Transcript for E9: I have a PhilosophEE Degree

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Bhavneet: Welcome back to Drive With Us. I’m Bhavneet.

Taranjit: And I’m Taranjit. And today we’re going to talk about this article I came across of how Canada is the third best country to live in.

Bhavneet: For quality of life.

Taranjit: Yes. For quality of life.

Bhavneet: They have good life quality up north. Except for I don’t think I would want to live there.

Taranjit: Too cold.

Bhavneet: Yeah, too cold. I can’t do cold.

Taranjit: I can’t even do the weather here.

Bhavneet: If this past storm has taught me anything. Minus 20 wind chills. Chicago had minus 60. I can’t do that. And then I saw this thing. Someone in California was like, oh my god. 53 degrees? Like, I’ll take that.

Taranjit: Yeah, I’ll take that.

Bhavneet: We’re like at minus 20. I will take 53.

Taranjit: I like how we’re like now it’s finally 40 this weekend, that were like finally! 40.

Bhavneet: Like, put away the winter jackets. 40 degrees.

Taranjit: No more minus.

Bhavneet: Our standards are very different. But yes, Canada. Number three, no number one in quality of life.

Taranjit: Just number third country, best country to live in. Number one, and quality of life.

Bhavneet: Right? So guess what…

Taranjit: It’s, it’s the fourth year in a row that Canada got number one in terms of quality of life.

Bhavneet: Yeah? They must be doing something right.

Taranjit: So how they ranked quality of life are these factors, their health care, public education, safety, a solid job market, and political stability,

Bhavneet: This overall study, best countries, which includes then the quality of life and stuff was conducted by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, along with the Global Consumer Insights firm Y and Rs BAV group. I don’t know what that stands for but they must be somebody fancy because they did this study. And they asked over 21,000 responded to evaluate 80 countries by ranking them according to 65 attributes including quality of life.

Taranjit: So if Canada was number third. Wow, that doesn’t makes sense. If Canada was number three in best to live in. What’s number one? Cheater.

Bhavneet: Cheetos.

Taranjit: Cheater. Cheater.

Bhavneet: Cheetos. Wait, number… Oh, as in the country, like overall. Switzerland?

Taranjit: Yeah, cuz you cheated.

Bhavneet: I wrote it down too.

Taranjit: Yes, Switzerland. And Japan’s number two.

Bhavneet: Yeah. So Switzerland, which was also number one in 2018. Apparently no change there. They’re doing something right. I don’t know what it is. But there doing something right.

Taranjit: I heard that their health care’s really good. I don’t know about the rest of stuff. But I’ve always heard that they’re mentioned when it comes to healthcare.

Bhavneet: Well, we are definitely not in the top 10. The US for healthcare. I don’t think we’re anywhere near that. We need to learn from these other countries. Free health care. That is a key. But Switzerland is also one of the world’s wealthiest countries. And obviously, they are well known for their centuries of neutrality.

Taranjit: So if they’re wealthy, does that mean, that it is expensive to live there? Or can you get a good job and live there comfortably?

Bhavneet: That’s a good question. I mean, I don’t know. We need to ask a Swiss person.

Taranjit: Yeah. To bad I don’t know one.

Bhavneet: Anybody know someone from Switzerland?

Taranjit: Or are you from Switzerland?

Bhavneet: Yes. I would like to chat. I need to know what you guys are doing that the US is not doing.

Taranjit: Not like if you find this out that you’re going to tell the government here how to change everything.

Bhavneet: I don’t think the current government will listen to anything that I have to say. But anyways…

Taranjit: Just knowing.

Bhavneet: Yes. Knowing. I need to know that. I need to know what you guys are doing.

Taranjit: You just need to know. So you’ll be happier.

Bhavneet: Yes, I will be internally happier knowing that this is why they are happy. And I am not. On that happy note. Guess what the population of Switzerland is?

Taranjit: Well, I’m not good at numbers.

Bhavneet: I’m not either.

Taranjit: So do you know how much is in the US?

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah.

Taranjit: How much?

Bhavneet: No, that’s another question.

Taranjit: But I want to use that number to guess a good number because I feel like if I don’t have that number, I’m going to be way off.

Bhavneet: Okay, fine it’s a couple hundred million.

Taranjit: Is here?

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: So how much is there?

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: Switzerland is not big.

Bhavneet: It’s a small country in Central Europe.

Taranjit: But is it crowded? Hmm.

Bhavneet: Or is it like one of those countries like Canada where nobody really lives there.

Taranjit: What’s Canada’s population?

Bhavneet: I mean, they have a lot but like, you know, they live in the very corners.

Taranjit: I’m gonna say… it’s 100 here? Hundred million year?

Bhavneet: I said a couple hundred.

Taranjit: Couple hundred.

Bhavneet: Yeah. We got a lot of people living in the US.

Taranjit: It’s either close. I want to say less because it’s smaller, but it’s probably more.

Bhavneet: Well, how are you fit like a couple hundred million people into Switzerland?

Taranjit: I don’t know. So it’s less.

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah.

Taranjit: Not even 100 million?

Bhavneet: Nope.

Taranjit: Lower thousands, hundred thousands.

Bhavneet: No. There’s a million, a couple million.

Taranjit: 10?

Bhavneet: Close. 8.5. 8.5 million. What’s the capital? Back to that. Do you know your countries?

Taranjit: I don’t.

Bhavneet: I know. We learned this last time. But still, let’s see, do you know this one?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: I didn’t know this capital either.

Taranjit: Then what do you expect from me?

Bhavneet: Like some of them like if you see the capital you’re like, oh, yeah, that makes sense. I’ve heard of it. This one I looked at and I’m like, that’s the place? It didn’t even sound like a word. Bern.

Taranjit: Like B U R N?

Bhavneet: No. Like Bernie. B E R N. I just put Bert and Ernie together and said Bernie. Even though, Bernie is a name.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: But I was thinking Bert and Ernie.

Taranjit: Yeah, from Sesame Street.

Bhavneet: Yes. And I was like, Bernie. And I’m like, wait, Which one is that? No. What would they look like if they’re mashed together?

Taranjit: Well, they did hang out a lot. So it could be there like friend combination name. Bernie.

Bhavneet: Yeah, interesting. Yeah, Bernie. Bern. Switzerland’s capital is Bern. Burn! We’ve been neutral for centuries.

Taranjit: Burn everyone.

Bhavneet: Burn! Except for they’re in the Alps. So not really burning. Unless if you’re cold burning cuz cold can burn too.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Anybody been in a minus 80 freezer? Not fun.

Taranjit: You went in the entire freezer?

Bhavneet: Yeah, I just jumped in. I just dived in. They have the walk in one’s, probably.

Taranjit: Probably.

Bhavneet: But, no this was a reach in one. Like even when I take stuff out of it and I touch it outside my hands still burn because they’re minus 80.

Taranjit: Yeah. Your fingers will be gone. Pretty much.

Bhavneet: Yeah. No, no hope. No chance of resurrecting them. That’s it gone. They’re probably just like freeze and become brittle and break off.

Taranjit: Disintegrate.

Bhavneet: Now on that happy note, quality of life. Best countries. Number two: Japan. You already said that. But Japan, not the US. Not us.

Taranjit: Cannot be always us.

Bhavneet: I didn’t think we would even be on the top 10. But we are.

Taranjit: We are? In quality of life.

Bhavneet: No. In overall best countries ranked. We were in there.

Taranjit: Oh, yeah. We are.

Bhavneet: Obviously not near the top. But we made it.

Taranjit: So close to the top 10. Like we’re so close to getting off the top 10.

Bhavneet: Yes. But number two, Japan. Capital. Do you know your countries?

Taranjit: I want to say Tokyo but I feel like I’m wrong.

Bhavneet: Yes! It is Tokyo. Be confident.

Taranjit: I’m not confident.

Bhavneet: Yeah, I know, not at all. You didn’t know Tokyo.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: What other country did you? What other city would you think it would be?

Taranjit: I don’t know. I just feel like, you know how when you think of a country you’re like, oh, I know that city. And that’s not the capital.

Bhavneet: Like the major cities.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: You’d be like, oh, the US? Los Angeles. No, wrong side.

Taranjit: Other coast.

Bhavneet: East Coast, West Coast. Same thing.

Taranjit: No it’s not. Not at all. There’s a big difference.

Bhavneet: There is a divide between the quality of life and standards of living of East Coast and West Coast. East Coast is more work, work, work. work, work, work. And West Coast is more, aah sunshine, beaches.

Taranjit: Chill and enjoy life.

Bhavneet: Guess what side were on?

Taranjit: They will know. You already said what state we’re in.

Bhavneet: Well, maybe they don’t remember. Let me remind you guys. Work. Yeah, that’s about it. No more hints.

Taranjit: So nice of you.

Bhavneet: Japan number two. Guess what it was last year.

Taranjit: You said that already so many times.

Bhavneet: Guess what it was last year? 2018. It was number five.

Taranjit: Really?

Bhavneet: So it moved up. Moving up the scale.

Taranjit: Here we are moving down.

Bhavneet: Giving us the boot. It’s Italy. It just turned into Italy and went bloop.

Taranjit: That’s how they kicked?

Bhavneet: I mean, I mean, it’s an island and it’s kind of curved anyways.

Taranjit: So I won’t really hurt the country just give a little kick.

Bhavneet: And they are like one of the most literate and technically advanced countries. So even though they’re really small, the country could have totally booted the US, which is like so many times bigger. They could have done it.

Taranjit: They could have or have they?

Bhavneet: They could. They did. Who knows. We all drive their cars. Use their tech.

Taranjit: Yeah, pretty much.

Bhavneet: They’re secretly taking over the world. After Amazon.

Taranjit: I like how you always slip that in.

Bhavneet: I thought of it. Isn’t that a thing. I thought it was.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Aren’t they taking over FedEx?

Taranjit: No there’s this post I read someone saying that FedEx stocks are doing so bad that Amazon should just buy it.

Bhavneet: Oh, probably would do better. Amazon then FedEx.

Taranjit: Or they might just come out with their own delivery service

Bhavneet: And just give them the boot like Italy Japan. Okay. population of Japan.

Taranjit: Probably really crowded?

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: More than Switzerland?

Bhavneet: Definitely.

Taranjit: Not as much as us.

Bhavneet: Nope.

Taranjit: 70 million?

Bhavneet: 126.8 million. That’s a lot of people on a small island. Actually. How many islands is Japan made of?

Taranjit: I want to say four or five?

Bhavneet: What’s your answer?

Taranjit: 5?

Bhavneet: Oh, when you said 4 I’m like, Oh my God how’d she know. She didn’t know the capital. But she knew that there’s four islands.

Taranjit: I’m trying to think of the picture on the map. But I know there’s like the mainland then dot dot dot.

Bhavneet: They’re like, Japan. Dot dot dot. Dot dot dot. Continue. Ulysses S. Grant? Do you know your presidents?

Taranjit: No, I don’t know you’re talking about. Where did he come into this?

Bhavneet: Ellipses. Calypso. Pirates of the Caribbean.

Taranjit: You always have to bring it back to that.

Bhavneet: That’s how my brain works.

Taranjit: I know.

Bhavneet: It just goes every which way. And all these things just connect and then all of a sudden I’m somewhere else. Not in Japan.

Taranjit: Are you at this podcast right now?

Bhavneet: One eye is. One eye is aggressively at this podcast.

Taranjit: Where’s the other eye?

Bhavneet: Not in Japan.

Taranjit: Where is it?

Bhavneet: I have no idea.

Taranjit: In Canada.

Bhavneet: It’s scouting it out. Scouting out these best countries to see which one I should be in.

Taranjit: Okay, so Canada got really high in Best Country to live in.

Bhavneet: It was 3.

Taranjit: Overall quality of life. Number one. What ranking are they in terms of best country to live for women?

Bhavneet: Probably up there. Is this out of like 10?

Taranjit: I don’t know how many it’s out of.

Bhavneet: Oh, number one.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Number two.

Taranjit: Nope.

Bhavneet: Number five.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Four.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Three.

Taranjit: Yeah, I like how you just skipped over the right answer and you kept going.

Bhavneet: It seemed like it was going in the wrong direction.

Taranjit: So what’s number one?

Bhavneet: Germany?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Switzerland?

Taranjit: Nope. Cheater.

Bhavneet: I have no idea.

Taranjit: Then where are you looking?

Bhavneet: Under best quality life these countries also listed what else they were on the top 10 list for

Taranjit: Oh, so you’re cheating. Here I am giving true answers and you’re searching.

Bhavneet: I’m using my resources.

Taranjit: That’s cheating. I want you to guess from your knowledge already in here.

Bhavneet: That’s being smart.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Finland.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Switzerland.

Taranjit: You already said that.

Bhavneet: Sweden.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Oh, it’s a kingdom. Sweden.

Taranjit: So what’s number two? Sweden’s number one, Canada’s number three.

Bhavneet: Switzerland?

Taranjit: No, you haven’t listed it yet.

Bhavneet: Norway?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: France?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Is a country I know?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Netherlands.

Taranjit: Nope.

Bhavneet: Ireland.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Great Britain. France.

Taranjit: You already said that.

Bhavneet: France?

Taranjit: Nope. No matter how you say it’s still not right.

Bhavneet: Jacque Clouseau?

Taranjit: That’s a country?

Bhavneet: He is now.

Taranjit: D

Bhavneet: Denmark.

Taranjit: Wow, that gave it away.

Bhavneet: What other D countries are there? Djibouti!

Taranjit: But it’s Denmark.

Bhavneet: That is a country though. Definitely not any of the top 10s.

Taranjit: So I was also reading on this article because obviously when people write these articles, they always go back to the US and talk about the US.

Bhavneet: Yeah, the study was conducted by someone in the US but they they stayed pretty, pretty neutral.

Taranjit: But they always have to mention the US.

Bhavneet: Yeah, because the US. USers… Americans

Taranjit: USers.

Bhavneet: The USers like to talk about us.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Their new nickname. We are now the USers.

Taranjit: Like in that show the Weavers. We’re the USers.

Bhavneet: The USers like to talk about us. It’s a fact of life. So I mean, are other countries like that? They want to bring everything back. Relate it.

Taranjit: No, but I feel like when you like go to other countries and they talk about like news, they don’t just give us news. They gave  the world news. We focus only…

Bhavneet: We are USers

Taranjit: Yeah, USers. We give, there’s like a small segment dedicated to the world. And most of it’s just us.

Bhavneet: And even a small segment. It has to somehow be related to us in order for it to be broadcasted to us. So partially it has to be the news people’s fault, because they don’t give us the total like just World News. So here we are talking about puppies that you know got ran away or like all these…

Taranjit: That got ran away?

Bhavneet: Yeah, I was gonna say something far worse, but I’m trying to show how insignificant of this.

Taranjit: Got ran away.

Bhavneet: They got ran away. They got ran away. And yet. That sounds weird. And yet. Do I sound nasally yet?

Taranjit: You just did.

Bhavneet: I think my voice sounds so bad. And yet, there’s more serious things happening in the world.

Taranjit: And you’re laughing about it. You can’t even say with the straight face.

Bhavneet: Because I said and yet. USers.

Taranjit: Okay, so you didn’t even let me finish my question.

Bhavneet: There was no question.

Taranjit: You already know what number ranking we’re at. Right?

Bhavneet: Eight.

Taranjit: So I guess I don’t really have a question yet. Yet.

Bhavneet: No, you have to say it nasally.

Taranjit: And yet.

Bhavneet: You sound you’re trying to be like, Southern or something? Yet. And yet. Is that how… does anybody talk like that?

Taranjit: What?

Bhavneet: Does anybody talk like that?

Taranjit: Me.

Bhavneet: Is that an accent?

Taranjit: It’s my accent.

Bhavneet: That’s a whole nother topic. Like, I feel like we have a no accent. We’re like neutral. And everyone else is relative to us.

Taranjit: There’s a thing like associated with Maryland accent, especially from like Baltimore.

Bhavneet: But like, I feel like we have like a very neutral like no accent.

Taranjit: We have an American accent when we go abroad.

Bhavneet: But American accent sounds like no accent. We just sound like nothing. And then you hear other people and it’s like that’s an accent. That’s an accent. And then you hear us and we’re like, that’s no accent. Like even people from the south. Or people from the West or New York or like even Baltimore. Like they have an accent. I don’t hear anything. Like we don’t have an accent. Do we have an ask yet? Accent. Do we have an accent? Somebody please tell us. I need to know. Do I sound like I have an accent?

Taranjit: You can’t say the word accent.

Bhavneet: No. But do I sound like I have it? That thing. Do I talk different?

Taranjit: Yes, you’re talk very different.

Bhavneet: I need to know. Somebody please tell me that is not from Maryland. Does it sound like I have an accent? Accent!

Taranjit: You’re really struggling. I can’t even talk.

Bhavneet: Does…it… sound…like…I have…an accent. I really feel like I’m from Pink Panther, Jacque Clouseau. I have in my pocket.

Taranjit: An accent.

Bhavneet: A couple of hamburgers! That’s what it sounds like in my head. But please somebody let me know. It’s a… it’s a… it’s something that… ablah!

Taranjit: You can’t talk. Nor can you speak. Pronunciate. Nothing. Nothing today?

Bhavneet: Isn’t that the same thing?

Taranjit: Nothing. You can’t do anything today.

Bhavneet: This is something that has… I can’t think of the word. This is something that is bothering me for the longest time, because I don’t think we have one. But we probably do. End of story.

Taranjit: Can I finish my point or are you gonna say something else?

Bhavneet: Somebody please let me know. That’s my plug.

Taranjit: That’s your…

Bhavneet: World Peace. Thank you. I’m here till this podcast over.

Taranjit: That’s it?

Bhavneet: Yep, not I’m here all night. I’m here till this podcast over.

Taranjit: Over. It’s over.

Bhavneet: Over. Hello, over.

Taranjit: I don’t have walkie talkie I can’t respond.

Bhavneet: Over. I’ll say it for you. I walk and I talk. I walkie talkie.

Taranjit: But can you really talk while you’re walking because you can’t talk while you’re sitting.

Bhavneet: I didn’t say it was a walkie sit-y. I’m a walkie talkie, not a walkie sit-y. Not a windy city.

Taranjit: You were about to say something else, but you didn’t know what so you just kind of like, eh.

Bhavneet: Not any kind of city. I’m a talkie. Walkie talkie.

Taranjit: Okay,

Bhavneet: That is my second plug.

Taranjit: Do you even know what a plug is?

Bhavneet: No. World peace. World peace for the accents.

Taranjit: Okay, all right. I’m going back to USing us.

Bhavneet: Excuse you? That sounded so bad.

Taranjit: I’m gonna go back to USing. USers.

Bhavneet: Be a true American.

Taranjit: I don’t even know what I want to say anymore.

Bhavneet: I… I told you we… we ok. We have now just taking a small journey inside my brain. Thank you. Come back to reality.

Taranjit: We’ll be back soon.

Bhavneet: We’ll visit again, we’ll visit against

Taranjit: Very shortly. I’m sure we’ll be back there.

Bhavneet: Waiting patiently. Go ahead.

Taranjit: Before you erip.. inter..

Bhavneet: Before I  erupt with another wrapped with another journey.

Taranjit: Now I can’t talk. Look what you did to me. Okay, so US was number eight. Like you already know, because you already looked this up. She cheated.

Bhavneet: No, I want to be informed.

Taranjit: But, we’re continuing to just fall down that list of rankings. Now, guess what number we are for perception of trustworthiness.

Bhavneet: Oh, is there a negative?

Taranjit: Not that far down but we’re dropping.

Bhavneet: Are we still in the top 10?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: What was the category?

Taranjit: Perception of trustworthiness.

Bhavneet: We’re probably like 50.

Taranjit: Oh, not that low.

Bhavneet: 20…5. 25?

Taranjit: 5?

Bhavneet: it was like a continuation.

Taranjit: I know. No.

Bhavneet: Two? I’m still in the 20s.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: 23?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: One.

Taranjit: Wrong direction.

Bhavneet: Eight.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Six.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Seven.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Oh my god, why do I always go around.

Taranjit: You always skip it.

Bhavneet: You make it seem like it’s something completely different because you’re just like, Uh huh. You’re so dumb. Uh huh. Keep guessing you’ll never get it. And then I help you by never getting it. Go in circles.

Taranjit: 27

Bhavneet: Wow. I mean, I feel like it has dropped recently.

Taranjit: But we are we’re number one for something.

Bhavneet: Oh my god what? Un-trustedworthiness? Untrustingness? Ness?

Taranjit: Ness ness.

Bhavneet: Ness ness.

Taranjit:  You want me to tell you?

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: Perceived power.

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah, I could totally see that. I should have said US-ness.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: USness. Even though we are dropping so hard everyone’s like, we are still the best. I mean, don’t get me wrong. The US is pretty great comparatively to the world. Like you know, we… certain countries, we’re doing pretty ok. But we have our problems. And they’re pretty serious.

Taranjit: So US is number one for power.

Bhavneet: Perception of power.

Taranjit: Yes, perception. So what’s number two?

Bhavneet: Perception of power? Hmm.

Taranjit: I’m sure you can get this.

Bhavneet: UK?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Germany?

Taranjit: No, never mind I thought you…

Bhavneet: Ooh, Russia.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Why did I not think of that?

Taranjit: So what’s third?

Bhavneet: Did I already say it.

Taranjit: No. It’s also another big country.

Bhavneet: Canada.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Ca-na-da Canada.

Taranjit: Okay, first of all, you read this article about Canada. Wouldn’t it have mentioned power.

Bhavneet: That is true. They are very like let everyone in because they’re all about letting people in. They are very welcoming to immigrants.

Taranjit: You didn’t know what else to say. It’s all about letting people in.

Bhavneet: I forgot how it was worded in the article.

Taranjit: So your guess? Number three?

Bhavneet: India?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: China?

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: You have to say it like Chin. Chin. That’s the Indian way to say it. Chin.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Chin. Not cheek. Chin.

Taranjit: Did you say cheek?

Bhavneet: Welcome back to another journey of into my brain. Cheek. Tongue.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Teeth.

Taranjit: Why are you guessing mouth parts?

Bhavneet: I said cheek. Alright, Chin, we got it. Guess how many, uh, guess what the population of Canada is? Wait, do you know what the capital is? You’re like nod nod look off into the distance.

Taranjit: Oooo-ttowa.

Bhavneet: Uh, twa? That’s what it sounded like.

Taranjit: I don’t know, am I saying it right? Ottawa.

Bhavneet: You’re like uhh….twa? So many Pink Panther references

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: In this one. Uh, twa. Yes, it was Ottawa. Anybody, live in Ottawa?

Taranjit: Prime minister.

Bhavneet: Really?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: Are you serious?

Taranjit: No, I’m just I’m just guessing.

Bhavneet: I need to be informed somebody learned to me.

Taranjit: Wow. Learned you?

Bhavneet: Yep. Well, that’s what our math teacher used to say. We’re going to learned you real good. Remember that?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: We’re gonna learned you. All right, number four. Wait, I didn’t even tell you the population of Canada.

Taranjit: It’s your brain messing this up.

Bhavneet: Get out of my head. No more journeys right now. Okay? What were we talking about? Chicken Little.

Taranjit: What?

Bhavneet: That was a quote from the movie. He was like look and it’s like, what were we talking about? The population of Canada is, is it more or less than the US?

Taranjit: I want to say less?

Bhavneet: Yes, it is. Way less.

Taranjit: It makes sense.

Bhavneet: Yep. It’s 36.7 million. And interestingly, Canada is very sparsely populated, which you probably knew. But most of the residents live within 125 miles of the US border.

Taranjit: That makes sense.

Bhavneet: Because

Taranjit: Why would there be anybody up there, they’re all going to be down closer to us.

Bhavneet: People live in Alaska. And they’re surviving.

Taranjit: They probably don’t live at the tip of Alaska, though.

Bhavneet: Canada has some crazy weather. They get all the cold. And now we’re getting all of it because of this, because of the global warming.

Taranjit: Because of this

Bhavneet: I was gonna say stinking, but I don’t think it stinks. I never smelled global warming. I don’t know what it smells like. But global warming is messing up all the air flows. And we’re getting all this crazy weather, like we did recently.

Taranjit: Okay, let’s talk about something more fun and not as sad about global warming. So we’re talking about best countries, right?

Bhavneet: Germany’s number four.

Taranjit: Okay, thanks. Thanks for letting me finish. Since we’re talking about Canada and like other countries, quality of life, best country to live in. All that right? I found this article by Global News that was 11 of the most popular places to visit this year.

Bhavneet: 2018 or 2019. Oh, to visit, like future.

Taranjit: To visit

Bhavneet: Get her done.

Taranjit: And this, of course, was written in terms of like if it was a Canadian that was looking to travel because this article was about Canada being number three and all that. So this article was what…Where do Canadians think they’ll go?

Bhavneet: For touristy?

Taranjit: Yeah,11 of the most popular places. Can you name one from this list?

Bhavneet: Europe?

Taranjit: That’s not a country.

Bhavneet: What Europe? Uh, Italy.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Greece. You know, I’m an USer. I’m not Canadian. Uh, Australia?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Switzerland.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Sweden

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: Norway

Taranjit: No

Bhavneet: Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal. Is there one in…

Taranjit: Portugal.

Bhavneet: I was going to say, is there one in Europe?

Taranjit: So the one that was listed as a number one most recommended place to go. Sri Lanka.

Bhavneet: What? Why. What’s in Sri Lanka?

Taranjit: It says is ideal for people who are venture seekers.

Bhavneet: I could see that, it’s an island

Taranjit: Fitness buffs and food lovers.

Bhavneet: It’s near India, you’re going to get food. You travel a short distance to India. If you’re a food lover, get all the food.

Taranjit: But the first one that was written on there, that was listed as a number two destination Columbia.

Bhavneet: Columbia? They have a lot of problems. Like cime.

Taranjit: It was Cart…Cartagena. I don’t know how to say this city.

Bhavneet: I have no idea.

Taranjit: That city.

Bhavneet: But doesn’t Colombia have? Or is that Venezuela? That’s Venezuela. I don’t know about Colombia. Bogota, Colombia. Start singing the song again. Madrid, Espana…

Taranjit: No. I’m gonna give you these top 11 places and I want you to tell me which of those would you want to visit?

Bhavneet: I don’t know. I’m not Canadian.

Taranjit: As a USer.

Bhavneet: I’m also not a USer. I’m like,

Taranjit: As a you-er. As a Bhavn-er.

Bhavneet: Oh, God. I don’t think they want to get inside my head again. Okay,

Taranjit: Okay, so you know, there’s Columbia,

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: There’s Sri Lanka, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, Germany, Portugal, Croatia, Maldives, or South Africa.

Bhavneet: Where are the Maldives? Maldives? Maldives?

Taranjit: The Italian way to say it is Maldives. Because there like, go to Maldives.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: But.

Bhavneet: There a bunch of islands, right?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: So is it over there like Singapore area? Is Singapore. Okay. We were talking about this in Singapore in like the Indonesia area where Malaysian and stuff is? It’s an island, right?

Taranjit: Yes, it’s an island.

Bhavneet: So it’s over there.

Taranjit: I think so.

Bhavneet: In that area. Where’s Croatia? It’s also an island, right?

Taranjit: I think.

Bhavneet: Where is it?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: I don’t know my islands.

Taranjit: But where would you want to go?

Bhavneet: I would want to go to Japan. That seems cool. They’re number two, best countries. They went up from number five. So they’re going in the right direction. Canada went down. From number two.

Taranjit: Not that much.

Bhavneet: From two to three. Japan gave them the boot to so…

Taranjit: Japan made a jump.

Bhavneet: Not by myself, but Japan seems cool, but not by myself. Because I can’t speak Japanese and I’d be totally lost. And I’d probably never come back. Scary thoughts. All right. Back to the happy days.

Taranjit: So time for a quiz?

Bhavneet: Wait, where would you want to go?

Taranjit: Oh.

Bhavneet: Germany

Taranjit: No, either Japan or Singapore.

Bhavneet: Again. Singapore seems pretty cool. Not by myself.

Taranjit: Yes. With you. And and someone who lives there who can show us around.

Bhavneet: Yeah, it’s always good to have a native. Somebody you know, who knows the area because they’d be like, Oh, no no, don’t go down that way. Let’s go that way.

Taranjit: Yeah, just avoid that area. Stay over here.

Bhavneet: Yeah, that kind of thing. And then final, finally. Number five. Out of the best countries. Germany was number four. They were number three in 2018. So they’re also falling, which is sad. But did you know that Germany borders how many countries?

Taranjit: 3?

Bhavneet: 9.

Taranjit: 9?

Bhavneet: It’s land-locked.

Taranjit: Oh, yeah, it is.

Bhavneet: Nine countries border Germany and Germany is pretty big relatively.

Taranjit: I thought you were, but even though if you said this way it’s the same thing. I thought you said how many countries like Germany borders. But it’s the same thing.

Bhavneet: Yeah, I don’t understand. What, what’s the predicament, like, what do you not understand?

Taranjit: My brain wasn’t processing.

Bhavneet: Uh huh. All right. Number five. Who do you think? What country is number five best countries? 2018. Overall, best countries.

Taranjit: So we had, what was already on this list?

Bhavneet: Number one was Switzerland. Then Japan, then Canada. Number four is Germany. And number five is?

Taranjit: Sweden?

Bhavneet: Nope.

Taranjit: Is it a European country?

Bhavneet: Sweden is number six.

Taranjit: Close enough.  Is it a European company?

Bhavneet: Yes, it is a European company. Very rooted in Europe.

Taranjit: Country. Wow. I can’t speak now. Thanks a lot.

Bhavneet: I’m rubbing off on you. In a good way.

Taranjit: Company. Which European companies number five?

Bhavneet: I don’t know any European companies.

Taranjit: Neither do I. So it’s European. Denmark?

Bhavneet: Nope.

Taranjit: Norway.

Bhavneet: Denmark is not on the top 10.

Taranjit: Okay, what is it?

Bhavneet: Norway’s number nine. France is number 10, US is number eight. Australia is number seven.

Taranjit: Best Country?

Bhavneet: Yeah, overall. And then number five is the UK. Because why would that not be on the list?

Taranjit: It wasn’t on any of the lists I looked at.

Bhavneet: What’s it’s capital?

Taranjit: UK is not a like its own country. Does it have its own capital, even though includes several countries?

Bhavneet: This thing said, but, which is also really interesting. I finally realized the difference between UK, Great Britain, and England. I thought England and Great Britain were like interchangeable. Or like the UK and England,

Taranjit: Probably a lot of people are like, Oh, you American.

Bhavneet: I’m an USer. I did not realize this. I’m so sorry. Englanders or Wales-ers.The Well, well, Welch. What are people from Wales called? The Scottish. I can say that one. The Irish, people from Ireland. I’m so sorry. But Great Britain is made up of three countries. England, Scotland, and Wales, because they’re all connected on one little baby Island. Baby Island. And then England is England.

Taranjit: No, I didn’t know that.

Bhavneet: And the UK includes Great Britain. Plus, Northern… Northern Ireland.

Taranjit: I thought you were about to say Northern island.

Bhavneet: Yes, the Northern Island. It’s the northern part of Ireland, island. So that’s number five day, their quality of life they’re number 12. So not in the top 10. But they moved down from last year. They were number four. Best Country overall. And now they’re number five.

Taranjit: Interesting, The more you know, probably not gonna remember this. If I were to be quizzed on this in the future.

Bhavneet: No, because it changes every year anyway so…

Taranjit: I know, but if it was like, in 2008…

Bhavneet: Who would ask you that?

Taranjit: You never know.

Bhavneet: In 2018, what was the seventh ranking best country in the world?

Taranjit: What if it was like a million dollar question or something?

Bhavneet: Australia. You better be stars…sa…heh You better start talking gibberish.

Taranjit: You better start talking correctly first.

Bhavneet: You better started studying. You’re never done with school. Always study.

Taranjit: Okay, let’s go a little more fun.

Bhavneet: I like fun.

Taranjit: Based on your personality which country fits where you should live.

Bhavneet: That’s a good question. I don’t know.

Taranjit: Let’s take a quiz.

Bhavneet: The US.

Taranjit: This quiz is by Playbuzz, our go to spot for quizzes,

Bhavneet: They have pretty decent quizzes. This is our plug.

Taranjit: Now that’s the right way to use the word plug. What country in the world best fits your personality?

Bhavneet: I don’t know. You tell me.

Taranjit: Let’s play.

Bhavneet: Okay, I was gonna say, Oh, we need to play it, not just answer it. You got to play it.

Taranjit: My, like I have both quizzes pulled up. My webpage said let’s play. And the one that I’m selecting your answers on says let’s start.

Bhavneet: Okay, I like the fun. I think that I should be let’s play. You should be let’s start. Let’s switch it up.

Taranjit: Nope.

Bhavneet: Nope. Incorrect.

Taranjit: I sorry, I’m used to this side of the screen is my answers. This is side of the screen is your answers. So let’s play, me. Let’s start, you.

Bhavneet: I’m very formal.

Taranjit: That’s the complete opposite.

Bhavneet: Nope. It knows my personality. Let’s start.

Taranjit: So question number one. I probably know the answer to this. Our answer choice is not there, so.

Bhavneet: Well then I guess it doesn’t know my personality. Now does it?

Taranjit: After work what drink do you prefer? A martini, a cold beer, a Mai Tai, glass of wine, espresso or tea or whiskey?

Bhavneet: Well, since all of them are knocked off, because I don’t drink alcohol. I thought when you said glass of I’m like oh water?



Bhavneet: Even though I would not prefer that. I’m going to go with a tea. Because everything else is like no.

Taranjit: Don’t drink. So tea it is.

Bhavneet: I guess you’re choosing… so how is this like knowing my personality If it doesn’t let me tell you exactly what I do.

Taranjit: How come our quizzes look like same questions but the pages look different?

Bhavneet: Because our personalities are different. And apparently you’re fun. Let’s play. And I’m let’s start. Very work work.

Taranjit: Okay, question number two. If you could choose any terrain which one would it be? Snow?

Bhavneet: No.

Taranjit: Tropical beach, meadow, cliffy coastal, or mountains.

Bhavneet: Mountains mean snow. So no. I don’t know. Like, I don’t want to be on cliff. What if I fall off? I hate heights. I’m so scared of heights. So I guess I would choose a tropical beach even though I don’t really like beach. Like that’s too warm for me. But okay.

Taranjit: Yeah. But a meadow?

Bhavneet: I don’t want all those bugs. No.

Taranjit: I know. So the best choice closest related to what I would want. Tropical beach.

Bhavneet: Yeah, that’d be the closest to warm weather ish.

Taranjit: What is what are your favorite hobbies and your choices are…

Bhavneet: Fun.

Taranjit: Reading a good book, shopping, walking around the city, visiting historical monuments, going out on the town for drinks and dancing, or exploring the wilderness?

Bhavneet: So, shopping is pretty cool sometimes for like five minutes. And then after that, I usually get bored because our version of shopping is like, oh, that’s too expensive.

Taranjit: I’m out.  

Bhavneet: Yeah. And so I get bored of it really fast because it’s like, I can’t afford this. Okay, bye. No more shopping. I’m done. So shopping no, walking around the city? Not really. I don’t like, I don’t like the city. I like town. Like nice, small, quaint little town.

Taranjit: Quiet.

Bhavneet: Yes. Very quiet. So no, I would probably pick.

Taranjit: So then you have left reading a book, visiting historic monuments.

Bhavneet: Well see history monuments. Like, we’ve been to Gettysburg way too often. So I’m at the point where I’m like, historic moments eh.

Taranjit: But that’s not all the historic monuments.

Bhavneet: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I will go visit at once. And that’s about it. So what’s my ideal hobby?

Taranjit: Your favorite hobbies. I like how they said hobbies. But you can only choose one.

Bhavneet: I’m stuck between reading a book and visiting a historical monument.

Taranjit: Why you don’t want to explore the wilderness?

Bhavneet: No.

Taranjit: I know.

Bhavneet: You can do that and tell me how it goes.

Taranjit: No, thanks.

Bhavneet: So I’d probably pick. Okay, explore historic moments. I will do it once. And then move on.

Taranjit: I’m sorry. There’s only visiting historic monuments. You can’t explore.

Bhavneet: Oh, yeah, sorry. No fun. No fun allowed here.

Taranjit: What should I choose? I feel like I’m copying you.

Bhavneet: This is why your supposed to blindly take it. Not like become blind and take it. But like, do a blind study. Like where we both take it separately and then choose the same answers.

Taranjit: I’m going on the same thing. Doing it. It’s already done.

Bhavneet: So you’re saying it but I’m already done.

Taranjit: Whoa, whoa. What happened?

Bhavneet: You?

Taranjit: Where’s my last answer choice? What is wrong with this? Two seconds. Technical difficulties.

Bhavneet: We are not Japan. We’re not the tech capital of the world. This is US. And this is us. Not the show. But this is us as in we’re not that technologically savvy. Not the show. Not a drama. Only…

Taranjit: Where are you going with this? Trying to buy me time.

Bhavneet: Yes. I taking them on another journey inside my brain while you fix this.

Taranjit: You know, it’s a podcast so you can like cut out the silence. But no, fill it in.

Bhavneet: I must fill the silence.

Taranjit: They need to know how long it took me to fix this.

Bhavneet: Yeah, didn’t take that long. Right? You’re just like, I’m a winner.

Taranjit: What am I when?

Bhavneet: The working laptop?

Taranjit: That’s it?

Bhavneet: Yeah. All right.

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: Well, would you pick?

Taranjit: You don’t even have a question.

Bhavneet: Did you pick the same thing?

Taranjit: Yea, I already said that. Next question. What topic are you most passionate about? Philosopee?

Bhavneet: Philosopee?.Phila-sa-p-h-y.

Taranjit: Philosophy.

Bhavneet: Well, at least you don’t have a PhD? Hello, I am Dr. So So I have a philosophee degree. Oh, yeah. What college did you go to? The School of Philosopee. Yeah, good thing you don’t have one of those.

Taranjit: Philosophy, spirituality, travel, art, or love?

Bhavneet: I like how science is not an option.

Taranjit: I’m going to choose my answer right now. Before you choose.

Bhavneet: I would pick travel. Because that’s what I want to do. And you picked the same thing because you’re laughing at me.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Not towards me. You’re laughing at me.

Taranjit: Ha ha ha.

Bhavneet: Ha. Ha point.

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: Not on point. It’s ha point. We’re getting a lot of snippets of the inside of my head.

Taranjit: Okay, which adjective, crazym describes you?

Bhavneet: Did you just… is that an option?

Taranjit: No, I don’t think so. No.

Bhavneet: Let me double check. Wait.

Taranjit: Which adjective, wow I can’t talk now

Bhavneet: What ad-jec-tive.

Taranjit: What did you do me? Which adjective describes you best?

Bhavneet: Not crazy.

Taranjit: Powerful, spiritual

Bhavneet: Wait what was the first one?

Taranjit: You’re not it. So it’s okay. Powerful. Powerful. spiritual, intellectual, artistic, fun, amorous. What’s that word?

Bhavneet: Not amorphic.

Taranjit: You know what that word is?

Bhavneet: No idea.

Taranjit: Okay.

Bhavneet: It’s, is it like amore. Love.

Taranjit: I guess.

Bhavneet: I just made that up, I have no idea.

Taranjit: It’s A-M-O-R-O-U-S.

Bhavneet: Yeah. I don’t know, loveable?

Taranjit: I guess.

Bhavneet: Now you got to reread them. Powerful.

Taranjit: Yes. Spiritual, intellectual, artistic. Fun. That word. Adventurous.

Bhavneet: And it’s which adjective describes you best? So crazy is not an option.

Taranjit: No it’s not. Unfortunately.

Bhavneet: Unfortunately. Oh, darn. I would have so chose that..

Taranjit: I would have so chose that for you.

Bhavneet: I don’t get an option. All right. Can I merge some of them?

Taranjit: You only have one choice. I can’t click both.

Bhavneet: I would, I want to say, but I’m not really good at it.

Taranjit: I’m gonna say your artistic

Bhavneet: I was gonna say artistic but I don’t think I’m very artistically good at artistic-ing.

Taranjit: What am I?

Bhavneet: Not crazy.

Taranjit: Not powerful.

Bhavneet: Intellectual.

Taranjit: I’m snot.

Bhavneet: She is snot. She’s not crazy. But she’s snot. She’s not she just not crazy.

Taranjit: I’m not artistic.

Bhavneet: You’re snot artistic?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Oh, that’s a new type of artistic. I don’t want to see any of your work. Let’s be honest. I don’t want to know how you made any of that. Any of your paintings, or anything.

Taranjit: I am not.

Bhavneet: Look, here’s a tissue and here’s my snot art!

Taranjit: Okay, I guess…I don’t know. I feel like none of these fit me. Best describes me.

Bhavneet: Intellectual

Taranjit: Not that smart.

Bhavneet: You don’t have your philosopee degree. Philo-sop-y. How did you say it?

Taranjit: Philosopee.

Bhavneet: Philosopee degree.

Taranjit: I’ll go with intellectual if you say so.

Bhavneet: I like how you listen to me.

Taranjit: Which of the following activities appeals to you most? Hiking challenging mountain. Yeah, right.

Bhavneet: I was gonna say all of them. But then I was like, nope.

Taranjit: Being outside enjoying a good book, having deep conversations about life

Bhavneet: That is you.

Taranjit: No it’s not.

Bhavneet: Remember the inspirational quote, The quote challenge we did, the Disney trivia couple episodes ago, where you are giving all these inspirational quotes. And my quote was, he touched the butt.

Taranjit: Yeah but I don’t…

Bhavneet: Finding Nemo.

Taranjit: This activity doesn’t appeal to me where I want to sit there and have deep conversations about life. Going to a five star restaurant, walking around a foreign city or going to a rooftop party in a big city.

Bhavneet: Okay, I don’t want to go to a five star restaurant. First off, they don’t give you enough food. You pay like $50 for bite.

Taranjit: If you know Punjabis.

Bhavneet: That will not fly.

Taranjit: They would be like, that’s it?

Bhavneet: Like what is this?

Taranjit: One spoon?

Bhavneet: That just got stuck in my teeth.

Taranjit: Yes!

Bhavneet: That just got stuck in my teeth! Where’s the rest?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: That’s exactly what someone would say. Second of all super expensive. For one bite. It’s like, I don’t need your ketchup sprayed all over the plate. I need food that I can eat. And second of all, I can’t eat gracefully in front of other people like I need to eat with my hand.

Taranjit: Again. It’s an Indian thing.

Bhavneet: I can’t do the whole. First off which hand do you hold the fork and a knife in? Because I’m left handed, does that, like alter the rules and you get to switch it?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: I don’t…

Taranjit: I don’t even know the differences between the different forks.

Bhavneet: Yeah, why are they different sizes. Why? Why do you get like five forks and spoons? Two knives. And like one napkin.

Taranjit: Remember when went to the conference. We’re just like watching to see what everyone else picks up.

Bhavneet: That’s what I always do.

Taranjit: Before we pick up one.

Bhavneet: Yep. I’m like, okay, everyone. Go ahead. Let’s get started. Uh huh. Put the napkin down. Is that how I put it down? I think so. All right. That’s what everyone else did. Check. I’m doing good so far. Like, oh, you pick the middle fork. Okay, I’ll pick the middle fork. Oh, that was the wrong fork? Okay, next fork. Take all the forks. Just start eating with all of them. I don’t have fancy restaurant etiquette.

Taranjit: And like people when they like, we don’t eat meat, so like, it doesn’t matter. But like when they cut their meat and they take their fork and it’s like flipped around like this. And they eat like this.

Bhavneet: And I’m just like, uh, chamcha? Hands. I’m over here, like everything’s falling off.

Taranjit: Can we have finger food?

Bhavneet: Yeah, that’s why I can’t do fancy restaurant. I will do the one where you go. You pay for the food. You bring it yourself to the table. And you will eat. I can’t do when waiters and stuff keep coming up to you. I’m like I’m about to take a bite and they’re like, how’s it going? It’s like, I’m trying to eat.

Taranjit: I haven’t tried it yet.

Bhavneet: Put it back down. Hello. Okay, are you gonna watch me? Because now I’m even more nervous.

Taranjit: And I’m not gonna eat. I’m just gonna take the tiniest of tiny bites.

Bhavneet: I can’t do that. No five star restaurants.

Taranjit: You probably forgot all the other answer choices, didn’t you?

Bhavneet: Yes. Because we were talking about how I cannot do restaurants. Somebody to teach me the etiquette of restaurants.

Taranjit: Okay, so it’s not hiking a challenging mountain? Probably not. And not having deep conversations, or going to a five star. So your choices that are left

Bhavneet: Reading a book outside.

Taranjit: Walking around a foreign city or going to a party on a rooftop in the city.

Bhavneet: And the question is what I prefer?

Taranjit: Appeals to you most?

Bhavneet: Well see. I don’t want to just walk around any foreign city. Depends who with with and what foreign city it is. I’ll just read a book.

Taranjit: Read a book?

Bhavneet: Yep. What would you do?

Taranjit: Walking around a foreign city.

Bhavneet: I…not just any city.

Taranjit: If I want to read. I don’t like sitting outside.

Bhavneet: I don’t like sitting outside either.

Taranjit: I’d rather sit inside.

Bhavneet: Yeah. Like I don’t need all those bees and bugs like bzzz all around me. I can’t do that.

Taranjit: Especially on our porch.

Bhavneet: We are infested with bees. We have so many like so many different hives like they’re just everywhere

Taranjit: Backyard. It’s mostly bumblebees. Front yard is wasps and yellow jackets.

Bhavneet: Yeah, so we are cornered.

Taranjit: Not front yard, front porch I meant.

Bhavneet: We can’t even get out of our house without being like aah bees!

Taranjit: Side door. Still bees.

Bhavneet: Uh  that’s right next to our garage which is connected to our backyard, which is where the hive of bumblebees live. Yeah. So we are like surrounded by bees.

Taranjit: Yeah, so you would sit outside and read?

Bhavneet: Nope.

Taranjit: But you chose that answer.

Bhavneet: Didn’t say where

Taranjit: Next question. If you won the lottery, you would triple dots.

Bhavneet: No, I want Dippin Dots, except for Dippin’ Dots are weird. I don’t really like them.

Taranjit: I don’t like them either.

Bhavneet: You pay like $4 for a baby spoon. Again, five star restaurant. Why? When I can go over there and pay like $2 for like a double scoop.

Taranjit: Exactly. And I like regular ice cream way more or frozen yogurt.

Bhavneet: Oh, froyo is amazing. Again another thing that we did not discover. Or like we knew we heard of it, but never actually had it till recently. Oh, it’s so amazing. So many more flavors. Mango. Again, there we go. Mango. I love mango. That’s about it. Flavors. Mango.

Taranjit: Pomegranate was good.

Bhavneet: Oh, yes. Very good.

Taranjit: I don’t remember the other flavors

Bhavneet: Strawberry, which is a ice cream flavor, but still very good.

Taranjit: So if you won the lottery, you would buy a high rise condo and a nice car.

Bhavneet: Oh, both.

Taranjit: Yes. Travel the world. Start Up Your Own Adventure based company. Get a villa in the countryside and manage a vineyard. Purchase a quaint flat and donate to causes.

Bhavneet: I would travel the world. I’m really scared to with the way the world is at the moment. But I want to so in my mind I want to travel the world.

Taranjit: Same. So out of the following meals, which appeals to you most.

Bhavneet: Sholay pature. If you’ve never had sholay pature you must try it. Very bad for you, but very good.

Taranjit: I don’t think any of these are going to appeal to us.

Bhavneet: Is it meat? Sholay pature. I insert my own answer here.

Taranjit: I feel like there’s one that’s like the best option but they’re still part of the answer.

Bhavneet: I will be the judge of that. Hit me, not with the food, not with the food with the names. My eyes were closed. You threw a pen at me!

Taranjit: You said hit me.

Bhavneet: My eyes were closed! You get it back.

Taranjit: You actually hit me!

Bhavneet: You hit me too!

Taranjit: Not there.

Bhavneet: But you are looking I was eyes closed.

Taranjit: Here your meal options. What appeals to you: oysters on the half shell followed by a nice steak with mango salsa,

Bhavneet: Mango. I’ll take the mango part of it. That’s about it.

Taranjit: Poached salmon in a fresh, fresh cream sauce serve with capers and penne pasta.

Bhavneet: I’ll take the penne pasta.

Taranjit: What’s a caper?

Bhavneet: I’ll take the mango and the penne pasta, make my own meal

Taranjit: Okay, chicken curry with saffron infused rice. Sounds more Indian except for the chicken part you know like.

Bhavneet: Chicken Tikka Masala.

Taranjit: How do they say it.

Bhavneet: I think it’s like that it’s tikka like they say it weird. Marsala because there’s apparently an R.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Which is weird because nobody says R.

Taranjit: Whenever you buy masala from the Indians grocery store it says M-A-S. Masala.

Bhavneet: Yeah, why is… why do people say Marsala? Is it from Mars?

Taranjit: They added their own.

Bhavneet: The red pepper is red. Marsala.

Taranjit: I guess. Next option, tomato and arugula bruschetta.

Bhavneet: Is that type of fish?

Taranjit: I don’t know. Followed by pasta alla vodka.

Bhavneet: Nope. I’m still at mango and penne pasta. Very weird combination

Taranjit: Grass fed ribeye steak with roasted potatoes. Or BBQ pork braised in beer with spicy beans and cumin infused rice. I don’t like any of these options.

Bhavneet: I’ll take the saffron infused rice. So okay, here’s my combo dish that I just made. Mango with penne pasta and saffron infused rice. How’s that sound? Very bad.

Taranjit: Better than those options though.

Bhavneet: Still sounds very bad. I guess I’ll go with a chicken tikka masala. Marsala.

Taranjit: If you could describe life,

Bhavneet: Wait, what would you pick?

Taranjit: Oh, yeah. I didn’t say my answer this time.

Bhavneet: See it is you!

Taranjit: No, I said it all the other times just this time I didn’t. Same thing.

Bhavneet: We’ll see when I edit this.

Taranjit: Yeah, you’re going to see I’m right.

Bhavneet: No, I will see that I am not completely right.

Taranjit: Your just gonna edit that part out and say you’re right.

Bhavneet:  I am not completely right. I’m not wrong, but I’m not completely right.

Taranjit: Okay, well, if you could describe your life in one phrase what would it be?

Bhavneet: I can’t.

Taranjit: Life is a party. Life is a spiritual experience. Life is an art. Life is an adventure or life’s a journey.

Bhavneet: Isn’t an adventure and journey kind of like the same?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: I will pick journey, not a gurney, journey.

Taranjit: I would pick the same thing. And we got different answers.

Bhavneet: What was the quiz again?

Taranjit: We took too long. What country in the world best fits your personality?

Bhavneet: Oh yeah. What does? The US.

Taranjit:  I got India.

Bhavneet: Haha! Go back to where you don’t belong.

Taranjit: It says… Wow. This is a long little thing you have underneath. It says you’re driven in life by the search for meaning and have a passion for culture and religion. You’re deeply spiritual person who thrives in an environment where people question their existence and devote themselves to a higher sense of being. You enjoy a stimulating environment and do best when you are challenged mentally and spiritually. You see life as an adventure and enjoy conversing with others on the big philosoph… philosph…

Bhavneet: Oh, there it is. Philosopee. Philosapickle. Phil-los-a-pickle. Phil lost his pickle.

Taranjit: Oh no.

Bhavneet: Phil Pickle lost his pickle.

Taranjit: Oh, no.

Bhavneet: Rugrats. You gotta help them. Phil Pickle lost his pickle.

Taranjit: Yeah, the philosphi… Wow.

Bhavneet: You said it again, Phil really lost his pickle.

Taranjit: Oh my god, how do I say this word?

Bhavneet: Philosophical.

Taranjit: There you go. Questions of life.

Bhavneet: Phil lost his pickle. Questions of life.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Well, I mean, if he lost his last name, that is a pretty serious question of life.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Oh my god.

Taranjit: You’re getting somewhere.

Bhavneet: Deep meetings.

Taranjit: And I don’t like having deep conversations of life.

Bhavneet: Apparently you do.

Taranjit: Then it says whether you’re spending time in a bustling market or meditating in a quiet garden. You are nourished by a society that is devoted to serving others.

Bhavneet: Are you sure about that? I think Phil lost his pickle so go help him. Since you like helping.

Taranjit: You got a country on the other side of the world too.

Bhavneet: Chin?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Australia.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Japan? Why am I guessing? Tell me.

Taranjit: New Zealand.

Bhavneet: That was gonna be my next guess.

Taranjit: You are an adventurous individual who enjoys being outdoors and spending times being active. So wrong.

Bhavneet: What are you trying to say? I’m not active.

Taranjit: No, I just saying this is not you. You are a risk taker. No, you’re not.

Bhavneet: I second guess everything, risks are not my thing.

Taranjit: And have no problem striking up a conversation.

Bhavneet: Yeah, that that is not true.

Taranjit: Depends.

Bhavneet: I very intro philosopee.

Taranjit: You can do better in certain environments. Like when we had the conference. You could talk with strangers.

Bhavneet: Eh.

Taranjit: Yeah. Don’t eh me.

Bhavneet: Don’t eh me. Don’t you eh me. Eh me. Yeah me. Oh my god. Do you hear Laurel or Yanni? Yanni.

Taranjit: Yeah not yammi.

Bhavneet: Well, that’s how you get there. What did you hear?

Taranjit: I think I heard…

Bhavneet: Laurel.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: I heard Yanni. I don’t know how you heard Laurel. But that means I have better hearing because I could hear the higher pitch and you heard Laurel,

Taranjit: Well, I worked in a factory for a little bit. I messed up I hearing.

Bhavneet: And I hear Yanni, like my nasal voice. Yanni.

Taranjit: Yeah, exactly. What was it, nasally?

Bhavneet: Say it nasally, like this Q…. So it’s this movie. Where this Indian person comes to New York, and they’re like, he says que, which is why and then he tried to teach the Americans to say it and they’re all saying q like the letter. No they’re, they’re like no say it easily, like this. Put one finger over your left nostril and say, Q… That’s about it. And then he breaks an onion open with his hand.

Taranjit: Well, his… he’s known for his strong strength.

Bhavneet: That’s his character in like most of his movies like he is strong.

Taranjit: His dance.

Bhavneet: Yes, it was a very weird dancing

Taranjit: Two fists and stomping.

Bhavneet: I mean gotta show the strength somehow.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Sunny Deol. For anybody who couldn’t guess that. Okay, what was the question?

Taranjit: You can strike this conversation up with a stranger. Somehow we got to Yanni and Laurel.

Bhavneet: You said something weird.

Taranjit: When you travel, you love to get to know the locals and their customs and are always up for the challenge. You thrive in culture where others share your deep appreciation for land and believe life is best lived outdoors.

Bhavneet: I do not agree because I really don’t like bugs.

Taranjit: This next part is not you. You love a hard hike. But also love the water and are happy to spend the day at the beach. Nope,

Bhavneet: I literally said like five minutes ago that I do not. I can’t swim so that was not…

Taranjit: But it sait just on the side of the beach. It didn’t say

Bhavneet: Yeah. but what if a wave comes up and is like get in the water and I’m like, aah. No! Like that. Elbows glued to the side and hands waving frantically. Now you’ve taken another journey into a little peek

Taranjit: We went so far into your brain and turned back around and got stuck. We can’t get out.

Bhavneet: And we have never found a way out since.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: We’re still in there somehow. You think you’re out. But you’re not.

Taranjit: Forever stuck in there.

Bhavneet: You are forever stuck in this.

Taranjit: Speaking of

Bhavneet: Speaking of being stuck in my brain?

Taranjit: Speaking of  it says your thrive in a society where diversity and appreciate a simpler way of living. You are keen on learning about cultures and customs that are different than yours. And enjoy a deep conversation. We both enjoy deep conversations about different things.

Bhavneet: We both talk deep.

Taranjit: No it says when there philoso…philosophical

Bhavneet: Philosopee. Phil lost his pickle.

Taranjit: When it’s Phil lost his pickle or spiritual.

Bhavneet: He still hasn’t found it. Poor Phil.

Taranjit: That’s why we’re both talking about it. And looking for it.

Bhavneet: Okay, if anyone has seen Phil’s pickle, you need to give it back to him.

Taranjit: Keep having deep conversations about it,

Bhavneet: I just went from if anyone has seen him, give it back to accusing that you took it. I’m sorry. Let’s try that again. If anyone has seen his pickle, please let him know where it is. So he can have it back.

Taranjit: Or help them get it back.

Bhavneet: Yes.

Taranjit: Not done yet.

Bhavneet: Oh, man.

Taranjit: There’s more to knowing about you. And why New Zealand is for you.

Bhavneet: Is it for me?

Taranjit: I don’t know.

Bhavneet: They say it this,

Taranjit: They say it this. It said you’re not city dweller by any means.

Bhavneet: That’s true.

Taranjit: And definitely believe that life is something to explore and experience firsthand. This country gives you endless opportunities to live both an active lifestyle and enjoy the company of new friends.

Bhavneet: Yeah, totally an introvert that does not work.

Taranjit: So yeah. Even though most of our answers were the same.

Bhavneet: That’s very weird. What did you say differently?

Taranjit: I didn’t say read outside.

Bhavneet: That’s true.

vAnd I think there’s another one I picked something different. But for the most part, it was the same

Bhavneet: It’s very weird how we like choose one different answer and you were like, way over here talking about Phil and his pickles. And I way over here like lets go hiking.

Taranjit: We’re still talking about Phil and his pickles.

Bhavneet: Yeah, that’s so true. But you’re more like over here and I’m like, let’s go hiking. I don’t like hiking.

Taranjit: I know. Or laying at the beach.

Bhavneet: I wouldn’t mind hiking, it is just all the bugs. That one time with those ticks. Never again, covered. Nope. That is not the best quality of life. That’s why we are not number one.

Taranjit: So before we end the podcast, there’s one last thing I want to ask you.

Bhavneet: Oh, man, okay, this sounds very serious. Because she, she got all adjusted. And she said it very seriously.

Taranjit: And it’s going back to USers.

Bhavneet: Oh, man, The USers.

Taranjit: So because you’re talking about countries and when  I was looking this up and going through the internet

Bhavneet: Oh, you were going through the internet.

Taranjit: Yes, I’m done with your brain. Now I’m going through the internet,

Bhavneet: You actually went through the internet first and then you just delved into my brain just now.

Taranjit: There’s an article that popped up, because I got, again, we’re USers. So here I am looking at countries of the world and this US article pops up as like the second thing.

Bhavneet: Obviously.

Taranjit: And it was called “Best States, Ranked by Quality of Life”. And since we’re talking about quality of life,

Bhavneet: I also saw this one that was like the 25 best, happiest places in the US to live. So if you want to be happy live here.

Taranjit: So this was based on last year 2018. So what’s number one?

Bhavneet: This was 2017 this thing. It said, Colorado. Boulder, Colorado was the number one Happiest Place.

Taranjit: So last year.

Bhavneet: Which I don’t understand why because there’s snow and I don’t like snow. So why would that be happy?

Taranjit: Not for you. But overall.

Bhavneet: Yeah, so I wouldn’t be happy

Taranjit: So this ranking I think was like in terms of the like environment in general, like is it healthier environment. And in terms of social like life. It ranked it by that.

Bhavneet: A bunch of them are in California always. So is it in California?

Taranjit: This is by states.

Bhavneet: Oh, is it California?

Taranjit: California was number 50.

Bhavneet: 50?

Taranjit: In terms of quality of life.

Bhavneet: Oh, dang. Okay, so it said happiest place that 2017 study. The 2017 said a bunch of them were in California. Top 10. So quality of life.

Taranjit: Quality.

Bhavneet: Is it on the East Coast?

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: Look at that. Quality of life. You’ll be happier over there on the West. But you have a better quality of life over here.

Taranjit: You have a healthier environment, and a sense of social connectedness in this state.

Bhavneet: Is it one of the original 13? I mean if it’s on the east coast it has to be right? Is it north or south?

Taranjit: Of us?

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: South.

Bhavneet: North Carolina.

Taranjit: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely misread. I was thinking North Carolina but it was actually North Dakota.

Bhavneet: That’s not my fault.

Taranjit: I know. It’s North Dakota, it’s a north.

Bhavneet: Okay. Close enough.

Taranjit: And number two was Minnesota.

Bhavneet: North Dakota? Aren’t they like empty. No that’s Minnesota.

Taranjit: North Dakota and Minnesota are most effective at promoting citizen well being.

Bhavneet: Not Minnesota, Montana.

Taranjit: By providing healthy environment and sense of social connectedness.

Bhavneet: They’re like really cold because they’re up north.

Taranjit: Yeah. Maybe that’s why they’re healthier because there’s not many people there.

Bhavneet: There’s nobody here so we’re healthy.

Taranjit: And their social connectedness is higher because there’s barely any people and that’s all you have to talk to.

Bhavneet: So wouldn’t it be the opposite thought? If there’s nobody, then you would have to travel further to meet other people, and so that’s s backwards.

Taranjit: Wisconsin was number three.

Bhavneet: Which philosopee person came up with us? Oh what was three?

Taranjit: Wisconsin.

Bhavneet: Also up north. Do they eat a lot of cheese? That’s why.

Taranjit: I guess.

Bhavneet: It’s where like, all the cheese comes from. There like the cheese state, aren’t they? Wisconsin? Known for their cheese. Okay,

Taranjit: So 50th was California. 49. New Jersey? 48. Indiana.

Bhavneet: Indiana?

Taranjit: Where’s Maryland?

Bhavneet: Maryland is probably in the middle somewhere near the bottom. Bottom middle.

Taranjit: Bottom middle. Your right.

Bhavneet: Maryland does not have a very good quality of life. Is Virginia near the top?

Taranjit: I didn’t look at Virginia.

Bhavneet: Oh, man. Everyone wants to go to Virginia. Their their tagline whenever you go into Virginia is Virginia is for lovers. So it has to be a happy place.

Taranjit: I didn’t look at that.

Bhavneet: Maryland is probably like 30.

Taranjit: 31.

Bhavneet: Oh my god. I was so close. That’s the first. I should get an honorary philosopee degree.

Taranjit: You found Phil’s pickle?

Bhavneet: No, I didn’t get a Phil. Philosophical. Phil saw a pickle or lost his pickle? Oh, my God. We were looking at it wrong the whole time. He saw pickle. Yeah, I saw one of his relatives. Okay. It’s not as serious as we thought. Phil saw a Pickle.

Taranjit: You don’t need to give him his pickle back.

Bhavneet: Yeah, sorry. I take back that. Please.

Taranjit: We needed to have a little longer deep conversation and now it came to us.

Bhavneet: Yeah.

Taranjit: Phil saw a Pickle

Bhavneet: He didn’t lose his pickle. Phil-a saw a pickle. And we’re like, Italian, Phil-a saw a pickle. Phil-a saw a pickle. Because it’s Phil-a or I just had Fila. So is it the company Fila? Fila saw a pickle? Nah, Phil-a saw a pickle. Were Italian. Phil-a saw a pickle.

Taranjit: Yes, I like that better.

Bhavneet: I don’t know how Italian people talk but I just raised my hand like, you know, the stereotypical thing. Push your fingers together. Phil-a saw a pickle.

Taranjit: Pinch upwards.

Bhavneet: Yes. I went very high in crescendo. Phil-a saw a pickle. Come back down. Phil-a saw a pickle. There you go.

Taranjit: There’s one other article that came up at the same time as this, so I just clicked both of them.

Bhavneet: Simultaneously? Oh god, I’m saying other big words. Simultaneously.

Taranjit: Yes. So that was best states ranking by quality of life. This is the overall all in terms of healthcare, education,

Bhavneet: Not Maryland

Taranjit: Economy, opportunity, infrastructure, crime and quality of life. So it ranked it in all categories and what was overall best ranking?

Bhavneet: Is it on the East Coast? Is it still North Dakota?

Taranjit: No,

Bhavneet: Where is it geographically located in the US?

Taranjit: Midwest.

Bhavneet: And by Midwest we mean like the area where Ohio and stuff is.

Taranjit: Yes.

Bhavneet: All right. Let’s pick a state that you would not think of. Tennessee.

Taranjit: Tennessee’s down here.

Bhavneet: That’s the Midwest.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: That the whole strip.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Illinois was near the bottom so they can’t be. Mississippi? Humpback I crooked letter I crooked letter i p p i.

Taranjit: Mississippi’s actually 49.

Bhavneet: Mississippi? Okay. Well I didn’t think they would be but you said Middle East.

Taranjit: I didn’t say Middle East.

Bhavneet: Midwest. You said Middle East we’re now over there. Okay. Uh, well technically it’s the middle of the east of the US. Midwest, Middle East. Potato potato.

Taranjit: So number one.

Bhavneet: Missouri? Trying to go down. What is that state? Arkansas?

Taranjit: No. You’re going in the wrong direction.

Bhavneet: Iowa?

Taranjit: Yes. I O WA.

Bhavneet: Oh my God. You owe Washington what? WA is Washington State? What do you owe?

Taranjit: So what’s the worst?

Bhavneet: What do you owe Washington.

Taranjit: I owe a…

Bhavneet: I owe a pickle to Phil who lost his pickle.

Taranjit: So now he lost it? You admitted it.

Bhavneet: You originally said he lost it. So you owe a pickle to him. Now you had a bet with Phil if he saw a pickle you would give him one. So he saw a pickle.

Taranjit: So I owe him one.

Bhavneet: Yeah. So I owe a pickle to Phil Pickle because Phil saw a pickle. Alright, so Iowa.

Taranjit: Iowa. Minnesota, Utah. Top three. What’s the lowest?

Bhavneet: It’s not Mississippi because they’re 49.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: Maryland?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: California?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: Where geographically?

Taranjit: They’re near Mississippi.

Bhavneet: Missouri. Louisiana, because they keep getting hit with storms. From the Gulf of Mexico.

Taranjit: Yep. And New Mexico is number 48. So where’s Maryland?

Bhavneet: Is it in the lower middle again?

Taranjit: Surprisingly, not.

Bhavneet: Upper middle. Oh, man.

Taranjit: Obviously, if it’s not in the lower middle.

Bhavneet: Well it didn’t have to be in the middle. It could have been the low, high. Let’s see. 15?

Taranjit: Close.

Bhavneet: 18.

Taranjit: Wrong direction.

Bhavneet: 14?

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: 12.

Taranjit: No.

Bhavneet: 13. Oh, we’re unlucky.

Taranjit: You did it again.

Bhavneet: I like to circle around the numbers. I like even and so I was going, except for I said 15. So that doesn’t make any sense.

Taranjit: So in quality of life we’re pretty low. But overall we’re up there.

Bhavneet: Now for driving. We suck at driving.

Taranjit: Yes. We already established that.

Bhavneet: Yeah. So there’s a bunch of things that are not very good. But I guess overall, we’re pretty decent.

Taranjit: So it was ranked really high in terms of like job opportunity.

Bhavneet: That’s true we’re near the capital. So there is a lot.

Taranjit: Yeah, yep.

Bhavneet: There’s a lot of jobs, but it’s hard to get the jobs because they take only very experienced people.

Taranjit: Exactly.

Bhavneet: So people like us are like give me a job. I saw a pickle. Give me a job. So I guess it’s not too bad. We’re okay.

Taranjit: I still want to go somewhere warmer.

Bhavneet: Virginia. It’s for lovers. Their tagline just makes it seem so great.

Taranjit: Ours is the old line state.

Bhavneet: Yeah, like what? Why? Mason Dixon line? The old line? How original. How great. It’s like, oh, Maryland. How nice. What are you the old line state?

Taranjit: That’s because the creative people don’t live on this coast. It’s all the work, work work people. That’s why we came up with old line.

Bhavneet: And California’s sunshine. No, that’s Florida. They’re the Golden State.

Taranjit: Yeah, that’s true.

Bhavneet: Well, let us know what country fits your personality. We will put the link on our website.

Taranjit: Are you joining me in India or her New Zealand? Or are you going somewhere else?

Bhavneet: Probably somewhere else because they’ll probably be cooler.

Taranjit: Yeah.

Bhavneet: I’m not very adventurous. Well, does your result truly match your personality? Because I think this a quiz was a little bias and they didn’t give us all the options. So let us know how well your result matches your personality. And as always, you can find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at Drive With Us Podcast. And thank you for letting us join you on your daily commute. Learn a little laugh a lot.

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