Extra Content for E13: You made my face hurt

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            What would happen if one of the 26 letters of the alphabet were just gone? That would make for a very weird adjustment to how we say things (half of these words would probably not be the same). Unless if you were to remove a more rare letter, like X. But that would still make an impact: what if your name was Xavier? It would just be Avier. Yeah, doesn’t sound as cool.
            That’s what happened to our names when we put them in an auto-transcribing program. I, Bhavneet, went from Bonnie to Bob need and Taranjit went from Taryn G to Karen G to… wait for it… Tearing G. She is just so frustrated that she is now ripping all the G’s in the world. So if G is precious to you (i.e. if your name is Gary or Gilbert or even Gabino) I would stay clear!

            Aside from tearing letters, there is also some mattress tearing (at least theoretically) that happens. This particular mattress is slightly bigger and more intimidating than the one in the Rugrats episode with Phil moving the mattress at night (Leave a comment if you get that reference!). Hear about all the struggles, and explorations of what comes out of a mattress, in Episode 13: You Made My Face Hurt!

            Speaking of sleeping, how does one properly sleep on a pillow? Is there proper pillow etiquette? Or rather, is there a correct-pillow-position-sleeping class? If so, sign me up! There are so many questions. This is not something that is taught in school, and my neck is very angry about it. Are your shoulders supposed to be partially on the pillow also, or is the soft fluffiness only reserved for your head and neck? Is this why people sleep with multiple pillows… is one designated for a different body part? (I have tried the multiple pillow thing and either I failed miserably or I had some broken pillows – kind of like the broken doors in Monsters Inc. They should be taken to the pillow shredder because obviously they were the problem).

            For all the science nerds (and lower-level enthusiasts), learn about some cool inventions in the scientific realm in Episode 13. Here is a quick teaser of what you can expect:

            Hate pricking your finger constantly to check your blood sugar (yes, diabetics I am talking to you). Well, there is a new pill in the works that might let you never have to prick your finger like Sleeping Beauty ever again. Instead, the pricking and insulin injection will happen internally on its own! Disclaimer (read really fast and almost on the verge of being incoherent): This pill is still in the works and there are many pros and cons to this method. Listen to the full discussion by tuning in to Episode 13: You Made My Face Hurt and decide for yourself. May potentially cause internal problems, particularly in the stomach, because of the many questions that arise from the potential negative consequences of poking holes in the stomach lining. 

            Wish that a prosthetic limb could be cool and functional? Well, wait no more! David Aguilar, from Spain, built himself a robotic arm out of Legos and you can too! Now along with functionality you could have color, style, and something unique. Legos are not only for building houses, cars, and other play-scenes, now utilize the full potential of Legos by building affordable prosthetics!

            Have you been teased enough? If not you need to re-read the trailers above except for this time imagine dramatic scenes flashing across the screen complete with accompanying music and one of those stereotypical trailer voices that start out dramatic but turn all pumped and excited…

            Now did you experience the trailer? Good. Now you can take those very interest-piquing trailer images and listen to Episode 13 to hear the full discussion 🙂

For more information about the insulin pill check out the science daily article and for the full inspiring story about the Lego arm check out the Reuters article.

Though we do not have first hand experience with limb loss, we do have an incident with an (almost) loss of a finger. For the full-blown description head on over and listen to the full episode, but here is the quick snippet version. We were kids. We were playing in the kitchen. The kitchen was hot. One of us shuts the door on the other, trapping them in kitchen. Both push the door. One person’s hands go through glass of door. Finger almost falls off.

Also hear about the weird phenomenon of bodies making weird noises that do not feel like they came from you but they definitely did, stereotypical comedic segues, fidget spinner centrifuges, the Boeing 737 Max, Dr. Suess and much more!

Listen to the full episode 13: You Made My Face Hurt here on the website or on your favorite podcast app.

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