bhavneet: Seven?

Taranjit: Yeah. Seven hundred people bought tickets, and they each paid $250,000 for a ticket.

Bhavneet: Well dang, that company is rich. But they do have competition.

Taranjit: Yeah, but they’re on the waiting list. They don’t even know if they’ll get to go yet or not.

Bhavneet: So is it kind of like hotels where you book it and they don’t charge you until closer to when you’re actually going?

Taranjit: I’m pretty sure they took the money.

Bhavneet: Oh. Then they better take them to space.

Taranjit: Yeah but who knows how long it will be?… Wow, I can’t talk. Who knows how long it will be until they can officially go.

Bhavneet: We’ll wait and see when it’s commercialized and mainstream

Taranjit: Yeah. Will we still be alive?

Bhavneet: Yes

Taranjit: You think so?

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: How old do you think… how old do you think we will be?

Bhavneet: Well, since they’re already commercializing it…Thinking about it

Taranjit: Yeah but would you want to go in the beginning?

Bhavneet: Doo…doo..doo.. calculating boop… boop… boop… 30

Taranjit: That’s not that far

Bhavneet: I know

Taranjit: What, would you want to go in the beginning or would you want to wait until it’s made several trips and then get on?

Bhavneet: Well yeah… I’m not going to be like me first!

Taranjit: So you think in 6 years it’s going to be ready?

Bhavneet: No

Taranjit: Then why’d you say by the time we’re 30?

Bhavneet: I didn’t say you, I said me

Taranjit: Eight years you think it will be ready?

Bhavneet: Maybe

 Taranjit: I don’t think so

Bhavneet: Wow pessimist over here. How many of you have already bought tickets? Or would want to go to outer space? Let us know.

 Taranjit: So if you were to go on this light what’s the max you would pay?

Bhavneet: $1

Taranjit: They’re not going to let you go for $1. You can’t even get on an airplane for $1.

Bhavneet: I know. I was going to say how much is an airplane… how much does a airplane cost?

Taranjit: It depends on your distance.

Bhavneet: Oh well. 800

Taranjit: You’ll pay 800? round trip?

Bhavneet: Yeah

Taranjit: Would they charge you round trip?

Bhavneet: We’ll leave you up there if you don’t want to come back. You know. You’re kicked out. Get out. I think it is round trip. They’re not going to leave you up there

Taranjit: I mean for $250,000 they should take you back.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Just kill people.

Taranjit: How far do you think they’re going to take them for a $250,000?

Bhavneet: They said in orbit. Still in the orbit so like…

Taranjit: That’s a lot for still in orbit.

Bhavneet: Yeah why you would want to go like Mars?

Taranjit: That’s my next question to you. Where if it would go into space and it could go anywhere in space where would you want to go?

 Bhavneet: Every planet

Taranjit: But you said only choose one at the moment

Bhavneet: Well then I would want to fly by all of them and then come back

Taranjit: Which one would you like the land on and like actually get out?

Bhavneet: I don’t know. I don’t know the conditions on each planet.  I don’t want to burn… I don’t want some freeze… I don’t want to be in the red eye, red big dot. Whatever it is.

Taranjit: The red eye. Back to airplanes.

Bhavneet: Red dot. Isn’t the Redeye a bus?

Taranjit: What? No. If you fly in the red-eye it’s like an overnight flight. That’s why your…

Bhavneet: I thought that was a thing in England, like a bus

Taranjit: No they call it a red eye because when you get off your eyes are all red.

Bhavneet: Oh so any airline.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Kind of like any airplanes he gets into. The more you know. See I’m smart. Okay. Alright so we kind of touched on this last time but along with Virgin Galactic, which was founded by Sir Richard Branson, did you know that?

Taranjit: Now I do.

Bhavneet: Yeah you are nodding but you didn’t know. Alright, There’s also Elon Musk who has SpaceX

Taranjit: His Starman. It’s called the Starman. I think the mannequin inside is called the Roadster or something so Starman and Roadster.

Bhavneet: What? Okay. And there’s also Jeff Bezos because why would Amazon stay back. They got the Blue Origin. They’re taking over the world

Taranjit: Pretty much.

Bhavneet: So they have go to space for a couple dollars less.

Taranjit: If you have Prime.

Bhavneet: For a $248,000

Taranjit: If you have Prime you’ll go overnight and come back

Bhavneet: Oh my gosh. How long would it take to go?

Taranjit: I don’t know what but Prime will be faster. If you have Prime you’ll get there faster.

Bhavneet: You thought roller coasters were fast get in a spaceship. How long do you think it’ll be before spaceships are mainstream, like that’s what we do. Like oh where do you want to go today? Jupiter. let’s go to Jupiter for lunch.

Taranjit: I feel like we’re closer than we think.

 Bhavneet: Kind of scary though

Taranjit: So touching on Elon Musk’s Tesla space car thing. He just launched it in February of 2018

Bhavneet: Really?

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: It feels like so much longer ago

Taranjit: I read that a red electric car was launched in 20 in February 2018

Bhavneet: Oh yeah I think I’ve heard something about that.

Taranjit: And it’s made it beyond Mars orbit and they’re thinking that it’s not going to go further than Mars It’s going to like circle back around and come back towards Earth and it might either hit Earth or slam into Venus

 Bhavneet: Don’t destroy Venus.  Not Earth don’t destroy Venus.

Taranjit: But they said it’s like around 2091 that’s going to happen

Bhavneet: That’s a long time from now. That’s a long time

Taranjit: Yeah. So would Elon Musk to be alive but to see his car come back? Or his spaceship?

Bhavneet:  I don’t think so because how many years is that from now? Its 2018 that’s 2090 that’s like..

Taranjit: 1 so like 70ish years

Bhavneet: Yeah how old is he? He’s all already like 40 50 something… 70. 700. I don’t know. Is he an alien?

Taranjit: So he just launched it and then he’s like not my problem anymore.

Bhavneet: Probably.  He’s like oh Earth will probably be evacuated by then. Probably empty. Meh

Taranjit: Yeah pretty much. I feel like it’s gone it’s not going to come back while I’m alive so whatever

Bhavneet: Yeah. What was that one NASA launched and after how many years it’s finally going to fly by like the most distant object in the solar system. Something. Like in the early 2000s something or the other

 Taranjit: You’re the space nerd

 Bhavneet: Hey not that much of a space nerd

Taranjit: You know more about space than I do

Bhavneet: It’s fascinating.

Taranjit: I know. I never said that

Bhavneet: But you don’t sound fascinated

Taranjit: I never sound fascinated. That’s just my voice.

Bhavneet: Oh. She has a very monotone voice apparently. Not fascinated. That’s her non-fascinated voice. Now say something.

Taranjit: Something.

Bhavneet: That’s her happy voice. Alright, speaking of planets and evacuating Earth, what planet would you want to live on? In order to find out we took a personality quiz.

Taranjit: Not what planet we would want to live on, what planet should we live on.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Let’s clarify.

Taranjit: That’s the quiz.

Bhavneet: This is a National Geographic quiz so if you guys want to take it let us know which planet should you live on and if I will have a neighbor. Or…

Taranjit: What if we end up on the same planet?

Bhavneet: I don’t know. Or will we be lonely? Someone please have the same planet as me. I don’t want to be alone.

Taranjit: Come over to my planet.

Bhavneet: No, my planet’s awesome. You don’t even know what planet it is.

Taranjit: Yeah you don’t know what planet mine is.

Bhavneet: Let’s draw a line. Alright, ready? First question: What is your ideal weather forecast? Options: this is like a game show. Dry, hot, breezy, cold, stormy, or I’m down with any type of weather.

Taranjit: What is hot.

Bhavneet: Incorrect.

Taranjit: I chose hot.

Bhavneet: What is breezy.

Taranjit: You chose breezy?

Bhavneet: Yes. I don’t want it to be too hot. I don’t want to be sweaty. I sweat easily.

Taranjit: I know. So..

Bhavneet: Exactly. I need a nice breeze going, you know air out.

Taranjit: I get cold very easy, so hot. Make it hot… very hot.

Bhavneet: Okay. So, I guess we’re not on the same planet.

Taranjit: Hey you never know. You could select like so many different options and that one answer will make it the same.

Bhavneet: Do you think anyone would get Earth?

Taranjit: It’s possible.

Bhavneet: Did you get Earth?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: Don’t look at me like that… you get Earth?

Bhavneet: Alright.

Taranjit: Darn it you guessed.

Bhavneet: Well I guess we’re not living together. Which of the following are you not scared of. Number 1, or option A: homework, being far from family and friends. No more letter options. Getting dust in your eyes, spooky sounds. I looked at that and thought it said spooky almonds.

Taranjit: I’m scared of spooky almonds.

Bhavneet: I can’t read my handwriting.

Taranjit: How would they spook you?

Bhavneet: I will give you… strength.

Taranjit: Good for your brain so… eat me!

Bhavneet: Eat me….

Taranjit: Ooh…

Bhavneet:  All right. Being in the spotlight or really bad smells?

Taranjit: What was it, least afraid of?

Bhavneet: Not scared of.

Taranjit: Homework

Bhavneet: Hey that’s what I said. We’re the nerds.

Taranjit: Not scared of that, it’s just a piece of paper.

Bhavneet:  I’m scared of spooky almonds.

Taranjit: They’ll spook you in your dreams if you don’t eat them.

Bhavneet: Start your almonds everyone. They’re spooky.

Taranjit: They’re good for your brain.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: Maybe that’s how we’ll know our country’s next time.

Bhavneet: Maybe. Eat your almonds.  All right number three, which power would you choose? To produce electric bolts, to leap really high, to freeze objects, to move things with your mind, to have an invisible shield, or to melt objects?

Taranjit: To move things with my mind.

Bhavneet: Stop reading my mind.

Taranjit: Well I moved it with my mind

 Bhavneet: You moved my mind with your mind?

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: Oh my God what if I moved my… What if I moved your mind with my mind telling your mind to move my mind?

Taranjit: Now I’m confused.

Bhavneet: Good that was the point. Winner. All right. I think we’re going to end up on the same planet. Even though…

Taranjit: See I told you we’re going to be neighbors.

Bhavneet: You like hot weather. So what planets hot and breezy?

Taranjit: We’ll find out

Bhavneet: I don’t know. Okay

Taranjit: I guess it has both. It like gets hot but then there’s also a breeze. So it’s like…

Bhavneet: That’s what I need. All right number 4: Pick an amusement park ride: long and slow roller coaster. What’s a long and slow roller coaster?

Taranjit: Because for a really long time but it goes really slow. I would not want to do that…

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: It’s just like tick…tick…tick…

Bhavneet: What kind of roller coaster is slow? Okay. Rides that spin very fast, short and speedy roller coaster as opposed to long and slow, bumper cars, anything that moves backwards, or rides with a loop de loops.

Taranjit: Bumper cars.

Bhavneet: That’s what I said. We’re gonna bump each other. Okay. All right

Taranjit: We’re going to get the same planet

Bhavneet: Gosh darn it. We choose the same things even without knowing it.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Alright.

Taranjit: Yeah we chose the same countries when we did the country quiz 

Bhavneet: Literally one through four. That’s why you got them right. It’s because you chose them too

Taranjit: Yeah

Bhavneet: Let it be known from the last contest she only got them right because she chose the same countries I did

Taranjit: Wow. Rubbing it in

Bhavneet: Okay. Number 5. How do you describe yourself? Very perfect question

Taranjit: Smart over here

Bhavneet: Unpredictable, talkative, peaceful, friendly, artistic, or hard working?

Taranjit: I chose friendly

Bhavneet: I chose friendly

Taranjit: No you’re talkative

Bhavneet: Oh my God that was rude. You’re not friendly. I chose friendly. No. My mind power told you to choose the other one.

 Taranjit: You’re talkative. You should have chose talkative

Bhavneet: I was trying to go for a different vibe

Taranjit: You’re talkative

Bhavneet: Okay. Number 6. Your packing for a trip, what is the most important item in your suitcase? Allergy medicine, warm sweater, sunglasses, a swimsuit, a raincoat, or music and headphones?

Taranjit: So the answer I chose is based on like what kind of area I want to go to so I chose sunglasses

Bhavneet: Gosh darn it that’s what I choose. I forgot what I chose

Taranjit: I don’t really bring my sunglasses a lot of places but I want to go somewhere warm

Bhavneet: Yeah

Taranjit: And sunny so sunglasses

Bhavneet: Yeah I recently learned the amazingness that is sunglasses. I used to burn my eyeballs out because I have glasses and I didn’t think I could have sunglasses but then I got sunglasses with prescriptions and now I love them.

 Taranjit: Now you can’t go without them

 Bhavneet: And now I’m blind. The sun just burns my eyes

 Taranjit: They already burnt them so

Bhavneet: Now they’re super sensitive so I chose that too. Gosh stop it. We’re going to end up on the same planet. Alright, number whatever is next. Choose an animal cuz I didn’t number the number.

Taranjit: Number 7

Bhavneet: Of course you did. Bear, Fish, Bird, Lion, Rabbit, Horse?

Taranjit: Bunny. Rabbit

Bhavneet: I chose Rabbit. You knew I was going to choose rabbit so you chose rabbit. Flip the page… You don’t have to flip the page?

Taranjit: You’re the one who wrote the question I just wrote my answers

Bhavneet: Alright fine. Last question. Number 8: pick a symbol. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to… Take the quiz and you can see the symbols

Taranjit:  Yeah

Bhavneet: Let me describe… We’ll just describe which symbol we picked

Taranjit: I picked the fancy 4

Bhavneet:  What the heck I pick that one! It’s like a curly 4. Looks pretty cool so I picked it.

Taranjit: Yea fancy 4.

Bhavneet: Alrighty then. What’s your result?

Taranjit: You want me to read the whole thing?

Bhavneet: Let’s say it together. One, two, three… Jupiter

Taranjit: Jupiter

Bhavneet: Oh my god. You can live in the red dot.

Taranjit: So it basically said: you belong on Jupiter. People are just drawn to you. With your great sense of humor and up for anything attitude, everyone wants to be in your orbit. That’s why we’re together, everyone wants to be in our orbit.

Bhavneet: And, uh, I have a great sense of humor.

Taranjit: And Jupiter has the strongest pull of any planet in the Milky Way with a magnetic field 10x stronger than that of Earth. So we attract and pull. That’s why we pulled each other to Jupiter.

Bhavneet: You can’t leave me alone.

Taranjit: Yeah, can’t go without each other.

Bhavneet: Well, we both landed on Jupiter. Let us know what planet you should be on and if you’re going to join us! We’ll save you a seat.

Taranjit: We took another quiz too just to see if we truly belong on Jupiter. Or I guess now if we both truly belong on Jupiter. Or if there’s another planet.

Bhavneet: Well I don’t.

Taranjit: Yeah same. This was Buzzfeed’s “Which planet should you call home?”

Bhavneet: Yeah. Read the questions.

Taranjit: Alright.

Bhavneet: Don’t pull this up while your driving, but definitely take this quiz and let us know

Taranjit: Are you on the same planet as us? I can’t talk.

Bhavneet: No you can’t. Read the questions.

Taranjit: Can I read? What’s your zodiac sign?

Bhavneet: Aries.

Taranjit: Leo.

Bhavneet: Except for they keep changing so I hope I still am.

Taranjit: I like Leo. I’m going to stick with Leo.

Bhavneet: I know. I put my foot down. Aries. I like my original zodiac sign. I’m not changing. I’m an old coop.

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: Pick an alien. So there’s so many aliens on here and I don’t even know half of them, but I’ll try.

Bhavneet: Again, take the quiz. If you know all of them let us know.

Taranjit: I hope these are right. Zim from Nickelodeon, Doc… the alien from Doctor Who, the alien from some article on, E.T., the alien from Futurama, the alien from Mars Attacks, the alien from the Simpsons, the alien from Toy Story, and the alien from the movie Alien.

Bhavneet: I picked the one from the Pixar movie, Toy Story.

Taranjit: Same. We’re on the same planet.

Bhavneet: The claaaawwww….

Taranjit: I should have just guess your answer, it’s probably the same.

Bhavneet: Yeah we should probably do that. Alright, let’s do that. Question…

Taranjit: You don’t have the answers in front of you, like the choices in front of you. How are you going to

Bhavneet: You gotta read them.

Taranjit: Okay. Number 3: what scares you most?

Bhavneet: You didn’t read the options.

Taranjit: 1, black holes

Bhavneet: No

Taranjit: 2, alien invasion

Bhavneet: Eh

Taranjit: 3, running out of oxygen. 4, global warming. 5, meteors. 6, sun burns. 7, nothing scares me. Eight, infinite time and space. Last, running out of ice cream.

Bhavneet: Ok, there’s too many options for me to remember all of them so…

Taranjit: What did you choose?

Bhavneet: I chose running out of O2.

Taranjit: I put global warming.

Bhavneet: I was about to say you would pick that. You’re so environmentally conscious.

Taranjit: I mean if you want the Earth to be around

Bhavneet: Yeah, I do. There’s my plug. Recycle. Plug… plug, plug. Save the planet.

Taranjit: Number 4. Pick a space helmet. I didn’t write the options down because they were very hard to describe so just describe yours.

Bhavneet: Ok, it’s the one from and it’s a futuristic looking black helmet that has LED blue lights all over it that they look really cool and futuristic.

Taranjit: I was going to choose that one, but I chose a different one.

Bhavneet: I know.

Taranjit: The one from

Bhavneet: What?

Taranjit: It was that white helmet, also futuristic-y looking and it had like, the front thing was like shiny

Bhavneet: Like Star Wars?

Taranjit: Kind of. And it was high tech and sleek looking so I picked the modern one.

Bhavneet: Uh-huh.

Taranjit: Anyways. Number 5. Pick a space movie. I don’t know some of these movies, but here goes.

Bhavneet: Oh, I was about to say my answer.

Taranjit: Listen for the choices first. Elysium… is that how you say it? I don’t know.

Bhavneet: Matt Damon was in it.

Taranjit: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Spaceballs, Independence Day, Flash Gordon. Is that a movie?

Bhavneet: Yeah. I don’t know why you’re so shocked.

Taranjit: I don’t know these movies. Wall-E, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Planet of the Apes, and Alien Resurrection.

Bhavneet: I said Wall-E.

Taranjit: Same.

Bhavneet: I know. ‘Cuz you don’t know any other movies.

Taranjit: So, we ended up on the same planet again right?

Bhavneet: No, there’s more. No you chose different ones. You rather global warming

Taranjit: Yeah, one, one question is different.

Bhavneet: You chose a different helmet. You have a different zodiac.

Taranjit: What’s your dream home? These are hard to describe, but I’ll try.

Bhavneet: The mansion.

Taranjit: Yeah, I chose that too.

Bhavneet: Cuz I didn’t like any of the others.

Taranjit: Same.

Bhavneet: I don’t want the house that is, like, in-grown.

Taranjit: There was a house in the side of a hill or mountain which was like literally

Bhavneet: Stuff was growing on it.

Taranjit: Then there’s a fancy Full House house.

Bhavneet: Yes!

Taranjit: And then, there was a modern home with lots of windows and it was like a cube-type thing. Then there was another modern home with a lot of windows

Bhavneet: I don’t like the modern homes

Taranjit: And that was on like a beach or something.

Bhavneet: There was a treehouse too.

Taranjit: There was a tent-like thing, a treehouse, a hippie van, a small cottage, and a dome in the water.

Bhavneet: I chose the mansion. That was the best option out of the ones there.

Taranjit: Alright. Pick a space food. Ice cream, strawberries, cheese pizza, cinnamon apple wedges, bananas, fruits and nuts, beef stew space dinner, peaches, chicken space dinner.

Bhavneet: As much as I would love to try cinnamon apple wedges, I chose strawberries.

Taranjit: My answer is different. I chose fruits and nuts.

Bhavneet: You’re always so healthy. You’re not scared of the spooky almonds.

Taranjit: Why not get all the fruits instead of just one? Okay, pick an inspirational poster. There’s a lot of options. Keep calm and carry on, keep calm

Bhavneet: Classic.

Taranjit: Keep calm classic. Keep calm and remain awesome. Enough with these posters already, we get it you’re quite clever. Keep calm and imagine on. Keep calm and stay weird. Keep calm and use the force. Keep calm and eat a cookie. Keep calm and relax. And panic now, freak out later.

Bhavneet: I chose panic now, freak out later.

Taranjit: Yep.

Bhavneet: That’s me.

Taranjit: That’s totally you.

Bhavneet: Not really inspirational but that’s more like me.

Taranjit: But that’s you.

Bhavneet: That’s so me.

Taranjit: I couldn’t decide what to pick so I just picked keep calm and carry on.

Bhavneet: Classic.

Taranjit: Yeah you said classic after it.

Bhavneet:  Alright, last one.

Taranjit: What would you bring to space? Your options: camera, ray gun, telescope, family, pets, cheese, sound system, trampoline, or chocolate.

Bhavneet: Why would you bring a trampoline to space?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: There’s already no gravity.

Taranjit: You bounce and then never come back.

Bhavneet: You can already do that. There’s no gravity. Camera.

Taranjit: My answer was also camera.

Bhavneet: That look you gave, of disappointment.

Taranjit: You got Earth didn’t you.

Bhavneet: No. What?

Taranjit: I got Earth.

Bhavneet: You’d rather just stay here. How?

Taranjit: I don’t know

Bhavneet: Global warming, because you want to protect the Earth.

Taranjit: It says you’re one of a kind, you’re original and persuasive, which makes it hard for you to compromise sometimes, but your loyalty, creativity, and passion for making things right are incredibly honorable. It’s no wonder you live on the most highly developed planet.

Bhavneet: Oh, so you’re saying I’m not highly developed?

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Alright. I got Venus. The brightest in the sky. Despite the saying..

Taranjit: And you couldn’t choose about Venus and Earth earlier.

Bhavneet: What?

Taranjit: I don’t know, we were talking about those two.

Bhavneet: The car hitting

Taranjit: Oh yeah

Bhavneet: I told it not to hit Venus.

Taranjit: So you’d rather it hit Earth?

Bhavneet: Hit you not me. Alright. Despite the saying, Venus is totally not just for woman, even though I am a woman so…

Taranjit: Yeah, but it’s not just… everyone can go there.

Bhavneet: Exactly, I’m welcoming to all. Alright.

Taranjit: Sure.

Bhavneet: You’re beautiful inside and out. With your intellect and artistic nature,

Taranjit: Yes. keep saying how smart you are.

Bhavneet: And artistic nature, it’s no wonder people value your opinion.

Taranjit: Oh do we now.

Bhavneet: Mic drop. That was my mic drop sound because I’m not dropping this mic. Speaking of, did you see that thing

Taranjit: What thing? A thing.

Bhavneet: Yeah that thing

Taranjit: The video

Bhavneet: Yeah, about the 2018 recap by Trevor Noah on… that dropping thing by a certain person who liked to drop things when he was done with them.

Taranjit: Are you gonna explain if you stop laughing.

Bhavneet: People had to have watched this.

Taranjit: Well explain.

Bhavneet: It was a recap on the president and how he’s a really weird dude and apparently when he’s done with things he just drops them. So like there was an umbrella when he was getting on to the plane, there was something else, and then, oh yeah, there was a water bottle during a meeting he just took it from the top of the table and put it underneath and then Mike Pence followed suit.

Taranjit: Not underneath, he just put it on the ground.

Bhavneet: And then Mike Pence followed him and did the same thing! He’s like alright

Taranjit: And then when he was done with the microphone… he just dropped it.

Bhavneet: He just dropped it!

Taranjit: And not like how some celebrities or artists do at the end just dropping

Bhavneet: He’s like, hmmm what do I do? Eh

Taranjit: Let it go

Bhavneet: Let it go… Yep. Okay. yeah so that happened.

Taranjit: Many times.

Bhavneet: Yes. So I’m just advertising for everyone else’s show now: Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah. It’s where I get my news. And you guys can get your news from here because I do all the research for you and you can just listen to one. You’re welcome.

Taranjit: Wow.

Bhavneet: Uh-huh. I did all the hard work.

Taranjit: Let us know in the comments what planet you got and if you’re joining us on Jupiter or Venus

Bhavneet: The brightest star.

Taranjit: Or Earth with me and all these other people.

Bhavneet: She didn’t seem so excited about that so I think she wants everyone to join me.

Taranjit: And you can follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Search Drive With Us Podcast.

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