Transcript for E29: The Unmarked White Van Took Her Car

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BHAVNEET: Welcome back to Drive With Us. This episode is going to be in a whisper.

TARANJIT: I thought you were about to say this episode is brought to you by. You were going to be like…

BHAVNEET: Oh. This episode is brought to you by.

TARANJIT: But we have no sponsors.

BHAVNEET: Us whispering. Except for I’ve heard that whispering is a lot louder than if you just talk quietly.

TARANJIT: Okay. And…

BHAVNEET: Yeah, because we were having this drill at school. So like if there was someone who, what does that drill were like if someone breaks onto the school property or like if there’s a…

TARANJIT: Lockdown?

BHAVNEET: A lockdown? Yeah, they’re having a lockdown drill. And we had to, we have active shooter drill.

TARANJIT: Oh that’s what it’s called.

BHAVNEET: Something like that. And we had all get into the closet, like so I was in the biology class, and it’s a lab class. So we were all in between the two lab rooms that we had, there’s a little tiny closet, and we all got inside this little tiny closet and shut the door. And then our teacher was like, in these situations, you want to be quiet. But if you had to say something, she’s like, Don’t whisper because whispers carry a lot more than if you were to just talk quietly. Because if you’re whispering you like, you can hear it more than if you’re just like, hey, what’s going on?

TARANJIT: That makes sense.



BHAVNEET: So ever since then, that has stuck with me. So if you want to talk like if you want to be quiet, don’t whisper because that’s actually pretty loud. If you’ve heard someone whispering Yeah, you can really hear them whispering. But if you just talk quietly…

TARANJIT: Because there is extra, like…

BHAVNEET: Background. Extra background.

TARANJIT: Background noise.

BHAVNEET: In there talking. But if they’re just talking quietly or like, Wait, is someone saying something? So yeah, that’s always stuck with me. So if you’re ever in that kind of situation, which I hope you’re never in or if you need to talk quietly. Just talk quietly. Lower the volume. Don’t whisper. If you want to intentionally be like, I’m talking quietly. I want you to know that but you can’t know what I’m talking about. Then whisper away. Be like, Oh, yeah.


BHAVNEET: That was that.

TARANJIT: That was it? That was your story?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. I’m done whispering, because I want you to be able to hear what I’m talking about.

TARANJIT: Because you have an interesting story?

BHAVNEET: I can’t think of one right now. But yeah, I probably will.

TARANJIT: Probably will?

BHAVNEET: Yeah, probably will.

TARANJIT: Probably will after we’re done recording.

BHAVNEET: Yep. Because I have to be going somewhere to see these interesting stories. I mean, this isn’t very interesting. But I overtook someone for the first time.

TARANJIT: Wait, what? You got of elaborate.

BHAVNEET: Well, ok. So I’ve overtaken like when there’s farm vehicles and stuff, which, if you live in a place that has a lot of farms, it’s like there’s a lot. All the time.

TARANJIT: It’s common. A lot all the time. It’s pretty common.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, it’s pretty common. So like overtaking tractors, and are they called combines here. I don’t know what the names are. But yeah, all the farm vehicles. But they usually drive half in the lane, half on the shoulder. So you go around them or like male trucks and stuff.

TARANJIT: Oh. Mail trucks are the worst.

BHAVNEET: USPS. Those are the worst. But this was actually a person who was just driving really slowly. So I overtook them. But so at one point, the speed, the speed was 50 on this road, and they were driving 50. So I was like, Oh my god, you can go 55 but they’re going 50. So I kept telling myself like, it’s okay, they’re actually going the speed limit. So that’s your own fault. Just, you know, keep going. So I was following them. But then they started randomly hitting the brakes. I’m like, Are you from South Carolina? I don’t know.

TARANJIT: You’re always going to bring them up, aren’t you?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Because that’s what I think about whenever I see that. But every time there was a slight turn, which there was no sign to be like, Okay, this turn is 35 like, slow down. It is a turn that you can take a 55 because I’ve done it, you can do it. It’s totally, fine.

TARANJIT: If I’ve done it, then you can do it.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. I’m not a pro driver. So if I can do it, you can do it. So these turns were not very sharp. It was  just like a gentle little whoo. Wave in the road.


BHAVNEET: It wasn’t a curl it was a wave.

TARANJIT: That’s a new world. Whoo.


TARANJIT: It’s a wave. A whoo.

BHAVNEET: It was a wave, not a curl.


BHAVNEET: Yeah, like hair. You know, it wasn’t super wavy, but it was a wave. It was gentle.

TARANJIT: That’s an interesting way to describe roads.

BHAVNEET: I know. When I was saying wave, then I thought about that. So okay. But she was…

TARANJIT: So my hair over your hair?

BHAVNEET: Yes. So it was a your hair because your hair is more wavy, and my is more curly. So it was a your hair turn. Not mine. You could easily take it going 55. But she was going 50 which was totally fine. But then when we get around these you would go 40. And I was like, and it was not just a turns. Randomly, when we’re going straight, she would hit the brakes. And I found out later this was a she so this one that’s accurate. She wouldn randomly hit the brakes, and then we be going 40 and then she was speed up and we going 50 again. So at first I was like, okay, you know, distracted or something and whatever. But then she kept doing it. And I’m like, Oh my god, I keep slamming the brakes. I’m like, Oh my god, I don’t know when you’re going to slow down. So we finally got to this part where this really big hill going downhill. And she just started holding the brakes and going 40. I’m like, No, this is the hill like you go down, pick up speed so you can get up the next big hill that’s right in front of us. So I made sure there’s no cops. I don’t know if they sit at that stretch of the road. But I’m always terrified when I don’t know there’s a big hill. Because on another road, there’s always a cop at the bottom of the hill. Like not fair. So…

TARANJIT: It’s not fair.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, because you’re going you’re picking up speed, what are you going to do? Like gravity is happening. So there’s only so much you can do. I just hit the gas and went around them. I was like fine. And then you know, obviously then they decided, oh, I’m going too slow and started hitting the gas too. So I literally had to go 60 to get around them. And I’m like, Well, now I have to commit and go around them.

TARANJIT: You already committed. Not you have to commit. You’ve already committed. You need to finish.

We apologize for the choppy audio at this point of the episode. Some of the audio file was lost during recording due to a computer issue.

BHAVNEET: Dude, I literally had nowhere to go. But in front of you now. So slow down. And then I saw a car coming in the distance down the hill like, Okay, I need to get in front of you. So stop it. And then I got in front of them got up the hill, they were going really slow. Because then they’re like, Oh, they made it in front. What’s the point now? Go back to 40. And then because they were going slow and they left this big gap with the cars that were in front of them. This truck pulled out with this big load in front of me and then I ended up going slow again. But they were going 50. Like did not randomly hit the brakes. No, they were going 45 most of the time, but at hills they would pick up to 50. So yeah, that happened.

TARANJIT: So you overtook for nothing?

BHAVNEET: No, but I got pretty far in front of them. Because when we got to the lights at the main street. The Main Street,

TARANJIT: The Main Street.

BHAVNEET: That’s name is Main Street. The main street that is Main Street.

TARANJIT: One of how many Main Streets.

BHAVNEET: Yes. I made it past the light and then they then it turned red and then I looked back and then then they finally made it to light. So I wouldn’t have made that light. I did make a difference in how far I was from them. So that’s good. Yeah. Another weird thing. Yeah. So Friday…

TARANJIT: Whoa. I thought you were commenting on that story. Like that was a weird that was another weird thing.

BHAVNEET: No. Because we’re talking about the Main Street.


BHAVNEET: And I was coming home Friday, and I stopped because the light turned red, because that’s what you do.

TARANJIT: No, I didn’t know that.

BHAVNEET: I mean, if you’re in a state where you are not allowed to turn right on red. You can still turn on red. So I mean, I stopped at the red because I wanted to go straight. I was waiting. And then I don’t know if this was like national everyone run outside day or exercise time. Or this is the time that everyone’s going to go running because I saw at least 10 people jogging at that red light.

TARANJIT: On Main Street?

BHAVNEET: The main street. Yeah. While I was sitting there.



TARANJIT: There’s a…

BHAVNEET: No, no. And I always get there around the same time. And I’ve never seen anyone.

TARANJIT: No. There’s this running shop or something that’s on off of Main Street. And they have random events with a group of people get together, and they…

BHAVNEET: It wasn’t a group. They were all separate. Running in different directions.


BHAVNEET: I don’t know what was going on.

TARANJIT: Never mind.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. And I usually get to this point around the same time. And so I’m like, What is going on? And literally just like one to two people running together going this way. One person running that way. One person running across the street. Like every which way and I’m like, I’ve never seen one person jogging and now I see like 10. What is going on? Is everyone have plans to eat a lot over the weekend. So they’re exercising in advance? I don’t know. But yeah, that happened, too. Your turn.

TARANJIT: My turn?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. What’s your story?

TARANJIT: Oh, I have a story for you.

BHAVNEET: Is it your story?

TARANJIT: Yeah, it’s my story.


TARANJIT: I’ve told it to you. But I thought I’d talk about on the podcast, too. Either last episode or previous episode. couple episodes ago, we talked about our gas station encounter. Well, my gas station encounter where I went and gave money and I just sat in the car to leave.

BHAVNEET: Oh, yeah. Good job by the way.

TARANJIT: So I had an update, not related to that instance. But…

BHAVNEET: That gas station story reminds me of a dream I had this morning. So remind me to tell you.

TARANJIT: So at that same gas station, another encounter which you know how one of the episodes we were talking about we ended up going to the same gas station and you were saying how? Oh, they should know the difference between us now. Well, you’re wrong.

BHAVNEET: I don’t think they do. But I mean our cars are different.

TARANJIT: No. You said they should know by now.


TARANJIT: They don’t.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, obviously. I know.

TARANJIT: We both ended up having to gas on Monday. And you went in first because you leave first and then like however long after a half an hour later I…

BHAVNEET: So did you guys hear that?

TARANJIT: Okay, now that we…

BHAVNEET: Investigated.

TARANJIT: Nothing happened. It sounded really bad.

BHAVNEET: I wonder if you heard that on like it got picked up it. Sounded like someone ran into something which is not uncommon.

TARANJIT: Anymore. Like before. We’re always like, Oh, it’s the pothole. Oh, it’s the pothole. But then one too many incidents happened.

BHAVNEET: Where people have run into things near our house.

TARANJIT: Yeah, we just had to go check.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, so it’s all good. That happened? What were we talking about?

TARANJIT: My gas station encounter.


TARANJIT: I was saying how you were you mentioned on a previous episode, how they should know the difference between us now and how they don’t. You went in first on that Monday. And then half an hour later, I went in to get gas and I walked into the gas station. And there was one person in front of me, you know, doing paying buying something.


TARANJIT: I don’t know what he was doing. So he finished. And then the guy like he said, you know, have a nice day to him. And then he looked up and then he had the most confused look. Like he was frozen in this confusion. And he just like, staring at me. Like, and then I walked up to him and I was like,

BHAVNEET: 20 on.

TARANJIT: I like put out the 20 like, stuck out of the $20 to be like, you know, put this amount of money on this pump I’m at and he just stared at me for so long. Still confused look on his face. And then he was like, Oh, she’s saying something. And then…

BHAVNEET: She talks.

TARANJIT: He’s like, wait, weren’t you just here?


TARANJIT: And I was like, No, that was my sister. And…

BHAVNEET: Yeah, you know the person that…

TARANJIT: Still confused. So I’m trying to tell him $20 and I repeated it again.

BHAVNEET: He forgot that we had siblings.

TARANJIT: He…I guess. And then he was like, Oh, that was your sister?

BHAVNEET: There was a weekend in between so he probably forgot.

TARANJIT: And I was like yeah and then I repeated it again to him for the third time and then he like processed my request. And then he was like, Oh, see you.

BHAVNEET: See you in a little bit.

TARANJIT: See you in a little bit. And so…

BHAVNEET: Because that’s what he says to me. Or see you in a couple of minutes.

TARANJIT: Oh, no. This time he didn’t say see you in a little bit he was he like as he was processing my request he was like come like shaking his head like confusing me and that too on a Monday morning.

BHAVNEET: That’s our goal.

TARANJIT: Like as if we planned this. To confuse him.

BHAVNEET: It’s like. All right, you go and then I’ll go.

TARANJIT: Our goal was to confuse this guy. Like we intentionally did it. We are like, Oh, it’s Monday morning.

BHAVNEET: This is the perfect time

TARANJIT: We want to mess with him.


TARANJIT: The best time…

BHAVNEET: If you’re ever going to confuse him. Monday morning is a time to do it is at seven 730 in the morning. That’s when you confuse him.

TARANJIT: So he said that comment and I left. And I went and pumped gas. And for once I actually had change which…

BHAVNEET: Oh man. You have to go back.

TARANJIT: So I went back in and he gave me my change. And I went to take the dollar bill, but he was holding on to it so hard that I took it like my hand slipped off it. He was still hold…

BHAVNEET: Why was he holding so hard?

TARANJIT: And then…I think he was still in the confusion.

BHAVNEET: He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what.

TARANJIT: Yeah, and then he was like, oh sorry. And he like let go.

BHAVNEET: You are like, give me the money.

TARANJIT: And then he was like see you tomorrow. And I was like…it didn’t like process in my head that he said that until like as I was halfway through the door. And I’m like just kind of too late to turn around and say anything. But in my head I was like oh, that’s not me. That’s you who lives at the pump. I’m like I’ll see you in a week.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, so see the thing is I don’t go every day. I go every other day excuse you.

TARANJIT: No. But I think there’s been times where you went and the next day I went and then the next day you came so it’s like…

BHAVNEET: Because I go every other day.


BHAVNEET: So he once said that to me. He was like I guess I’ll be seeing your sister in a little bit. After I got the change and was leaving. And then I was like oh no she only comes once a week. I forgot to add that I’m the one who lives here. But, may I tell you my gas station dream?

TARANJIT: I thought you forgot what you’re gonna say cuz you’re but pause.

BHAVNEET: I was debating whether I should ask you if I can tell it or not.

TARANJIT: Ask me if you can tell it?

BHAVNEET: Yes. So I said…

TARANJIT: You need my permission to tell it?

BHAVNEET: I said may I?

TARANJIT: You need my permission?

BHAVNEET: I was being nice. May I?

TARANJIT: Just do it.

BHAVNEET: Just do it. Okay and synchronize just do it.

TARANJIT: That’s a song. What is it?

BHAVNEET: It is. Just do it.


BHAVNEET: That’s why we said it like that.

TARANJIT: I know. Not the Nike thing.

BHAVNEET: And then police.

TARANJIT: You gotta you gotta explain. You can’t just leave it.

BHAVNEET: Police is not the Indian way but like in this movie the Indian way of saying police.

TARANJIT: I thought you were about to say police again.

BHAVNEET: I know. I said police. It’s police. Now it just sounds weird no matter how I say it. Yeah. Police.

TARANJIT: Police. It sounded like…

BHAVNEET: Police. Police. But yeah. That happened. But let me tell you my story.

TARANJIT: Simmba. If you still don’t get it. Because she’s talking all around.

BHAVNEET: Simmba with two m’s. Not Simba of The Lion King.


BHAVNEET: Yeah, it’s two m’s. Yeah, gas station dream story I had last night slash this morning. I only really had dreams if I wake up and then I doze off again in the morning.

TARANJIT: Because you’re half awake.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So that’s when I dream. So my dream this time was we were at the gas station at the..

TARANJIT: Because you live there.

BHAVNEET: …same time. Yes. A gas station dream.

TARANJIT: That’s what all your dreams are. At gas stations.

BHAVNEET: I don’t know which gas station it was, but it was very crowded. So it very well could have been the gas station we go to all the time, but it didn’t look like it. But it very well could have been because it was crammed like that one is. But we were there at the same time. You were pumping gas.

TARANJIT: So I already went in and confused this guy.

BHAVNEET: Yes. So you were actually standing at your car pumping gas. And I was behind a car that was on the opposite side of the pump of that you were at. I was behind it. So I you know turned off my car and I got out waiting for…and then I went to you because I’m waiting for this person who’s in this like, white white what is it windowless minivan? Does that does that like give you a creepy vibe already?

TARANJIT: A white windowless? Oh my God.

BHAVNEET: Not like windshieldless.

TARANJIT: What came into my mind when you said that even though it has nothing to do with the description you gave…

BHAVNEET: So he was driving a white brick?

TARANJIT: …was a white van with like a convertible top with the roof off.

BHAVNEET: I didn’t say roofless. I said window…

TARANJIT: But that’s the image that came into my head. So that’s why I was like…

BHAVNEET: So those creepy like horror movie white vans that have no windows.


BHAVNEET: Yeah. And it had like those little trailers that people usually carry like tractors and stuff on like the flatbed things. So I was kind of far back. So I parked my car behind it. And I got out and I started talking to you. I don’t know what happened or why we were not very paying attention.

TARANJIT: We were not very paying attention?

BHAVNEET:  Yeah, but fast forward a little bit. And then I want to go pump gas. I’m like, oh, they’re done. And I went to go and I’m like, Where’s my car? At this very tiny gas station, I lost my car. And then you’re looking with me and I’m like, Oh my god, I’m hitting the panic button of like, my car keys. And then I see it flashing under this quilt. Like that quilt like this like you know white tarp things on the back of this van’s little trolley thing.

TARANJIT: So instead of kidnapping people, it kidnaps cars?

BHAVNEET: But then there was another car behind it. So this was somehow some longer thing that it was on.

TARANJIT: Wait. Van, your car, and then car behind that?

BHAVNEET: No. Like, on the trolley it had two cars. And mine was on the front of it. So then I was like, so in my dream the my car was on this higher thing. Like kind of how the big trucks that carry brand new cars. And then there was another car and like the low trolley thing.


BHAVNEET: And I’m like, why is that car flashing? And it’s under the tarp like, that’s my car. And then I was like, they’re taking my car. And then…

TARANJIT: Way to be observant.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. And then here comes the weird part. They start driving away. And I’m like, No, you I don’t know what I said was like.

TARANJIT: No. You don’t.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. That was probably how my thought process was. Like no. How dare you. You don’t take my car. Like no. You. Argh.

TARANJIT: No. In your head, it was a co…what’s the word. Coherent sentence. And then out of your mouth came yu nuh.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So I ran after it because they were pulling out so they’re going to slow, right? And I jumped on the back.

TARANJIT: Wow, you’re very adventurous.

BHAVNEET: Of the truck. I know, that’s what I was thinking. I’m like, I would never do this. But I’m like, I gotta get their license plate. I gotta get their information. I gotta get who these people are. And I gotta call the police. And so I got a…

TARANJIT: When you say police, it sounds like your trying to say Polish, but like with an accent.

BHAVNEET: So police. I gotta call the police. The police police.

TARANJIT: The Polish.

BHAVNEET: And then somehow, so I jumped on the back somehow I met I get inside like some sort of trunk thing of the I don’t know if it’s of the van or what I’m in. But like something. I get it open and I see this little paper that’s like a registration card. And I’m like, why is why is that just randomly laying there but it is. So I started taking pictures of it. And then…

TARANJIT: I like how in dreams things are just randomly there for you.


TARANJIT: It’s like a movie.

BHAVNEET: So perfect.

TARANJIT: Just here.

BHAVNEET: This is how people create movies. They take their dreams and like, Oh.


BHAVNEET: Weird. Yeah, I’m taking pictures of it. And then I get onto the upper trolley thing that my car is on. And I call the police. The police police.

TARANJIT: The police.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. And then I don’t know what happens next, because I woke up.


BHAVNEET: Did I get my car back? Did the police? Okay, so…

TARANJIT: The world will never know until you go back to sleep and hopefully have part two of this dream.

BHAVNEET: Well, so randomly I was thinking in my brain. I don’t know if it was like my my actual brain or like my brain in my dream story. But I was thinking, Oh, you know how like those other movies the super muscular people they’re like, Oh, I’m just gonna unhatch the truck, the trailer, and it’s all good. I’m like, yeah, just pull it off. I’m like, I’m not gonna be able to do that. And so then I take the pictures, and that’s when I call the police. Like, I am on the back of this trolley going down route so and so. And please help me, they are taking my car, and I’m on the back. Thank you. But I don’t know if they actually came and saved me and my car. But I’m like, you’re not taking my car without me. And this was my old car. My Corolla. So maybe it was a dream like you don’t have me anymore. So I’m gone.

TARANJIT: I’m gone. Yeah.

BHAVNEET: Now its with the people who bought it.


BHAVNEET: But I’m like, No, don’t you dare. Give me my car. Take pictures of your registration.

TARANJIT: That’s so funny.


TARANJIT: Oh my gosh. You’re very adventurous in your dreams.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. I make up for what I’m not in real life.

TARANJIT: Too bad you can’t like go back to you know, like, when you go back to sleep. You can’t continue a dream.

BHAVNEET: I know. Like I should be like pause here. Resume. I can’t do that.

TARANJIT: Like a what?

BHAVNEET: A show. Or a movie.

TARANJIT: I thought you said some weird word.

BHAVNEET: Like a so.

TARANJIT: Like a should.

BHAVNEET: Like a should? Like it should. Yeah. Just be like, all right. Go to sleep. Resume. Continue. What happens next?

TARANJIT: I like, like going to sleep and not having dreams because I feel like I’m more tired when I have dreams as opposed to…

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I’m totally fine. But like in the morning, so if I have it after I’ve rested, and then I just doze off again. Then I’m like, okay, whatever. Then I have an interesting story to tell. But like if I have it before I fall asleep, which I don’t really have dreams in that hazy transition phase. I feel like I mostly have them in…

TARANJIT: In the morning.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Right when I am about to wake up. Yeah. So does anyone have them or the other way around?

TARANJIT: No. It makes sense because you’re kind of like waking up so your brains like…

BHAVNEET: Activate. Activate.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so it’s like in that weird…

BHAVNEET: Yeah. But then I have interesting story…

TARANJIT: …transition phase.

BHAVNEET: …to tell. Because I’ll remember parts of it. I don’t always remember it.

TARANJIT: Have you ever had dreams where you thought you were falling of the bed? Like you’re falling and then you felt like you’re actually falling off your bed.

BHAVNEET: But that actually happens because you’re on the edge like, huah.

TARANJIT: Have you ever had like and just like, a weird feeling that you’re about to fall off? Like in your dream you’re about to fall off or something? And then you actually think you’re gonna fall off your bed, but you’re not.

BHAVNEET: I’ve had that. And then I’ve also had like, where I’m just laying on my mattress. I just feel like oh, my God I’m gonna fall off, but I’m like five inches in.


BHAVNEET: But apparently that’s a thing that they make in mattresses. Like certain mattresses because I was looking to buy a new one. That’s apparently a feature where they’re like, I don’t know what it’s called. But like the tip over part. Like they make the edge on certain mattresses where you don’t feel like you’re gonna fall over. Whereas other mattresses don’t have that thing. So you might feel like you’re gonna roll off.

TARANJIT: What? That’s a thing.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, apparently it’s a thing because I was comparing mattresses to be like, which one’s better? So apparently, that is a thing that people…

TARANJIT: So the one you ordered, has a tip protector? Whatever it’s called.

BHAVNEET: I don’t remember because I originally was looking at two different ones. And then I ended up going with this third one. So I didn’t look at whether it had it.

TARANJIT: II was looking at two different ones. But I went with a third one.


TARANJIT: When did you look at a….

BHAVNEET: Cuz that one had a discount. So I was like…

TARANJIT: No. But when did you look at this third one? I was looking at two different ones. And then I got a third one.

BHAVNEET: I was looking at all three of them, but I only saw the tip over roll over whatever edge thing on the other two because one different web pages were comparing two different mattresses and that one was comparing the third one with a different one, like the one of the two. So I was like, yeah.

TARANJIT: Okay, okay.

BHAVNEET: It was a complex process. And then I just picked one randomly.

TARANJIT: Hopefully it’s good.

BHAVNEET: I hope so. It’s in a box. We’ll find out.

TARANJIT: Mattress in the box.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, that’s my first experience in mattress on the box. So you’ll hear about that and see whether I have to return it or not. I hope not.

TARANJIT: I hate returning things. It’s so much more of a hassle.


TARANJIT: Than just getting something.

BHAVNEET: Also because you have to be there when they come to pick it up and I’m never home so that’s not gonna happen. You had to take it from me while I’m sleeping.

TARANJIT: Can you can you take it from me while I’m on the road? Come find me.

BHAVNEET: Follow me with your white minivan and I’ll throw it in there.

TARANJIT: More like the UPS truck.


TARANJIT: The brown.

BHAVNEET: That’s true.

TARANJIT: Just you know, put a tracker on me and then find me.

BHAVNEET: Oh that’s creepy. No, no trackers on me.

TARANJIT: Put a tracker on the mattress and get it. Just like wait it’s like he’s coming to pick it up. And he knows this is the address he has to go to but he sees it moving.

BHAVNEET: It’s like, what is going on?

TARANJIT: And he keeps going. And it’s like, wait its still going? Like where is this mattress going?

BHAVNEET: Follow that mattress.

TARANJIT: That’d be hilarious.

BHAVNEET: For an hour and a half away from the house.

TARANJIT: What if someone did that to like, just mess with the UPS driver? To be like…

BHAVNEET: But nobody does it based off of trackers.

TARANJIT: I know but if there was a such a thing, what if they’re just like,

BHAVNEET: Oh my gosh. I’m pretty sure they would have to pay for some sort of thing. Shipping or the amount of gas it took them.

TARANJIT: I feel like some Youtuber would probably do that. Just to have like a funny…

BHAVNEET: Now you are giving them ideas. This is my address. Come find this tracker. Okay, that’s where I need this delivered.

TARANJIT: Yeah, they would be mad.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. I mean, they just be like, fine, you were here at some point, put it there.

TARANJIT: And you don’t even want to really want to return it. So whatever.



BHAVNEET: So that happened. I told you I didn’t have any great stories. But there’s a couple of not so great ones.

TARANJIT: That was a good one. I liked your dream.

BHAVNEET: That was such a weird dream. And then all day, I was trying to figure out why I was having such a weird dream. And then I was trying to keep remembering so I could tell you.

TARANJIT: People like analyze your dreams and can tell you like, Oh, this is the reason. But like…

BHAVNEET: I just like laughing at it and be like what is going on? You weirdo.

TARANJIT: It has to be related to something.

BHAVNEET: I live a gas station. And we….

TARANJIT: I live a gas station?

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I live at gas station. XYZ that’s the name. And you go there also and then we just happen to be there at the same time. And then I did sell my car so there you go put it all together. Life events. Mashed together.

TARANJIT: I was thinking about how people always when they first meet us don’t know the difference between us. And oh, like they think oh…

BHAVNEET: You’re twins.

TARANJIT: They think they’re talking to the same person. Like if we’re individually…

BHAVNEET: That’s the best.

TARANJIT: If they run into us individually and then they’re like, wait, didn’t I just…

BHAVNEET: The benefits of having a twin when you don’t have to a twin.

TARANJIT: So I was like, it’s quite possible we would be able to like switch spots for a short period of time. And no one would know. If it was a longer period time people start interacting with us more than they will know the difference.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. If they know us really well.


BHAVNEET: There’s no way.

TARANJIT: …if it was just like for a short period time and there wasn’t as much interaction. I feel like we would be able to take each other’s spot and no one would know.

BHAVNEET: I don’t understand how. Because we look completely different. Like so different. I really I really don’t know. Is it because we’re like the only Indians in this town that’s like full of uh uh Caucasians.

TARANJIT: It sounded like a word didn’t just come out of your mouth. Fulluba.


TARANJIT: Full of? Is that what you said?

BHAVNEET: I didn’t say anything full of a.

TARANJIT: You said something.

BHAVNEET: We are the only Indians in a town…oh full of.

TARANJIT: Yeah, see full of.

BHAVNEET: And then I said uh.


BHAVNEET: Caucasians.

TARANJIT: Sounded like fulluba.

BHAVNEET: Fulluba. Hashtag Fulluba.

TARANJIT: Fullubfa what?

BHAVNEET: Fulluba. How would you spell that? Full…


BHAVNEET: No. F-U-L-L-U-B-A. Fulluba. Fulluba. Fulluba.

TARANJIT: It sounds like you are trying to say flub and full. And then fulluba.

BHAVNEET: Fulluba. You have a really weird accent and you’re saying flubber. Fulluba. Fulluba. Fulluba.

TARANJIT: Or your trying to say flavor.

BHAVNEET: You’re very fancy. So your saying flubber. Fulluba.

TARANJIT: Or flavor. Fulluba.

BHAVNEET: Look at that fulluba.


BHAVNEET: That’s not flavor.

TARANJIT: Fulluba.

BHAVNEET: No. You are adding too many weird syllables. Fulluba. Fulluba. What does that sound like?

TARANJIT: Full of a.

BHAVNEET: Fulluba. Fulluba.

TARANJIT: Okay. There’s your weirdness for the…

BHAVNEET: For the how many ever seconds that was because you’ll have more in…

TARANJIT: Shortly. Most likely.


TARANJIT: It’s mostly 90% weird and 10% of…

BHAVNEET: Coherence. Is that the right word?

TARANJIT: I can’t think of what else to say. But sure. Let’s go with that.


TARANJIT: 10% of whatever else it is.

BHAVNEET: 10% of fulluba.

TARANJIT: 10% of us trying to be…

BHAVNEET: 10% of fulluba.

TARANJIT: 10% of us trying to I don’t know.

BHAVNEET: Coherent. Trying to coherent.

TARANJIT: Trying to be serious, I guess or not serious. Be more…

BHAVNEET: Coherent.

TARANJIT: Whatever. I’m just gonna let that go.


TARANJIT: And keep you going.

BHAVNEET: It’s fulluba.

TARANJIT: So I wanted to that was Monday the gas station story then we talked about your dream in between but…

BHAVNEET: Because that did happen. In my dream.

TARANJIT: But another day, as I was driving to work, I see deer on the sides of I can’t talk deer on the side of the road. A lot of the times. Llike you know because cars have ran into it.

BHAVNEET: Well yeah.

TARANJIT: Stuff. Mostly on the shoulders are either in the lane.

BHAVNEET: Is this deer season? When is deer season? It’s like sometime in the fall, right?

TARANJIT: I don’t know. But usually I see it them either on the side of the road, like in the shoulder or either in the road. This is the first time I saw a deer literally in someone’s driveway dead.

BHAVNEET: Wait. What?

TARANJIT: In someone’s driveway as in…

BHAVNEET: Someone hit them in their driveway? Or someone hit them and move the deer into their driveway.

TARANJIT: Well the driveway was right off the road. So like someone could have hit it on the road and…

BHAVNEET: And if flew over?

TARANJIT: Into the driveway. It was like…

BHAVNEET: Here’s a present.

TARANJIT: …at the foot of their driveway and like a bunch of thoughts came into my mind when I saw it.

BHAVNEET: Here’s a present for when you come home.

TARANJIT: I was like…it was in the morning so I don’t like they could have not left yet.

BHAVNEET: A decayed deer for eight hours.

TARANJIT: It was fresh. Like it was…

BHAVNEET: It’s gonna be decayed eight hours by the time you’re home.

TARANJIT: But what if they didn’t leave yet because it was early morning.

BHAVNEET: Were their cars?

TARANJIT:  Yeah, there was a car or two cars. I don’t remember. There was car in the driveway. Well, I was thinking like how would they get out? Like would they…

BHAVNEET: Ew. Do you have to move the deer?

TARANJIT: Would they have to move the deer or would they get someone else to move the deer? What would they do?

BHAVNEET: Yeah, cuz you’re not gonna drive over it. You know it’s there.

TARANJIT: I have driven over a deer. It’s not pleasant.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. But like…

TARANJIT: By accident, though.

BHAVNEET: Otherwise, it’s just gonna stay there if it doesn’t get moved. Because if you go around it, you’re going to keep going around it.

TARANJIT: Yeah, but they do have like…

BHAVNEET: Who gets rid of the dead deer?

TARANJIT: I don’t know. That’s another question.

BHAVNEET: Because like some sometimes you see them dead on the side rather than the next day or like couple days later they’re gone. Completely gone. So do all the vultures just eat them.?

TARANJIT: I don’t know. But there was like a tree on one side of the driveway and then there’s flat grass on the other so I mean if they wanted to they could have just drove over the grass into the road.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. But why you ruin the grass?

TARANJIT: But. What would you do in that situation? If it was just you right?

BHAVNEET: It was completely blocked blocking or you can go around?

TARANJIT: Yeah. It was like a cars width of a driveway and the deer was literally sprawled across.

BHAVNEET: Well see the thing is, is there anyone else going to be there?

TARANJIT: No. It’s just you.

BHAVNEET: Forever? Just me? I’m all by myself.

TARANJIT: Yeah. You live there by yourself.

BHAVNEET: Why would I live there by myself? I’m not a loner.

TARANJIT: Don’t ever borrow anything from her? Because she doesn’t loan.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I’m not a loner.

TARANJIT: What would you do?

BHAVNEET: Well, I mean, eventually you would have to move it or you are going to have this vulture frenzy going on.

TARANJIT: So would you move it? Or would you try to get someone to…

BHAVNEET: I would get someone to move it.

TARANJIT: Who would you call?

BHAVNEET: Yo brother. Come move this thing.

TARANJIT: I thought you said your brother. Yo brother.

BHAVNEET: Yo, brother.


BHAVNEET: Yep. Cuz that’s what he would say, yo. Yo, brother. Yo sister. I’m not moving that thing.

TARANJIT: How long would it take if you weren’t or someone didn’t move it? Like how long would it take for it to go away?

BHAVNEET: It depends how close the vultures are around you. Because one time I don’t know if I told this.

TARANJIT: Yes you did.

BHAVNEET: Oh, okay. Do you even know what story I was gonna say?

TARANJIT: The vulture on the side of the road where you have to go…

BHAVNEET: No. This was a different vulture. I’m talking about a vulture frenzy. This is like, what do you call a group of vultures? A flock? A frenzy?

TARANJIT: Well, birds are called a flock.

BHAVNEET: A murder like crows. Like crows.


BHAVNEET: Aren’t they call a murder?

TARANJIT: I don’t know.

BHAVNEET: I thought they were. But yeah, so there was I was going to work and there was a deer dead. On the opposite side of the road. This one bird…at first when I was coming from far way. I’m like, oh, there’s a bird flying towards it. Because sometimes I see like crows and stuff going to dead animals. So like it was black. So I was like, Oh, it’s a crow. But then when I got close, I’m like, that’s a really big crow. That’s not a crow. That’s something else.

TARANJIT: That’s a really big crow.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. And I was getting closer, but then this big semi-truck was coming. That’s what they call it. Right? There’s so many different names for them. The ones with…

TARANJIT: 18-wheelers.

BHAVNEET: 18-wheelers. Okay.

TARANJIT: They’re also called semi-trucks.

BHAVNEET: Well, the 18-wheeler was coming It was kind of like a hill. So he’s coming up the hill. There’s what I found that was a vulture afterwards was going towards the deer and then saw the truck coming and then just like flew back really fast and then went in front of me so a little bit distance away. So it went past the me onto the side of the road.


BHAVNEET: The me. Yeah. Passed the me and then sat down on a hill in the grass. And then I looked over and I’m like oh my god. Yeah, that happened.

TARANJIT: You are ending stories so abruptly.

BHAVNEET: No, so I looked over. What do you think I saw?

TARANJIT: A vulture?

BHAVNEET: Not just one vulture. There was at least like 30 vultures.

TARANJIT: Well you could of added that on. Oh my God. The end.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Cuz sense. Its lots of sense. So I looked over and just like literally the whole hill was filled with vultures all just sitting there staring at this deer. They are like your mine. But then that one vulture was like, I’ll go for it. Oh, no, I won’t. And then they’re all just sitting there like looking at that deer. Like, I will eat you. Very soon.

TARANJIT: As soon as the 18-wheeler passes.

BHAVNEET: They’re being very patient about it. But they’re like all looking at this deer like ah food.

TARANJIT: Speaking of animals crossing the road. I’ve seen two deer, not two deer. Because you’re talking about deer.

BHAVNEET: I did see two deer cross the road.

TARANJIT: Two squirrels. I was where was I?

BHAVNEET: Heh. Squirrel.

TARANJIT: We were going to the campus tour and that’s where it was. And you were driving so you didn’t probably notice this. We were at a red light. And I saw I think we’re like closer to the left lane. There’s like three lanes we weren’t probably all the way over I think maybe the second from the left. But there’s two girls on the sidewalk to the right and they’re like running around playing with each other and then one on all of a sudden hopped onto the shoulder. And he just like in like a kind of like ready to cross pose.

BHAVNEET: Oh yeah.

TARANJIT: He just stood there and waited. His tail went up and then the other like his friend I guess was there who was playing with just looked at him like what are you doing?

BHAVNEET: Like you crazy.

TARANJIT: And then the squirrel was the one on the shoulder was ready to cross but then a car drove by. And then he ran back and the to run away together.

BHAVNEET: Nope, not happening.

TARANJIT: Yeah, the one squirrel that was still on the sidewalk was like, What are you doing?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. What do you want to die?

TARANJIT: Remember that one we saw a squirrel we saw that like ran so fast…was it a squirrel or a chipmunk that ran so fast underneath a car that was coming and made it all the way across the road? Like he made it all the way.

BHAVNEET: I can’t remember. We’ve seen so many run across. Like squirrels and chipmunks.

TARANJIT: I’ve had a squirrel flung at me.

BHAVNEET: Oh my God. Yup.

TARANJIT: Did I tell this story on here?

BHAVNEET: I don’t know. But I know you had one flung at you.

TARANJIT: I was going to school and there was a car in front of me and we were going up a hill. So he hit a squirrel that crossed the road and then it like got stuck. It was in his rear tire.

BHAVNEET: Rear tire aire.

TARANJIT: Rear tire on the on the passenger side. So the back right one and it got stuck in there. I could see it like spinning in the tire and then like it came out. And since we were going up a hill…

BHAVNEET: Gotta get that velocity going.

TARANJIT: It like circled the tire once and came flinging out and hit right in my headlight. On the right side.

BHAVNEET: Oh my God. Got to get the velocity to shoot it out like a cannonball.

TARANJIT: I didn’t even know he like hit the squirrel until I saw like, come out. Like oh my God, poor squirrel. And then it hit my car.

BHAVNEET: Squirrel. Gosh.


BHAVNEET: That happened, too. I did see two deer run across this like three lane four lane road in the middle of the day. Not the middle of day. It was like five o’clock. 5:30. Is that the time they usually come out? I thought they come out like later when it’s more like…

TARANJIT: The come out at all times of the day for me.

BHAVNEET: …darker.

TARANJIT: I don’t have a set time that I see them.

BHAVNEET: Literally like ran across the road. And we were all stopped at a light like the block back. So we’re all sitting there and just see one deer run across. The other day run halfway across, and then continue running across. And so when the light turned green, everyone started going. I don’t know why everyone like hit the gas so hard. And then when we got to the point where the deer had crossed, everyone slamed the brakes. So I’m like then why’d you speed up so fast if you were gonna stop anyways? And everyone slowed down and went like 20 passed the zone like looking left, right, left, right, and then hit the gas again. Like no more deer. No more deer. Because where there’s one there’s 50 more.

TARANJIT:  50 exactly?

BHAVNEET: Yes. They may not all come out but they’re they’re watching. So I haven’t noticed like well, lately, I’ve noticed a lot more vultures around the area.

TARANJIT: Oh, man. So are you the one who calls out the vultures and I call out the deer?

BHAVNEET: I don’t know. But like lately, I’ve never seen this many vultures before. And now all of a sudden…are they moving to this area.

TARANJIT: You’re the vulture caller-er.

BHAVNEET: Oh, God. They are evil looking. I don’t want those.

TARANJIT: I am a deer whisper-er. I’m a deer magnet. Literally. I can make them come out in areas where people are like, I’ve never seen deer here before in my life.

BHAVNEET: The vultures just give you stink eyes like make me move. It’s like okay, I’ll hit you with my car.

TARANJIT: Is that your spirit animal?

BHAVNEET: Oh, God. Are you calling me angry grumpy stink eye?

TARANJIT: No. Because One time I took a quiz to be like, what’s my spirit animal? And a deer…

BHAVNEET: Why is that is why is a vulture an option for a spirit animal?

TARANJIT: It could be. Mine was deer.

BHAVNEET: I hope not. I don’t want to take this quiz. Find out if you’re a vulture. Oh, God. That just sounds bad. I’m not a vulture. I’ve only seen them like a lot.

TARANJIT: I’ve only seen them like a lot.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. What she said. And what I said.

TARANJIT: Okay, I feel like we need to give not our commute stories anymore. You’ve talked a lot about yourself. Let’s hear someone else’s story.

BHAVNEET: You told your stories. You asked me for stories.

TARANJIT: It’s all yours. Your story this. Your story that. My one story in between.

BHAVNEET: I’m sorry. I’m apparently a vulture.

TARANJIT: I’m just kidding. But we have another commuter update story.


TARANJIT: I love hearing people, other people’s stories. Because it’s like…

BHAVNEET: Seeing that other crazy things happen in the world.

TARANJIT: It’s not…

BHAVNEET: Just what happens to us. Yeah, exactly.

TARANJIT: But this one’s from Kevin from A Necessary Evil podcast. And basically, what…

BHAVNEET: Bring a little laugh into your day.

TARANJIT: Like do you ever have, I feel like I have this feeling all the time where not like every single day. But a lot of the times when I’m leaving the house.  I’m forgetting something, and you just like I don’t know what it is, but they’re definitely something I’m missing.

BHAVNEET: Yep, you’re talking to the right person.

TARANJIT: But then you leave and then like most of the way there and then you’re like that was it. But there’s no point in turning around.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. But see what the thing is. I forget about things. And then I literally check the same thing like 20 times. And I’m like, yep, no, I have it. Like my ID. Oh, yup, that’s in my wallet. Get into my car. Yep, it’s in there. Get to the gas station. It’s still there. Okay.

TARANJIT: So something along that those lines happened to Kevin. But wait until you hear what it was he forgot.

BHAVNEET: Plot twist.

KEVIN: So I have a 45 minute commute each way to work. And I’m a creature of habit. So I have a very good routine. And whenever, you know, I like oversleep or something throws my routine off, I always have this suspicion that I’ve forgotten something. And so I’m trying to drive to work. And I’m checking to see if I’ve got my wallet and making sure I have my phone, you know, ID card to get into work. And so one morning about two years ago, I had overslept a little bit, and I’m driving and you know, I’ve got that suspicion that I forgot something. I’m checking, I got my wallet, I got my ID badge, I’ve got my phone, I’ve got my my backpack with my, my files in it and stuff. And it bugged me. And it was you know, I’m like 30 minutes away from the house at this point when it dawns on me that I didn’t have my dentures in. So it was a very awkward call to the boss to say, hey, I’ve got I’m going to be like an hour late. I forgot to put my teeth in.

TARANJIT: I have this feeling as I mentioned before, all the time, and with a one hour and a half, almost an hour and 20 minute commute to work. I just like well, if I don’t have it now whatever I’ll just have to deal with it. Without, you know, whatever this item was for the day.

BHAVNEET: This is not something you could deal without.

TARANJIT: I know. So or as I’m leaving, and when I have this feeling I’m like, Okay, please, whatever I’m forgetting, hopefully it’s not important. Like it’s like, I can do without it for today. But…

BHAVNEET: Yeah. It’s like the things you mainly check are your phone, wallet and keys. You’re like, okay, I have everything.

TARANJIT: But I love the way he ended his story. How he’s like I forgot to put my teeth in.

BHAVNEET: It was very, like unfortunate that it happened. But yes, it’s pretty funny. Looking back at it.

TARANJIT: The way he ended like the way he said it. Like it just made me laugh a little. Which I feel bad that he forgot it. But…


TARANJIT: That must have been like one awkward call. To his boss.

BHAVNEET: Be like, hey, Bob.


BHAVNEET: Hey, Bob. Because you call your boss by their first name.

TARANJIT: I mean, a lot of people do.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So instead of his full name. It’s Bob. Hey, Bob. Hey, bud, you know. Whatever. So would his boss been able to tell? Because he didn’t have his teeth in that he was talking and saying I don’t have my teeth in. Because people usually sound a little different without their teeth in.

TARANJIT: Huh. I never even thought of it that way.

BHAVNEET: So I mean, If he’s talking how did the boss that hear him saying I don’t have my teeth in?

TARANJIT: I mean, he should be able to talk.

BHAVNEET: No. No. I mean, like he could hear him. But would he have been able to tell what he was saying.

TARANJIT: Well then, he would know he’s telling the truth. He’s not lying.

BHAVNEET: Like just take his teeth out and be like I forgot my teeth. And then put them back in.

TARANJIT: He’ll know that he’s not making it up.


TARANJIT: It’s uh his real reason.


TARANJIT: He’s going to be late.

BHAVNEET: That’s a very well put together story.

TARANJIT: My question to you is, what is one thing that if you forgot and realized mostly through your commute that you forgot this…

BHAVNEET: That would be so far away.

TARANJIT: …that you would definitely turn around for. What is it? Like what would this item be? Or what would this thing be?


TARANJIT: That you would definitely turn around.

BHAVNEET: To work?

TARANJIT: Yeah, you’re going to work and you forgot this. And you would definitely turn around.

BHAVNEET: I would have said my ID badge, but you can get a temporary one if you forget it. So I’m good. Um my phone because I can’t log into anything. I need it to login.

TARANJIT: Whenever I leave. I always have a feeling I forgot my phone even though I know I put it in my purse.


TARANJIT: But I always look at my car and like did it connect? Okay I have it.

BHAVNEET: That’s what you look at? You know what I do? I reach over towards my purse and I like…

TARANJIT: I do that, too.

BHAVNEET: I feel and I’m like pull it out. Blue cover. Yep, that’s my phone.


BHAVNEET: Five minutes later. Yup its there. Five years later. Yup it’s there.

TARANJIT: I always make…yeah, I do that, too. I do the pat check, too. But I always always pat check it.

BHAVNEET: I pull it out. I need to see it.

TARANJIT: I feel it. Like I go and feel it. But because my things always open. Plus I can just reach it.

BHAVNEET: I don’t need to just feel it. I need to see it.

TARANJIT: But then I always constantly look at it. Did it…is it still connected? Is it still connected? Like it’s with me.

BHAVNEET: I know. I never thought of it that way to see if it’s connected. Because I physically turn on my bluetooth to connect it. So.

TARANJIT: Well, I leave my bluetooth like on to automatically connect. So if it doesn’t connect, then I know I forgot it. Because that’s happened one time when I was leaving somewhere on the weekend, we were going somewhere. And I was like it didn’t connect. My phone. And I ran upstairs and got it because I left it plugged in.

BHAVNEET: There’s times I left it plugged in and about to walk out the door. And I’m like, I don’t have my phone. Turn around. Turn around Abort mission. We’re not going anywhere today. Forgot my phone. Shows you how connected we are to our phones.


BHAVNEET: Yeah, that was Kevin.

TARANJIT: That was a really unique story. Like different. Like…

BHAVNEET: I was not expecting that.

TARANJIT: Yeah, I wasn’t expecting a story like that.

BHAVNEET: So that was from Kevin, and he is the host of A Necessary Evil podcast where he talks about adventures from the point of view of an amateur super villain. So be sure to check him out.

TARANJIT: So since we’re on the topic of computer stories, and whenever we have a really good commuter story that we want to hear more details while we tend to get clips. But there’s also short ones that we’ve had people tweet to us which I wanted to read some of them on our show.

BHAVNEET: And if you have an interesting commute story interesting, funny, weird. send us a Tweet. Like tag us at Drive With Us podcast.

TARANJIT: Or any of our social media.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Or share your story or go to our website and share your story idea with us and we’ll reach out to you and possibly possibly feature you on an upcoming episode.

TARANJIT: But if you would like to record a clip and send it that’s even more interesting to listen to from your viewpoint because you’re telling us a story.

BHAVNEET: Because who can tell a story better than you.

TARANJIT: So here is the first one from at one Lance Anderson. And he wrote: The final day of test driving with my driver instructor. He had me drive over the hill to Sunset Boulevard. It was Friday afternoon in rush hour traffic and it started to pour down rain. The roads get very slick in LA on the first rain. I’m gonna stop here for a second. Don’t roads gets slick everywhere on the first rain?

BHAVNEET: Yeah, but I mean, I guess LA because with all it’s hills and stuff, it’s like really dangerous on there.

TARANJIT: Is LA hilly?

BHAVNEET: Oh is LA…I don’t know.

TARANJIT: San Francisco is more.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I was thinking more up.

TARANJIT: Is LA more flat?

BHAVNEET: Maybe LA has parts that are. With all the traffic maybe its super dangerous. I don’t know.

TARANJIT: Anyway, so he was like the road gets slick in LA on the first rain. Then the stop lights went out. Trial by fire. When I was reading it, I was like, oh okay, like…

BHAVNEET: Oh wow. The stop lights went out, too. Ah.

TARANJIT: No, I was reading this. And I was like, Okay, this is like, you know, reading this and then I get to the end. I’m like, wait, that’s it? What happened?

BHAVNEET: Wait, there was a fire?

TARANJIT: What happened next? Like, I feel like we’re missing some key details.


TARANJIT: Part two.

BHAVNEET: Tell me more.

TARANJIT: Follow-up?


TARANJIT: I’m confused.

BHAVNEET: I think here’s the suspense because I think he is a writer, or so his profile says.

TARANJIT: So this is his way of luring you in to get more information?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Now we need more. See. Oh. Oh.


BHAVNEET: That was a smart idea.

TARANJIT: What are doing?

BHAVNEET: I couldn’t tap the side because my headphones are there. So I’m tapping my forehead.

TARANJIT: The center of your forehead.

BHAVNEET: My brain is too. So I mean.

TARANJIT: Your brains like all in here.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, exactly. So I can tap wherever I want.




BHAVNEET: But yeah, that was an interesting story. Then the lights went out. All right.

TARANJIT: That’s the worst. I hate when stop lights go out. And then nobody follows the rules of taking turns. And everyone just goes crazy. And you’re like, but.

BHAVNEET: They were…Yeah.

TARANJIT: But. But. When do I get to cross?

BHAVNEET: This is how I hate when it happens at the busiest intersections. Once when I was leaving Baltimore, the main intersection that led to the ramp to 8…I-83. And was a main road the opposite direction, too. The light went out. So nobody was literally following the take turns because it’s literally going one way like the road that goes one direction. There was two lanes that turn left and on the opposite side, there’s two lanes of turn left and two lanes that go straight. So that’s already like four lanes. And then the opposite sides. That go like left right then also had a lane that turns left on both sides and like three lanes that go straight. So there’s cars going everywhere. And I was literally like inch forward. Stop. Car swerves around me. Inch forward. Stop. Another car goes around me. Inch forward and I’m like this car is turning left in front of me. Oh my God. And then I just hit the gas and go.

TARANJIT: Oh, that’s scary. I was at the main street light.

BHAVNEET: I also had one on that road but not at the main street.

TARANJIT: People would just on go out on the actual Main Street would just keep going. And I’m just like this is not a yellow flashy for you and red flashy for me. This is a everyone’s lights out everyone take turns.


TARANJIT: Act like a four way stop.

BHAVNEET: The like at that point. It’s like people need to go back to driver’s Ed. Because if a light goes out, you’re supposed to act like it’s a stop sign. Like a four way stop. But that also happened on that same road, which is the main road and there was a side road and the light was out. So ours was blinking yellow. There’s was probably blinking red. I don’t know if that…that’s usually what happens, right? We just kept going. Nobody was stopping. And then they’re just there’s one person just saying they’re like, Oh, it was a main road near the exit to 70.


BHAVNEET: The light was out. It was literally blinking. And I’m like, and the person sitting on the left was like I’m never gonna make it. They wanted to turn left and it’s like you’re not gonna make it.

TARANJIT: Yeah. There’s so much traffic.

BHAVNEET: Just turn right, go to the next light and turn make a U-turn.

TARANJIT: U-turn. Yeah.

BHAVNEET: Fun stuff.

TARANJIT: So there’s another story. I have two. The second one’s from @bigtravelpod. And she wrote and I know she’s a she because I went on her thing and I saw…

BHAVNEET: Investigations.

TARANJIT: I hope. I hope I saw the right picture. And it was a she.

BHAVNEET: If it’s not I’m so sorry. Big travel pod just them.

TARANJIT: She I hope wrote.

BHAVNEET: You hope she wrote? Big travel pod.

TARANJIT: I once took the train from London to Paris for a meeting that was canceled when I was already under the channel. Wait, did I read that wrong? Am I reading this wrong?


T; When I was already under the channel, so my whole day was a round trip to Paris during which I didn’t even managed to emerge from the station.

BHAVNEET: Well that sucks. I was gonna say I like maybe you should just took the time abd spent the day in Paris and then went back.

TARANJIT: So this reminded me of a similar situation that I was in where I was literally on the road all day and I made it like I left for work and came back by three.

BHAVNEET: That was your own fault. You shouldn’t have gone.

TARANJIT: Okay, so nothing was happening yet. And my work usually so my work has a weather line where they…

BHAVNEET: But it was happening here. So you shouldn’t have gone.

TARANJIT: It didn’t happen here yet. That’s the thing. When I left at 7:30, it was bright and sunny. Nothing. Like it looked like nothing was going to happen. Then 20 minutes into my drive. It started snowing.

BHAVNEET: You should have turned around.

TARANJIT: It came down so fast.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. You should have turned around.

TARANJIT: But then like I call the weather line again. And I was like no message. Still open.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, but if it started going fast, you know, we get hit hard.

TARANJIT: And then like I made it all. They got hit hard, too. Down there.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, exactly. They got hit hard. We got hit even harder.

TARANJIT: I know. And then it took me forever to get back because I kept getting stuck. And I couldn’t get in. Like literally my car just like nope, I’m not moving. I’m staying right here.

BHAVNEET: I’m just gonna stay right here. It’s nice and cozy.

TARANJIT: Like my tires were turning, but I wasn’t going anywhere. And then there was parts where I was just slipping. And then I like took me forever to get home because I had to literally drive like 5-10 miles the entire 40 plus miles…

BHAVNEET: And this road is not flat.

TARANJIT: …back.


TARANJIT: And then like at one point my windshield kept freezing over like no matter every time I would wipe it would just freeze it all on my windshield as opposed to wipe it away.


TARANJIT: Even though I have my defrost on. So I don’t know what was causing that to happen.

BHAVNEET: I have no idea why that was happening. That was weird.

TARANJIT: But then I pulled over on the shoulder to like, get out and scrape it and then like so many people slowed down and stopped next to me and like are you okay? Do you need help? What’s wrong?

BHAVNEET: That’s when you know that there are good people left in the world. When emergencies happen, people will stop and help you which is so nice.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so I kind of…

BHAVNEET: Every other day they’ll just yell at you. And be like move.


BHAVNEET: But if there’s an emergency, people will help you and it’s good to see that people care.

TARANJIT: Yeah, but I know how she felt in terms of having to go somewhere and then realizing you didn’t need to go there, and you wasted your day when you could have been doing something ele.

BHAVNEET: But I wish she could have like enjoyed Paris while you were there.

TARANJIT: Yeah, like couldn’t she have just gone out and did something?

BHAVNEET: Because if you were going to go for your meeting, you would have gotten out. And then like…so spend that time doing something, right?

TARANJIT: Yeah. But she just sat in the train. Nope. I’ll just take it back.

BHAVNEET: All the way back. That’s sad though.


BHAVNEET: Because like you went there and you couldn’t actually…I mean unless you go there a lot then you’re like it’s just another city.

TARANJIT: Yeah, if you do go somewhere a lot you’re like I can go…like we kind of…

BHAVNEET: DC is just our…it’s only our capital.

TARANJIT: I know but we have been there like so much.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. People would be like…

TARANJIT: We have been there like every summer that we’re just like…

BHAVNEET: It’s just our capital. It’s in our backyard. People are always like oh my God. Washington DC. Because it’s the capital of the United States. And we are just like yeah DC. You want to go somewhere else? Okay.

TARANJIT: Yeah. Let’s go somewhere else. We have been there one too many times.  Oh, you want to go? Okay. Fine. I’ll take you

BHAVNEET: Yeah. But there’s this funner thing at this other place.

TARANJIT: Try to convince them to go somewhere you want to go.


TARANJIT: Speaking of convincing people…well I don’t think people are really convinced. They kind of just signed up to do this. The area 51 raid.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I…that was today?

TARANJIT: It was either today or yesterday. It was like yesterday or today. One of those days.

BHAVNEET: Well from when this is being posted it was…

TARANJIT: Yesterday or today.

BHAVNEET: No. From when this when this episode will be posted.

TARANJIT: Oh yeah.

BHAVNEET: It is a…

TARANJIT: September 21.

BHAVNEET: Yes. Now we just dated ourselves.

TARANJIT: You are saying like we dated ourselves like we are old. Like…

BHAVNEET: Well. Yeah.

TARANJIT: You know how like people have conversations like…

BHAVNEET: Old news.

TARANJIT: …I am born in 1982. Oh, wow. I just dated myself.

BHAVNEET: Yup. Oh secret’s out. We can advance. Oh man.

TARANJIT: So apparently there was a Facebook event that started this whole thing. And the guy posted as a joke because he didn’t think people would take it seriously but then it…

BHAVNEET: Happened.

TARANJIT: And like they he was forced to take it down or they like took it down


TARANJIT: Because they didn’t want anything serious to happen. But as a result of this event, there’s like thousands of people signed up to be like I’m going. Right.

BHAVNEET: Oh my God.

TARANJIT: So the police were…

BHAVNEET: Did people actually do this?

TARANJIT: The police were like super prepared for if thousands of people showed up like they could handle the situation.


TARANJIT: But in response to this there was also a bunch of alien related festivals going on. Around not like right by the area 51 area but like in small towns nearby there was like festivals going on. So apparently thousands of people ended up at those festivals not area 51. About 200 or so people actually ended up going to area 51 or like near area 51. Which they were saying how like people would have to go like several miles like down like middle…

BHAVNEET: Random roads.

TARANJIT: …of nowhere roads.


TARANJIT: To get to area 51.

BHAVNEET: Which is probably why a lot of people are like nah.


BHAVNEET: Yeah. Where is this? Isn’t this like in Nevada?


BHAVNEET: Yeah. It’s in Nevada.

TARANJIT: So in like I guess in preparation for this raid.


TARANJIT: The military base was like putting sending out warnings and stuff and saying that they will use lethal force if needed. Like they will use it. So like be warned. A sheriff also commented on this saying that the land around it’s like public land like you’re free to go up to it but you cannot cross the boundary or tried to cross the gates and get into it.


TARANJIT: Like you’re free to walk up to it and you’re free to…

BHAVNEET: Like hey look this area 51.

TARANJIT: Yeah. Your that’s public land.  You’re allowed to do that. You’re not doing anything illegal.

BHAVNEET: Huh. So is that gonna be a tourist destination? Be like area 51. Snap.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so like…

BHAVNEET: Selfies my area 51.

TARANJIT: You could get in within selfie photo like selfie distance. But you can’t cross the boundary.

BHAVNEET: Well I guess we should make that our destination whenever we go to Nevada. Make that a stop.

TARANJIT: So there was but there were a few people arrested during this time and one…

BHAVNEET: People…some people get crazy.

TARANJIT: One was like an alcohol related arrest. So like typical.

BHAVNEET: Makes sense.

TARANJIT: Expected. One was a they had to mention this one I guess because it was like different but they’re like a Canadian citizen arrested for indecent exposure. Which I think they said one person was urinating in public so like…

BHAVNEET: Oh my God.

TARANJIT: …I don’t know if it was this guy.


TARANJIT: But that. And then one person one woman came close to crossing.

BHAVNEET: Was it an Indian? Because apparently that’s a thing that people do in India.

TARANJIT: So one woman almost like came close enough to like I guess either look like she’s about to cross or she was crossing so she was detained. That scared me.

BHAVNEET: Woop. Woop.

TARANJIT: Speaking of police, thanks for your…

BHAVNEET: Perfect timing. I don’t know if the this picked up on that. But literally right when you said one lady was detained. Woop. Woop.

TARANJIT: Yeah. That was so funny. That was so perfect. That scared me.

BHAVNEET: They’re coming for you.

TARANJIT: But yeah, nothing crazy happened at least.


TARANJIT: That I’ve heard of.

BHAVNEET: So that the raid has happened?


BHAVNEET: The raid in quotation marks.  


BHAVNEET: I mean, that’s okay if people had a bunch of festivals. Those little towns probably got a lot of like you know, tourism and uh…

TARANJIT: Oh yeah, they probably got a lot.

BHAVNEET: It worked out for them. But yeah, so the area around is public land. Feel free to stand a distance away and be like, oh look. That is area 51.

TARANJIT: Yeah, for like selfie purposes. Be like, oh, yeah. I went to area 51.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. What is area 51? I got a selfie. Kinda like is that Meteor where that Meteor hit is still open to go see in Arizona?

TARANJIT: Yeah, you just have to go during like…

BHAVNEET: Because when we went, it was closed and it was a tease.

TARANJIT: …hours of operation. Like you can’t go like…we were literally they’re at middle of the night. When we got there.

BHAVNEET: Because last second they’re like oh, yeah. We’ll take you.

TARANJIT: It was a teaser. To be like oh yeah.


TARANJIT: I was gonna take you totally, but it’s closed.

BHAVNEET: Me over here who loves astronomy stuff was like oh yeah, I want to go see this where this Meteor hit. I want to go see it and see how big it is. Because you know these things are huge. But no, it was closed. I was like well fine, then. I got to see the moon. Whoo. Well I mean a lot more stars because in Arizona it’s a lot more open.

TARANJIT: Oh I loved seeing the sky.

BHAVNEET: Ah. It was so awesome.

TARANJIT: And the moon.

BHAVNEET: Now this is how you look for constellations. Over there, it’s like just connect…over here it’s like connect the dots with what you can find. Which is like two stars. Make your own stuff up. Over there, the moon is bigger because it seems like you know it’s a closer and lots more stars to see. And it’s great. I want to see the meteor but all right, guess not. So if the meteor impact area is there, what did they do with actual Meteor that impacted?

TARANJIT: Oh. I don’t know.

BHAVNEET: The crater crater is there. What did they do with the actual…

TARANJIT: Maybe they took it for science purposes.

BHAVNEET: Was it actually a meteor or whatever it was. Yeah. Whatever. Like that’s huge. How did they remove that to leave the crater? Or is the whole thing still there?

TARANJIT: That I don’t know.

BHAVNEET: That’s an interesting question, though. Like what did they do?

TARANJIT: Uh. Google it and figure it out.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, well instead of later. I’m going to go investigate now. So while I go do that you guys can go check us out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest at Drive With Us podcast. And if you have any interesting stories that are share worthy that you feel need to be shared, contact us on our social media or you can email us at We will see you next time.

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