Transcript of E5: Disney Trivia

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Bhavneet: Welcome back to Drive With Us. I’m Bhavneet

Taranjit: And I’m Taranjit.

Bhavneet: Today, we thought we would test each other’s knowledge, specifically Disney Pixar knowledge.

Taranjit: So what we did was we each found 10 different trivia questions for either Disney or Pixar movies. And now we’re going to quiz each other

Bhavneet: I’m not ready. I don’t have much pop culture knowledge.

Taranjit: I feel like it should go a little better than the countries one

Bhavneet: For you maybe. I don’t know about that.

Taranjit: Well, let’s see.

Bhavneet: I’ll ask you a really easy one first. To make it more interesting tell me which character also said this quote

Taranjit: I can’t do that.

Bhavneet: It’s super easy. It has the names of it. Okay. I just picked it because I thought it was funny. Okay. McQueen and Sally parked beneath a tree. K-I-S-S something something something. What movie?

Taranjit: Cars. Don’t know which cars

Bhavneet: Well which one do I think?

Taranjit: Probably the first one

Bhavneet: Correct.

Taranjit: And it’s Mater.

Bhavneet: Tow Mater

Taranjit: Tow Mater

Bhavneet: Cars. It was a good movie.

Taranjit: Okay. One point for me

Bhavneet: Marked that.

Taranjit: I don’t think I’m gonna ask my first one because I don’t think it is that easy. So I’ll ask a different one

Bhavneet: Mine are in some random order. I’m just going to go through and find the easiest ones and do that first. Because I wrote like 50 quotes.

Taranjit: Okay, here’s an easy one. You say this quote all the time. So

Bhavneet: I do or you do? Oh, gosh. pressure. Somebody helped me. Can I phone a friend?

Taranjit: No. Where are you gonna phone a friend?

Bhavneet: Those of you with Bluetooth in your cars. Give me your number.

Taranjit: Okay. Ready?

Bhavneet: Uh-huh

Taranjit: When life

Bhavneet: That’s it?

Taranjit: Gets you down

Bhavneet: I’m like what life?

Taranjit: When life gets you down do you want to know what you gotta do?

Bhavneet: Just keep swimming.

Taranjit: See?

Bhavneet: Just keep swimming. swimming, swimming. That’s not how she said it.

Taranjit: And

Bhavneet: Something something Wallaby Way, Sydney Australia

Taranjit: You gotta say the movie name.

Bhavneet: Oh, Finding Nemo and then Dory. Alright? Were one for one. This is how we started. Do you think that like last time we’re going to have the same quotes?

Taranjit: No, I think we have a better chance of having different ones.

Bhavneet: What? There’s like way less Disney movies then there are countries in the world.

Taranjit: Yeah, but I still think we’ll pick different ones

Bhavneet: But we still pick the same countries at the same time.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: What the heck. Okay.

Taranjit: You always do that.

Bhavneet: Since I said this quote recently I’m going to tell you this one. And this is one of my most favorite movies ever. So channel my character. Ook-lay in the ag-bay. What? Look in the bag. Who said it? There’s two people.

Taranjit: Okay. First movie. Monsters Inc.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: And Sully was saying it to Mike.

Bhavneet: Yeah where were are they?

Taranjit: In the Harry’s Hausen?

Bhavneet: Harry’s Hausens. What? Harry Hausens? It’s impossible to get a reservation there. Not for googly bear! I’ll see you at quitting time and not a minute later. Think romantical tots. Thoughts. Tots! You and me… me and you

Taranjit: Wait, wait, wait, what’s romantical tots. What are romantical tots?

Bhavneet: I don’t know they’re monsters, it could be a thing.

Taranjit: Yeah, true.

Bhavneet: Both of us together. As he goes backwards. The only reason I know that it’s because of the game. Nintendo gamecube game.

Taranjit: Yeah, we used to play those short clips over and over again. So those quotes are in here.

Bhavneet: How many of you people have played that game? Best game ever. Okay, two points

Taranjit: For me and

Bhavneet: And you

Taranjit: Can you get a 2 point

Bhavneet: Yeah I can get a 2 point shot. Not always. But sometimes. Wait, which one’s a 2 point shot?

Taranjit: Your second point.

Bhavneet: Where do you shoot from to get your 2 point? I don’t know. Okay.

Taranjit: Okay. Should I do another easy

Bhavneet: Well, yeah, we’re still at the beginning.

Taranjit: Well there not written in order so

Bhavneet: I think all these are easy.

Taranjit: All right. I think this one’s easy.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: She warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within

Bhavneet: Ki? Kaun? Where? Who?

Taranjit: Wait, you started Punjabi then you went English. Ki, kaun, where?

Bhavneet: I realized that not all the listeners are gonna be Punjabi. So

Taranjit: Well you should have been what? who?

Bhavneet: Well there you translated. Repeat? Can you say it like the character or was that a narrator? Who said it? What?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: You don’t even know. Is it a movie I know? Like, really know. Like, watched millions of times

Taranjit: Uh-huh

Bhavneet: Oh my god.

Taranjit: We watched the like remakes of it too

Bhavneet: Remakes? Like Beauty and the Beast? It sounds like a Beauty and the Beast quote, but what?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Can you repeat the coat? Quote.

Taranjit: Can I read the coat?

Bhavneet: Yes

Taranjit: Um, this coat is.

Bhavneet: That’s not a ja…that’s not a coat. That’s not a coat that’s a jacket.

Taranjit: Can I reread the quote?

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: Yeah, I can do that.

Bhavneet: Okay. Thanks.

Taranjit: She warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within

Bhavneet: Probably a narrator. Narrator said that, I guess.

Taranjit: But two points.

Bhavneet: Yeah. I didn’t think I was going to get that one. But I did.

Taranjit: Okay. You only got it because I gave you a hint.

Bhavneet: That was gonna be my guess. But.

Taranjit: Uh-huh

Bhavneet: I wasn’t. I was like, Mulan? No. All right. I got one. Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing that again.

Taranjit: I know this, but I can’t think of it.

Bhavneet: That’s my dance face.

Taranjit: What is this?

Bhavneet: Uh Jeopardy music

Taranjit: What is

Bhavneet: I think that’s how it goes.

Taranjit: Okay. Repeat the quote for me. I mean, repeat the coat

Bhavneet: The coat… You did. That’s a jacket. Okay. Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing that again. I can’t say it like the character exactly, but something like that. How many of you know this quote?

Taranjit: I can’t even like it’s not coming to me. I can’t even see the person

Bhavneet: Because I will not be doing that again. I was trying to do how they move. I can give it away really easily who said it but not which movie.

Taranjit: I’m drawing a blank.

Bhavneet: I got a jar of dirt.

Taranjit: Oh

Bhavneet: I got a jar of dirt and guess what’s inside and he falls.

Taranjit: I was thinking animated movies. I wasn’t thinking like live people.

Bhavneet: It’s still a Disney.

Taranjit: Yeah, but my brain wasn’t going there.

Bhavneet: And I like these movies.

Taranjit: Yeah, I know a lot.

Bhavneet: So how do you not think that I wasn’t going to give a quote

Taranjit: My brains dead.

Bhavneet: Okay, so who said it?

Taranjit: Captain Jack Sparrow?

Bhavneet: Oh my gosh she said, Captain. You did it right. In my notes I wrote Jack Sparrow. I didn’t even write captain.

Taranjit: Oh, and you’re telling me?

Bhavneet: Okay. Which movie?

Taranjit: Pirates of the Caribbean?

Bhavneet: Yeah, which one?

Taranjit: Yeah, no idea.

Bhavneet: I wouldn’t have known either. I can’t remember. It’s a newer one. It’s when he falls off a cliff or a lighthouse or something. On Stranger Tides. Okay. Do you get half a point? But I helped you?

Taranjit: But I helped you with Beauty and the Beast, so.

Bhavneet: But I would have known that one.

Taranjit: Well, you didn’t see it until after the…

Bhavneet: Fine half check.

Taranjit: So you get a half check?

Bhavneet: No, but I got it. You didn’t give me a hint.

Taranjit: I did

Bhavneet: What

Taranjit: I said oh, we watched so many times and we watched remakes. Yeah and then you said your guess.

Bhavneet: Fine. Half check.

Taranjit: Okay. So you get a half check.

Bhavneet: Yeah. So you’re at two and a half check.

Taranjit: Two and a half check? Your one and half check. Your one full one half checks.

Bhavneet: Am I half full? Not half empty. Half full?

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Okay. Good.

Taranjit: It’s getting too full. But it’s not quite.

Bhavneet: Okay. Your turn. My turn.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Oh, God.

Taranjit: Ready?

Bhavneet: Yep.

Taranjit: Here’s an easy one.

Bhavneet: Wait wait wait we’re going your different orders what?

Taranjit: Get her done.

Bhavneet: Tow Mater

Taranjit: I picked a cars quote too and we both picked Mater.

Bhavneet: Because he’s the best. Why would you not? Speed. I am speed. Why would I pick a Lightning McQueen quote?

Taranjit: Yeah, Tow Mater’s better.

Bhavneet: Yeah, exactly. Queen and Sally parked beneath the tree. K-I-S-Something. something. Something.  

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Okay. Which one do I want to do? Okay, I’m going to do this one. And who’s that funny looking donkey over there? Sven. Uh huh. And who’s the reindeer? Sven…

Taranjit: Frozen?

Bhavneet: Who said it? The best part was that he called him a donkey. Who was asking? Did you lose your voice to?

Taranjit: Olaf?

Bhavneet: Yeah. And I want to be what snow becomes in the summer.

Taranjit: Yeah, I only watched that movie once and it wasn’t like fully at one time. It was like a chunk here and chunk there. And then I finished it another time.

Bhavneet: Fine you get a full chunk. Chunk!

Taranjit: First I’m reading coats and I’m getting chunks.

Bhavneet: Chocolate chip chunks. So they’re good chunks. In my half check full glass of milk. Chunks. Ew.

Taranjit: That’s gross. I didn’t even think about chunks in milk.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: Alright.

Bhavneet: Well I didn’t pick that quote. You’re not going to get that but that’ll be my last one I guess.

Taranjit: Okay. Here’s one. Ready? Oh, mama. I have to get me one of these.

Bhavneet: That’s how they said it?

Taranjit: I don’t remember exactly how they said it.

Bhavneet: Disney. Or Pixar?

Taranjit: Disney.

Bhavneet: Repeat. Try and say how they said it.

Taranjit: I don’t remember how they said it. It’s been a while. Oh, mama. I have to get me one of these.

Bhavneet: Sumesh.

Taranjit: Do you know what he’s referring to. There I gave you a hint. He. He said the quote.

Bhavneet: Oh, mama

Taranjit: Reminds me of Johnny Bravo.

Bhavneet: Mama.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Ya, Elvis Presley. Oh wait that was Amitabh Bachchan.

Taranjit: Make it a desi Johnny Bravo.

Bhavneet: Yeah. I mean if. Oh my god. If Johnny Bravo were desi. What if different cartoon characters were desi. Who would they be and how would they sound? Sneak peek to a coming up episode. Look forward to that. Oh, mama. So it’s not Johnny Bravo.

Taranjit: No. Disney not cartoon network.

Bhavneet: And I know this movie.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: When he said this quote we thought it was hilarious.

Bhavneet: Mama. Gotta get me one of these. I have no idea.

Taranjit: He wants a pan.

Bhavneet: Oh my god. We picked the same movies.

Taranjit: We didn’t pick the same quotes. We picked the same movies.

Bhavneet: Tangled.

Taranjit: What is this?

Bhavneet: That’s my we picked the same movies face, hand plant on face palm.

Taranjit: So what is that half check?

Bhavneet: Yes. Half check. Okay. You have three and a half check. Not chunk.

Taranjit: Well, you have three because you have two halves. And to fulls. So yeah. Three. Hot start.

Bhavneet: Hot start?

Taranjit: You have a hot start.

Bhavneet: Oh I have a hot start?

Taranjit: Uh huh.

Bhavneet: Oh, snap.

Taranjit: No I was messing with you. Sarcasm. My Punjabi came out

Bhavneet: Again. Sneak preview to another episode. I can’t do that quote. All right.

Taranjit: Wait. You have the same quote?

Bhavneet: No. But if I did it at the same time that would be kind of..

Taranjit: Oh Tangled.

Bhavneet: All right. I’ve set my laser from stun to kill.

Taranjit: What?

Bhavneet: I’ve set my laser from stun to kill. How many of you know this one? It’s a movie that we love.

Taranjit: Toy Story?

Bhavneet: Wow. She loves it so much.

Taranjit: I don’t know who said this.

Bhavneet: I’ve set my laser from stun to kill.

Taranjit: Oh so I was right. Toy Story.

Bhavneet: Okay, let me finish it now. Oh, great. Oh, great. If anyone tries to attack us, we can blink them to death. Who said that?

Taranjit: Who said the first quote?

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: Buzz

Bhavneet: And then who responded. Oh, great. Oh, great. If anyone tries to attack us, we can blink them to death. Who’s the sarcasm one? Who’s Punjabi character?

Taranjit: I don’t remember their names.

Bhavneet: The main character.

Taranjit: Oh. He said that?

Bhavneet: This is my shocked disappointed face.

Taranjit: No. He said that? He said this quote. I didn’t expect it to be him.

Bhavneet: What? Who did you think it was?

Taranjit: The dog or something

Bhavneet: So who said it?

Taranjit: Woody.

Bhavneet: Yeah, he was always so mean.

Taranjit: You said he was so sarcastic. The Punjabi one.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Woody. He was always so mean and sarcastic.

Taranjit: He was mean. But

Bhavneet: Sarcastic. At least here. Okay. Well, kind of helped you. Check.

Taranjit: Three quarter check.

Bhavneet: Oh, you want a three quarter check?

Taranjit: No, no full check

Bhavneet: So if you’re owed $20. Let me get three quarters. I should have picked a better number. $30 I’ll give you 10. That’s not right. I should go with 20.

Taranjit: Three quarters. No, wait. 30. 10. Wait, what? One third of 30 is 10.

Bhavneet: I’ll give you 16

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: That wasn’t right That was still not right. What’s three quarter?

Taranjit: Three quarters of 20?

Bhavneet: Yeah. Because five goes into 20 4 times. I did 4.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Nobody caught that.

Taranjit: Now they did. You pointed it out.

Bhavneet: How many of you got that before? Reverse yourself in time, erase your brain memory. Not your brain. You’re driving.

Taranjit: Oh, that would be bad.

Bhavneet: Yeah that didn’t happen. Okay. I’ll give you a full check. Because I’m nice.

Taranjit: Or you could just cut it out and then it would be like, nope, didn’t happen.

Bhavneet: The magic of editing. Alright.

Taranjit: No, but you’re leaving it in there. Okay. So I don’t know which ones are easy or hard anymore. So I’m just going to read one. Of course I have a secret identity. Can you see me in this at the supermarket?

Bhavneet: Is that how they said it?

Taranjit: I don’t remember how they said it.

Bhavneet: What did you just say?

Taranjit: Of course I have a secret identity. Can you see me in this at the supermarket?

Bhavneet: Sounds like an Incredibles quote, but I don’t know who said it.

Taranjit: I don’t know who said it either, but it’s Incredibles.

Bhavneet: You didn’t write down?

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: What the heck

Taranjit: I just wrote the quote

Bhavneet: They usually tell you who said the quote.

Taranjit: Not from where I got it from.

Bhavneet: Where’d you get it from?

Taranjit: I don’t remember.

Bhavneet: Okay. Well I have a bunch of freebie quotes. If you ever want to hear any of them. I wrote like 50 quotes.

Taranjit: Well then.

Bhavneet: We still picked the same movies

Taranjit: Yeah so how’d you do that?

Bhavneet: All right. I’m disinclined to acquiesce your request. Means no. We’re getting harder. Good quote. I really like this quote. It’s funny.

Taranjit: I want to say Monsters, Inc. but I’m not sure

Bhavneet: Which monster would say that

Taranjit: The lady who gives the files

Bhavneet: She would say I’m disinclined to acquiesce your request. Means no.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Okay. X. POTC. POTC. Curse of the Black Pearl

Taranjit: You picked a Jack Sparrow

Bhavneet: No, it wasn’t a Jack Sparrow. It wasn’t him

Taranjit: What was the movie. I forgot the name now. Pirates of the Caribbean?

Bhavneet: Yeah, Curse of the Black Pearl. It’s a different movie

Taranjit: Yeah but still..

Bhavneet: Barbosa said this one to Elizabeth Swan. And she was saying all these big words.

Taranjit: I picked all different movies.

Bhavneet: They are different movies.

Taranjit: It’s still in the same series.

Bhavneet: Do you want me to read you another quote? Just knock? Why isn’t she knocking? Do you think she knows how to knock? Say something. It was also Olaf from Frozen.

Taranjit: I didn’t watch the movie. Okay.

Bhavneet: Yes, you did.

Taranjit: Yeah. But like not in one sitting.

Bhavneet: Okay, fine. I’m winning. Not really. You’re probably winning.

Taranjit: I don’t know. I’m not keeping track right now. I’ll count later. You have 4

Bhavneet: I have four? Oh I was gonna say I have. You have four and a half check.

Taranjit: It sounds like… remember the Toy Story game? The aliens.

Bhavneet: They go… oooh the claaaaw. Yeah, remember that one Episode. Episode. The one level you could never play?

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: You had to actually release him from the claw by throwing aliens at him. As Buzz Lightyear. Let go.

Taranjit: And the one alien level that you were scared when you’re younger.

Bhavneet: Oh, that was so scary. They jumped out at you. Oh, I couldn’t do that. That was so scary. So scary.

Taranjit: Yeah, but now you go back and play.

Bhavneet: It’s still like, I don’t like it.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Somebody else do it. Okay. Next quote.

Taranjit: The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.

Bhavneet: Oh, my God. That sounds familiar. Who said that? Where did they say that? In what movie did they go and say that?

Taranjit: Yeah that’s the question.

Bhavneet: Repeat. Try and say it the way they said it. Do you know who said it? You don’t even know who said it. This doesn’t help.

Taranjit: Ready. The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability

Bhavneet: This a Pirates of the Caribbean quote?

Taranjit: No, I didn’t even think about pirates.

Bhavneet: Oh. The only… What about life? Predictable thing about life is its unpredictability. Inpredictable? Unpredictability. That’s a word. Disney or Pixar?

Taranjit: Pixar.

Bhavneet: You didn’t pick any Pixar movies?

Taranjit: Cars.

Bhavneet: Okay. That’s Pixar. That’s Disney Pixar right? Pixar. Are they separate?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: Gosh darn it. Okay. I really have no idea.

Taranjit: So if I give you a hint, you can get a half check.

Bhavneet: Okay. I’ll take a half chunk.

Taranjit: You want a half chunk.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: There’s a mouse in this movie

Bhavneet: Ratapatootie?

Taranjit: Mmhmm.

Bhavneet: What? I don’t remember that movie at all. We should watch it again.

Taranjit: Yes. Next on our list.

Bhavneet: Do we have a list?

Taranjit: Start it now.

Bhavneet: Okay. We should watch Mulan again. Cuz I like that movie. Add to the list. I can give you a Mulan quote. No, I didn’t write down the funny one. Shame on you. Shame on something. Shame on your cows. Or something like that. Mushu says it. And it’s Eddie Murphy so you know it’s funny. All right. Oh. Oh, no. Where’s my satchel?

Taranjit: First I just heard the oh, like, oh, this quote. Oh, no.

Bhavneet: Oh, no. Where’s my satchel? It’s somewhere you’ll never find it. No. I’ve hidden it. Somewhere you’ll never find it. It’s in that pot isn’t it? Wake up again. Now I’ve hidden it somewhere where you’ll never find it.

Taranjit: Tangled

Bhavneet: Who said it?

Taranjit: Rapunzel.

Bhavneet: Oh, oh no. Where’s my satchel?

Taranjit: Oh, no. I thought you were talking about the other quote. What’s his face? I forget his name.

Bhavneet: Uh-huh. Do you want the point? What’s his name?

Taranjit: Hey, I don’t get a point for the character we’re just doing movie guess.

Bhavneet: What’s his name? Wow. Your knowledge is sublime.

Taranjit: Thanks.

Bhavneet: I don’t even know that means. But it’s sublime. I think it’s a good thing.

Taranjit: Is it? I don’t know.

Bhavneet: I think it was sarcastic thing? Fine superb. I’ll give you a chunk a full chunk. It was Flynn, Flynn Rider.

Taranjit: Oh yeah. That’s his name.

Bhavneet: Okay. How many more do we have? We have three more. Oh my gosh. I don’t know. Let me give you another quote for free.

Taranjit: Wait, what? You just have all these quotes.

Bhavneet: I told you I wrote down so many. I couldn’t decide which one I wanted.  How about a quick roll call? Everybody here. Buzz is saying this in Toy Story Two. Not everybody says Mr. Potato Head. Who’s behind says Buzz. Mine says Slinky Dog. There funny quote of the day,

Taranjit: Ready for the next one. Ready?

Bhavneet: Sure. Can I phone a friend?

Taranjit: Who’s your friend?

Bhavneet: Whoever’s listening and has a phone…Bluetooth. Something.

Taranjit: Can I get their name.

Bhavneet: Somebody send me your name. I’m waiting. I’ll go back in time. Re-erase this part because I apparently can do that. I’ll use Hermione’s time turner necklace thing. Yeah. Harry Potter reference.

Taranjit: Ready?

Bhavneet: I think so. Okay.

Taranjit: It’s a good one.

Bhavneet: What?

Taranjit: Can you guess this?

Bhavneet: Just keep swimming, swimming. Swimming.

Taranjit: You control your destiny. You don’t need magic to do it

Bhavneet: What is it with you and all these inspirational quotes. The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability. You don’t need magic. You are magic. Wait. Repeat. Say that how they said it.

Taranjit: That’s how they said it. You control your destiny. You don’t need magic to do it.

Bhavneet: Is it like Cinderella or something. That’s not Disney. Yes it is. No, it’s not. I don’t know.

Taranjit: It’s not Cinderella. So X.

Bhavneet: You control your destiny. You don’t need magic to do it.

Taranjit: Cinderella had magic.

Bhavneet: I thought they were telling her you don’t need it. Little Mermaid? I don’t know. Who else uses magic that you don’t need magic

Taranjit: Well, you got it wrong

Bhavneet: I know. That was coming from me.

Taranjit: She has red curly hair.

Bhavneet: Brave. Like I remember that movie. I don’t even remember her name.

Taranjit: Neither do I.

Bhavneet: Of course. You didn’t write anything down.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: I mean, I wrote the quotes. They’re not just coming from my head.

Bhavneet: Okay, ready?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Are you getting a chunk?

Taranjit: What?

Bhavneet: Are you getting half a chunk?

Taranjit: I want the whole chunk.

Bhavneet: Whole chunk in your milk.  Ew. Okay. I’m not a glitch, Taffeta. I just have pixlexia.

Taranjit: Oh, this is Wreck It Ralph

Bhavneet: Who said it? Because I wrote down names

Taranjit: Her. The little girl. What’s her name?

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: I don’t know her name.


I not a glitch, Taffeta. I just have pixlexia.

Taranjit: Something with a P i think

Bhavneet: No. There’s a P in her name.

Taranjit: Oh, then that’s what I was remembering. I don’t remember.

Bhavneet: Vanellope von Schweetz. Okay. x chunk.

Taranjit: I got it right.

Bhavneet: X chunk. Wait I gotta give you a free quote.

Taranjit: That didn’t come out.

Bhavneet: I gotta give you a free quote. Buy, buy one. Get one.

Taranjit: Okay. Wait. I didn’t buy anything.

Bhavneet: Bogo. I never realized that that’s what BOGO meant. I thought it was a brand. Like, why does everyone have Bogo? Shoe stores? Clothes stores? Department stores? Everyone has Bogo. What is this? Okay.

Taranjit: I didn’t buy anything. So why am I getting one free?

Bhavneet: Fine. Answer. One. Get one for free.

Taranjit: What is that?

Bhavneet: A-one-G-O. A one AOGO. AOGO.

Taranjit: No golf.

Bhavneet: You are without a doubt the worst pirate I’ve heard of. But you have heard of me.

Taranjit: Why should you another?

Bhavneet: I couldn’t decide which quote I wanted.

Taranjit: Pirates.

Bhavneet: Yeah Norrington and Jack Sparrow from the Curse of Black Pearl. And then later on, they’re like, he must be undoubtedly the best pirate ever. So it would seem

Taranjit: Alright, next one. I’m packing your extra pair of shoes. And you’re angry eyes. Just in case.

Bhavneet: As you were saying that. I see Mrs Potato Head going… shove it in there. How does it all fit? I have no idea. Put that thing back where it came from. Or so help me.

Taranjit: Now we’re back to Monsters Inc.

Bhavneet: What? Yeah, cuz I saw that. That was my next free quote.

Taranjit: All right. Good job.

Bhavneet: I just love those. What would you like? Do you have wet dog? Wet dog? Yep. Stink it up.

Taranjit: That was so funny.

Bhavneet: Eh gotta watch that movie again. How many of you guys love Monsters Inc? What is your favorite Disney or Pixar movie? Let us know. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. You can post us a picture or your favorite dialogue. Post your favorite dialogue. What’s your favorite dialogue from your favorite Disney Pixar movie? Yeah, let us know. We’re waiting.

Taranjit: Favorite character. Favorite movie.

Bhavneet: Put that thing back where it came from or so help me! I’m on the cover of a magazine. Another one? Hey, we got a dead door over here. Oh, coming. Watch out! Watch out! Okay. That was your favorite character in Monsters Inc. the game. Needleman.

Taranjit: I know.

Bhavneet: Needleman.

Taranjit: I know what character I picked.

Bhavneet: I hated that you would always throw those bubble balls at me. And

Taranjit: Yo-yo balls.

Bhavneet: And I would always… no not the yo yo the bubble ball. And I would be in a bubble the whole game. And you would just pelt me with balls. And then I would be like, whoa let me out and I’d get out. And then you’d be like again. Whoa let me out.

Taranjit: I like the yo yo balls cuz it kept coming back like three times. And then I can hit you three times.

Bhavneet: Yeah don’t ever play with her because she doesn’t like you breathe. She’s like Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. 500 points.

Taranjit: That’s the only video game I’m good at. I suck at the others.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Let’s play speed kings or Mario Kart. You’re going down. Okay. Where were we? Oh, yeah, quotes. I gave you two freebies. All right. Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled. That was another freebie. Olaf from frozen.

Taranjit: Yeah I knew that one. Give me stuff like that.

Bhavneet: No, no, I’ll leave the hardest one for last.

Taranjit: Oh, great. I have to leave the harder one.

Bhavneet: I don’t think it’s that hard. But yeah, it’s harder. Okay. Ready? He touched the butt. He touched the butt. I don’t know how they said it exactly but I think it was the first one. He touched the butt. The butt. The butt. He touched it.

Taranjit: I want to say Finding Nemo but I’m not sure.

Bhavneet: That your final answer?

Taranjit: Sure.

Bhavneet: Yeah, it is Finding Nemo. What’s the butt? You probably don’t know who said it. But what’s the butt.

Taranjit: That’s what I can’t remember.

Bhavneet: Well, their fish in a sea. What’s the butt?

Taranjit: The boat ship thing.

Bhavneet: The bottom of a boat. Yeah. He touched the butt. Can you believe that she has not seen Finding Nemo until like

Taranjit: Ninth grade.

Bhavneet: Yeah. What the heck. I told our biology, the biology teacher that she had at the time that she had never seen the movie. So he played it. And he is… Yes, he did. He played the movies like she’s never seen it before.

Taranjit: The first time I saw it was in my ninth grade chemistry class in North Carroll. And

Bhavneet: Not the whole thing.

Taranjit: Yeah, that was just part of it.

Bhavneet: Exactly.

Taranjit: Because we only had like a limited class time. But


I told him and he was like, shh.

Taranjit: It was an option between Finding Nemo and another movie. And this kid in front of me was like, you’ve never seen Finding Nemo. What do you live under a rock?

Bhavneet: Apparently.

Taranjit: And then when it was time for voting he’s like you gotta watch Finding Nemo. She’s never seen it. So we watched Finding Nemo.

Bhavneet: Yeah, it was a good movie. I can’t believe you’ve never seen it.

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: Such a good movie. I had at that point had probably seen like two or three times

Taranjit: But now I’ve seen it like a lot.

Bhavneet: Chunk. One big chunk because you’ve seen the movie, so that’s good. Oh, wait. I gotta give you a freebie. I’m surrounded by idiots. Like I… I don’t know. You wouldn’t have known that one.

Taranjit: Okay, here’s your’s. Which one’s harder. Which I should leave for last

Bhavneet: One winner. 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Lightning McQueen.

Taranjit: Okay, ready?

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

Bhavneet: What the heck? How would I know that? Oh it this like a movie that we’ve only seen once?

Taranjit: No, we’ve seen it a couple of times.

Bhavneet: I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. Bye.

Taranjit: I can handle it. Have a nice day.

Bhavneet: Mm hmm. Yep. That tastes real unknown.

Taranjit: What are we going to get here? An x? A half.

Bhavneet: No I want a chunk. Nice big chunk.

Taranjit: A golf stick.

Bhavneet: A golf stick? This is not

Taranjit: A swoosh.

Bhavneet: This is not math class where I get free golf balls and draw pictures.

Taranjit: I have so many golf balls from that class.

Bhavneet: I don’t know why he gave you golf balls.

Taranjit: He was a golf coach.

Bhavneet: No. But why did he give them out?

Taranjit: He had them in his room.

Bhavneet: He would give them to me. And I’m like, I don’t want that. But he’s like, Here. Take it. And I just left it on the desk. And I’m like, I do not want that.

Taranjit: I know. And he would just put it there if you wouldn’t to take.

Bhavneet: Yeah, he left it there. And I left without it

Taranjit: One time. He just stood in front of me. With his hand out like, take it. I’m standing here the entire class if you don’t take it.

Bhavneet: Well, guys, I guess we’re not learning anything today. Yep. I would like he would just put it on the desk. And then I just left it there. I’m like, bye have a nice day. Bell rang.

Taranjit: He had this chair. Like if you did really… If you did, like the highest grade on the test. You would go sit in this comfy chair.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: One time I forgot. And I didn’t sit in it. He stopped class and he’s like, aren’t you supposed to be over there?

Bhavneet: Oh, my God. It’s like a punishment. Get over there. Enjoy the chair. Yeah.

Taranjit: I want to sit in this really uncomfortable desk.

Bhavneet: Hey, but I learned a lot from him. So he was good teacher even though he’s a little weird. True Carroll Countian. Carroll County. Yep. Uh, what was.. right. I was guessing. What was the question? I’m a damsel in distress.

Taranjit: It’s a quote.

Bhavneet: I’m a damsel in distress.

Taranjit: No, no, you’re messing up the quote.

Bhavneet: And I can handle it. Bye.

Taranjit: I’m my damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

Bhavneet: And it’s not a repeat movie that you already said.

Taranjit: Nope.

Bhavneet: Okay.

Taranjit: I don’t have repeats here. You do.

Bhavneet: There’s too many like princess type hero type movies.

Taranjit: Uh huh. You were worried we would pick the same quotes

Bhavneet: No, I was worried we’d pick the same movies.

Taranjit: Well, that, there was a chance of that.

Bhavneet: I’m pretty sure the quote I gotta get me one of those was said after he got whacked with it and he lost his satchel.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: So I mean, we picked consecutive quotes.

Taranjit: Same scene.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Are we on the last one?

Taranjit: You never guessed.

Bhavneet: Oh, we’re still there. Okay. Look, I’ve already forgot. Look, I erased my own memory. All right. Damsel in distress. And you can do it yourself.

Taranjit: I like your paraphrasing.

Bhavneet: Thank you. I’m very good at that.

Taranjit: Are you?

Bhavneet: Nope. I don’t know. Okay. Give me the. Give me the bottom of the skull. The crossbones.

Taranjit: X. Do you want me to say wrong.

Bhavneet: Yeah no chunks.

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: Cuz I suck.

Taranjit: Hercules.

Bhavneet: Hercules. What the heck? We need to watch that movie again. I haven’t seen that movie in forever.

Taranjit: Ratatouille. Hercules.

Bhavneet: Actually we watched that movie recently. Didn’t we? No we didn’t. Yes we did.

Taranjit: I don’t remember.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: Ratatouille.

Bhavneet: Rata patootie?

Taranjit: Yeah,

Bhavneet: Rata patootie.

Taranjit: It’s been a while.



Taranjit: What is that? What kind of food is that?

Bhavneet: What?

Taranjit: Ratatouille.

Bhavneet: I have no idea.

Taranjit: Is it something we can try?

Bhavneet: I don’t think so. Is it like meat?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: I think it is. Something like that.

Taranjit: Last question, right?

Bhavneet: Yes, it is. Who’s gonna win?

Taranjit: Wait, what’s the score?

Bhavneet: I don’t know. Ah.

Taranjit: You have five and a half.

Bhavneet: Oh, I’m failing.

Taranjit: Told you. I’m probably better at this than countries.

Bhavneet: Yea you got seven and a half chunks. You only got one wrong because I helped you and I gave you full chunks for some of the ones I helped you on.

Taranjit: I gave you full chunks.

Bhavneet: No you gave me half on that first one where you barely helped me. Yeah. Okay.

Taranjit: Hey we agreed mutually on that one.

Bhavneet: No, we didn’t.

Taranjit: Yes we did.

Bhavneet: I just gave it to you. Okay.

Taranjit: Whatever.

Bhavneet: Alright. Ready? Oh, you are naked. For sure. We’re naturalist club.

Taranjit: Oh that’s the elephant.

Bhavneet: What?

Taranjit: Isn’t it?

Bhavneet: Not the elephant who said it.

Taranjit: I know but it’s the elephant scene.

Bhavneet: Nangi. Anybody get that? Like, what that really means. It’s Nangi the elephant. Look, guys. It’s Nangi. Nangi. However, they said it.

Taranjit: She’s nangi.

Bhavneet: Oh, you are naked? For sure.

Taranjit: Oh, you’re nangi.

Bhavneet: We’re a naturalist club. Yep. And the yoga she was doing at the time. Hello. Alright. Movie.

Taranjit: Except I’m drawing a blank on the title. Hold on one second. I know this movie.

Bhavneet: Anybody know this movie? It’s pretty funny. If you get the inside jokes, it’s always great when you get the inside jokes.

Taranjit: The sloth at the MVA.

Bhavneet: Oh my god those are so accurate. Like he… Oh my god. I almost wrote that down where he tells him the joke and he says the whole thing and then like they go through the whole process and then the sloth finally laughs and then he turns to Priscilla and starts telling her the joke and the rabbit was like oh my god it’s this haha. Okay, let’s go

Taranjit: I don’t know why I can’t think of the title it’s like right here.

Bhavneet: Right there in front of your face.

Taranjit: It’s right here in my brain and in front of my eyes not just making it to my mouth

Bhavneet: It’s just in front of your eyes. Oh that’s weird. Floating there… read me read me

Taranjit: Oh my god what is called?

Bhavneet: Please give me this one.

Taranjit: I know this

Bhavneet: No you don’t.

Taranjit: I know this movie

Bhavneet: I still have a freebie to give you. It’s always great, while you’re thinking, it’s always great in movies when you watch them now that you’re older and you understand all the inside jokes that the producers and creators thought of while they made the movies. It’s so funny.

Taranjit: There’s stuff for kids and then there’s stuff for adults.

Bhavneet: It’s so hilarious seeing those things and you’re like, what?

Taranjit: Why am I thinking something topia

Bhavneet: Like you know how long it took me to get Ook-lay in the ag-bay. And I’m like why are they not speaking English? Like what is he saying? And then I recently watched it and I’m like. Oh! Pig Latin

Taranjit: It was so big when we were in elementary school

Bhavneet: How did we not realize? It took me so long. How many of you knew that they were speaking in Pig Latin or was it just me?

Taranjit: I didn’t realize that the first couple of times we watched it

Bhavneet: I did live under a rock apparently. Probably still do. It’s nice and cozy, I get smushed. Yep.

Taranjit: Okay I can’t remember the title something topia

Bhavneet: Is that your answer?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Something topia. Can I…can I tell you.

Taranjit: Yeah just tell me

Bhavneet: Zootopia. I win. Alright freebie, freebie.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: It’s a key. No, much more better. It’s a draw-ring of a key. No?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean

Taranjit: I should have guessed.

Bhavneet: Dead Man’s chest because it’s a key

Taranjit: This is your last one like Jimmy Fallon worth 10,000 points.

Bhavneet: So I win?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Oh my god. 10,000 points. Tell me tell me tell me.

Taranjit: It’s only worth a check mark.

Bhavneet: A chunk?

Taranjit: A chunk.

Bhavneet: Oh God.

Taranjit: The past can hurt

Bhavneet: That’s it?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: I’m like what? I can say that

Taranjit: Okay. The past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it

Bhavneet: What is it with you and all the inspirational quotes. Did you like look up inspirational Disney Pixar quotes

Taranjit: No. I just scrolled through them and like this one.

Bhavneet: And over here I’m like, he touched the butt. You’re naked. And you’re like life, the meaning of life. And then I’m over here like, where’s my satchel?

Taranjit: Hey I did some funny ones.

Bhavneet: So what was it again?

Taranjit: The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

Bhavneet: Disney or Pixar?

Taranjit: Disney.

Bhavneet: Are you sure?

Taranjit: I practically have all Disney movies. One Pixar.

Bhavneet: Are you sure.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: The past can hurt. Why you pick all the hard quotes.

Taranjit: This is the last one. It has to be hard.

Bhavneet: You pick the ones that nobody like remembers from movies. I picked all the famous quotes

Taranjit: Nuh-uh I picked some that you remembered

Bhavneet: Swimming. That’s it.

Taranjit: Nah, you got other ones. Get her done.

Bhavneet: Tow Mater.

Taranjit: You guessed it then and now your like

Bhavneet: You should have said it like that. You reminded me of our math teacher. When you say like that. Get her done. Draw me a picture. Have a golf ball.

Taranjit: Maybe he was inspired by Tow Mater.

Bhavneet: Oh, snap. It’s very possible. Now I gotta ask him. But he’s not there. So I don’t know. Was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs a Disney or Pixar movie? I just saw this birdhouse of the strawberry that I made in high school with a burnt mouth where the hole for the birdhouse is supposed to be because the teacher burnt it but then took off points for me because he said it was burnt because he drilled the hole.

Taranjit: Well, he couldn’t find anything else take points off on and he’s like, I can’t give her 100%.

Bhavneet: Yeah, cuz I suck at tech ed.

Taranjit: So he’s like, burnt hole that I did. But

Bhavneet: He took off points for the paint job. Like he said it wasn’t good. It was like messed up in places. I’m sorry, I’m not an artist. But he burnt it and he took off points.

Taranjit: You should have been like, this is your fault.

Bhavneet: I was done with our class. I was a senior.

Taranjit: Then his response would have been but you made me do the hole for you

Bhavneet: He was doing it for everyone. Pretty much.

Taranjit: Oh nevermind.

Bhavneet: Yeah. So was that a Disney or Pixar movie? I should have done a quote from that. I don’t think it is though.

Taranjit: I don’t think so either.

Bhavneet: But I saw this strawberry. Aah, there’s a leek in the boat. Okay.

Taranjit: And your answer?

Bhavneet: Oh right. It was my turn.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: What’s the question?

Taranjit: The quote?

Bhavneet: The coat. What’s the coat?

Taranjit: The coat is the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

Bhavneet: Kung Fu Panda, cuz I remember that other quote something about the present and whatever.

Taranjit: You got a big x.

Bhavneet: What’s a movie? Who said… I don’t remember that movie. You never even watched that movie.

Taranjit: Lion King?

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: I’ve seen it so many times.

Bhavneet: Fine. Here’s my quote that you didn’t hear. I’m surrounded by idiots.

Taranjit: You got five and a half.

Bhavneet: I’m surrounded by idiots. Who said that?

Taranjit: Probably Jack Sparrow. Pirates.

Bhavneet: Talking about the Lion King here.

Taranjit: Oh.

Bhavneet: Jack Sparrow.

Taranjit: Well all your quotes all your freebies…

Bhavneet: I said going off of Lion King.

Taranjit: Oh.

Bhavneet: Scar. Okay. So Lion King. Who said it?

Taranjit: What this quote?

Bhavneet: Yeah

Taranjit: I told you I don’t have the characters written down.

Bhavneet: Yeah, you pick all the crazy ones that nobody knows.

Taranjit: So. What’s your favorite Disney movie?

Bhavneet: I think it’s kind of obvious. Monsters Inc. at the moment cuz I can’t think of any other

Taranjit: I thought it was Pirates of the Caribbean

Bhavneet: But that’s not animated.

Taranjit: Then why did you pick quotes…I don’t even know what to say to you anymore.

Bhavneet: I love that movie. Harry Hausens. It’s impossible to get a reservation there. Not for googly bear. I’ll see you at quitting time and not a minute later. Think romantical thoughts You and Me. Me and you. Both of us together

Taranjit: You know which scene from the game. No wait. You know which seen from the game that we played like, you know, those clips. The one that I didn’t like at all.

Bhavneet: What

Taranjit: That just got annoying. The very first one. Were it’s just like robots sit up.

Bhavneet: Oh yeah.

Taranjit: Got annoying.

Bhavneet: I didn’t like that one.

Taranjit: Even in the movie. I’m just like. Oh,

Bhavneet: Get over it. Ready? Oh. That’s puce. That was also good

Taranjit: So you got five and a half points

Bhavneet: You got…

Taranjit: You looked at me like five and a half what? Five and a half chunks.

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah. Okay, that makes more sense 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 7 and a half chunks. The two you got wrong: Zootopia

Taranjit: I got part of it. Topia

Bhavneet: and POTC Curse of the Black Pearl.

Taranjit: So I found these Walt Disney quotes since we’re kind on Disney. Not quotes, information and facts about him. Not sure if it’s 100% true or not

Bhavneet: Because you don’t fact check

Taranjit: No one has time for that. Someone can fact check us. So where do you think he was born?

Bhavneet: America

Taranjit: Obviously

Bhavneet: I thought it was a trick question. Maryland

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: California

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: Florida

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet:  Maine, Illinois, Missouri. Jessup. Maryland.

Taranjit: You’re right. Your almost there. Well, I think you said it. I don’t even know anymore

Bhavneet: What is it?

Taranjit: Chicago

Bhavneet: I said Illinois.

Taranjit: Yeah you did say it okay

Bhavneet: Winner! Make me dinner.

Taranjit: Apparently he was a train buff

Bhavneet: He was a what buff?

Taranjit: A train buff. Train.

Bhavneet: Train? Like he liked to work out? Or he liked the choo choo trains.

Taranjit: He liked trains. Choo choo.

Bhavneet: I’m a train buff. Huh.

Taranjit: He was a high school dropout. Which all successful people are practically

Bhavneet: Yeah, pretty much so. I want to be successful. But I…I graduated high school at the top of my class so I’m gonna be the opposite. Oh god.

Taranjit: Anyways, Mickey Mouse was not his first big creation. Guess what it was?

Bhavneet: I think I heard that

Taranjit: What was his first big creation?

Bhavneet: A boat. I don’t know.

Taranjit: A boat?

Bhavneet: Mickey was on a boat.

Taranjit: Yeah, but that wasn’t his first

Bhavneet: A dog. I don’t know. Is it one of his creations that are well known today.

Taranjit: I don’t think so.

Bhavneet: Oh then I have no idea.

Taranjit: Oswald, the Lucky Rabbit

Bhavneet: Speaking of Oswald remember the octopus the show?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: That we used to watch when we were little.

Taranjit: And the little wiener dog that was his pet.

Bhavneet: Yes. Oh my god.

Taranjit: So also, apparently he found golf anything but relaxing

Bhavneet: Golf.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: I agree. Oh my god, you know stressful golf is? And that math teacher would just give us golf balls.

Taranjit: So he basically said his reason was his doctor told him to like go take golf for health reasons to like relax

Bhavneet: I can’t even hit the ball

Taranjit: because he used to play Polo. And they said, you know, you can’t do Polo anymore. So why not golf?

Bhavneet: That’s intense.

Taranjit: But he said he found the game so frustrating that he took up a more chilling… a more chill sport. What’s your guess?

Bhavneet: More chill? Tennis.

Taranjit: That’s more chill?

Bhavneet: Ah. You know how frustrated I get with golf I can’t even hit the ball. I hit more dirt. Yeah.

Taranjit: That’s it. That’s your guess? Lawn bowling.

Bhavneet: What? What’s lawn bowling? What the heck is lawn bowling?

Taranjit: What’s your guess?

Bhavneet: Crochet.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Lawn bowling.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Horseshoe.

Taranjit: No. It’s called lawn bowling.

Bhavneet: Oh, then what are you asking? What’s your question?

Taranjit: What do you think you do?

Bhavneet: You bowl on a lawn?

Taranjit: Close enough

Bhavneet: What else would it be? Uh, you play hopscotch.

Taranjit: So basically, what you do is you take this heavy ball and you like throw it somewhere or you place it somewhere I think something like that. And then you take a lighter ball and your goal is to like get as close to the ball as possible. And you take turns like throwing the ball and whoever’s the closest wins. You know how we played with like, little balls. We used to play in the backyard.

Bhavneet: So it’s kind of like… There’s another game I think it’s like not croquet. Curling? No, that’s like, I don’t know, something like that.

Taranjit: We used to do that in the backyard.

Bhavneet: We made up these famous games that we didn’t know.

Taranjit: Apparently we played lawn bowling

Bhavneet: Apparently. Okay, I’ve played lawn bowling before.

Taranjit: Those are my facts. Fun facts.

Bhavneet: Oh that’s it.

Taranjit: You already took up all our time. .

Bhavneet: I’m sorry.

Taranjit: Jack Sparrow quotes. Pirates of the Caribbean. This that.

Bhavneet: That’s a good movie. A lot of people like it. How many people like that movie. Please support me. Yeah, the franchise. Apparently they’re getting rid of Jack Sparrow, though.

Taranjit: Yeah, he’s done.

Bhavneet: So that’ll be interesting. And apparently, they’re handing the movie over to the creators of Deadpool, so if any of you like those movies. I wasn’t a big fan, but we’ll see where POTC goes.

Taranjit: POTC.

Bhavneet: POTC. Yep, let’s see how it goes. Hopefully it doesn’t go into Davy Jones locker. Well, I failed

Taranjit: I got a C

Bhavneet: I think the roles are reversed from last time. So apparently I have more real world knowledge. She has more pop culture knowledge.

Taranjit: Yeah, true

Bhavneet: I live under a rock so I don’t have much pop culture knowledge.

Taranjit: I feel like generally I have more knowledge about like entertainment actors and stuff and then you have more like

Bhavneet: Real world knowledge.

Taranjit: Yeah,

Bhavneet: That’s so true.

Taranjit: That’s why you were top of your class

Bhavneet: But apparently all the successful people don’t graduate. They don’t graduate college, high school. I topped both. What the heck. I’m going to fail. What do I do with my life?

Taranjit: Podcast.

Bhavneet: Yes, this is my life now. Well, I failed, she did not. So let us know how many of those quotes you knew or as I said before, let us know your favorite dialogue your favorite Disney Pixar movie. Hopefully it’s one that we like. No, just kidding. Let us know your unbiased opinion

Taranjit: We are interested in knowing what your favorites are

Bhavneet: Yeah. What kind of movies do you watch?

Taranjit: Don’t say pirates

Bhavneet: What? Monsters Inc.

Taranjit: Monsters Inc.

Bhavneet: Let’s go Monsters Inc. Monsters Inc.’s fans. So let us know. You can check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Taranjit: At the Drive With Us Podcast.

Bhavneet: Thank you guys for letting us join you on your commute. And we look forward to seeing you again.

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