Dr. Jeff Williamson – Executive Coach (Driving Profile)
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Crazy Driving Stories:
Crashing into teacher’s car
Driving on logs in Peru
Hit ice and spun out
Squeezing RV through tight tunnel
Type of Driver:
Horrible passenger, loves driving
Lets others go first
The interstate tests his patience
Driving Pet Peeve:
Slow left lane drivers
Drivers on their phone
Driving in South America:
Drive a little more carefree than North Americans
Blow horn as crossing intersection with stop sign
Don’t stop at stop signs (4 way Gos)
Driving in Southwest U.S.:
A lot of angry drivers
Driving in Eastern U.S.:
Very quick on the horn when light turns green
New Driving Law:
No more slow drivers in left lane
Tips for Drivers:
When driving in snow or ice, stay of the brakes. They are not your friend on ice. Instead, ease up on gas and slow down.
You can always get through it. You just have to figure it out and make some adjustments.
Be patient and kind. That other driver is someone else’s mom, dad, brother, or sister, and driving recklessly is not worth killing or hurting someone else.