Transcript for E25 – We Drove an Hour and a Half for a Smoothie

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BHAVNEET: Welcome back to Drive with us. So…

TARANJIT: It sounded like you were a radio host or like, uh, you know like, what is it….

BHAVNEET: Welcome back. It’s Drive with us here.

TARANJIT: News broadcaster or something.

BHAVNEET: It’s Drive with us here. And we didn’t get the genius world record yet, but we’re working on it. That was the breaking news. I should have said that first. Breaking news.

TARANJIT: Take two. Take two.

BHAVNEET: Oh. Uh. How did I start?

TARANJIT: Breaking News.

BHAVNEET: Oh. Welcome back to Drive with us. We have some breaking news for you.

TARANJIT: You didn’t say it like in Krissh.

BHAVNEET: Breaking News. That’s not how he said it.

TARANJIT: Then he starts talking.

BHAVNEET: Something like that and then he like turns directly at the camera and starts going very intently. Like there has happened something Yeah.

TARANJIT: There has happened?

BHAVNEET: No, there has happened something. And…

TARANJIT: Obviously something happened to get news.

BHAVNEET: Breaking news.

TARANJIT: There has happened.

BHAVNEET: And then stare intently and be like, so we haven’t got the genius world record yet, but we’re working on. It is in the works. Drive with us podcast is working hard and intently to get this genius world record. But they have to set up the world record first in order to get it. So they are in the process of doing this hard work and creating all these hashtags that will only have one post so please support them. End of breaking news. Continue.

TARANJIT: Vote them to get the world…the genius world record.

BHAVNEET: Yes. Vote for them. Why am I still talking like this? Continue.

TARANJIT: I wasn’t continued. What am I supposed to continue? I wasn’t saying anything. You were talking.

BHAVNEET: No. That’s what happens. They like he talks intently. And then he goes back to like…

TARANJIT: Oh, well, it sounded like you were like, blah blah blah. Say my stuff. Continue.

BHAVNEET:  Continue. End of breaking news.

TARANJIT: Back to you. In studio. Her room.

BHAVNEET: Back to you five feet away from me. Two feet. Me W


BHAVNEET: Touch knee.

TARANJIT: What was that for?

BHAVNEET: Touch knee. Not touchdown. Touch knee.

TARANJIT: What is it? Touch wood. Touch knee.

BHAVNEET: Touch knee. Yeah, we’ll get this genius world record. Don’t you worry, Pat. Pat. On the knee.

TARANJIT: I wasn’t worried.

BHAVNEET: Were you though?


BHAVNEET: Weren’t you?


BHAVNEET: Still no? Okay, well, now that you had that update, welcome back.

TARANJIT: For the 50th time. Literally we have been welcoming you for like, two minutes.

BHAVNEET: I’m making you feel very welcome. Wherever you’re going. Wherever you’re sitting, walking, biking, whatever, doing commuting, wherever you’re doing. Laying in bed. I don’t know. Welcome. You are very welcome. You don’t say thank you. You are very welcome. Yes. In today’s episode, we might have more breaking news, but not right now. We’re all breaking news out.

TARANJIT: She’s all breaking news. She’s the one with a breaking news. I have no news.

BHAVNEET: Oh. So what are we doing? This is not very successful news station.

TARANJIT: I’m not part of no news station. You just brought the news station here.

BHAVNEET: Oh, get out. It’s gone. Okay. I kicked it out. Continue.

TARANJIT: I don’t know what to say to that. I wasn’t saying anything. So there’s nothing for me to come to continue.

BHAVNEET: Oh. Start.


BHAVNEET: You can start now. We’re all listening.

TARANJIT: Yeah, obviously.

BHAVNEET: Waiting intently. Intently listening. For you to start. Nothing?

TARANJIT: Nope. Just kidding.

BHAVNEET: Alright. This has been another drive with us podcast news station broadcast network. Okay.

TARANJIT: So now we are back to the actual podcast?


TARANJIT: It’s not new station?

BHAVNEET: I might still break out into that broadcaster voice because I don’t know how to turn it off. But…

TARANJIT: Well, I mean, you could say that we do have a news story for you. I don’t know how to say it but…

BHAVNEET: We do have a news story for you. But I don’t know how to say it. So I shall not.

TARANJIT: Well I don’t you can make your headline out of this. But we practically spent like almost 12 hours outside yesterday shopping. Like literally the entire day

BHAVNEET: Breaking news. Drive with us podcast has spent the entire day for the first time in ever…

TARANJIT: No can\t say entire day.

BHAVNEET: …shopping.

TARANJIT: You have to say 12 hours.

BHAVNEET: Has spent 12 hours…

TARANJIT: You have to put a number with it.

BHAVNEET: Oh. It makes it more intense. Yeah. Breaking news.

TARANJIT: It’s not breaking news.

BHAVNEET: Drive with us podcast…

TARANJIT: Now for our next story.

BHAVNEET: …spent 12 hours shopping. Which they never do. So this is weird. Hear all about it now. Dot. Dot. Dot. Colon.

TARANJIT: Colon? What?

BHAVNEET: Cuz you know like insert underneath of it. Colon.

TARANJIT: I know what a colon is.

BHAVNEET: Then why are you…

TARANJIT: But, the placement of it in this doesn’t make sense.


TARANJIT: It doesn’t. If I knew why it didn’t make sense, wouldn’t I know how to help myself make sense? Make it make sense.

BHAVNEET: Hear all about it. Dot. Dot. Dot. Colon. Insert journal article here.

TARANJIT: I was going to ask what you had, but then I remember I gave you candy.

BHAVNEET: Free candy. Even better. Well, you gave me one wonky one.

TARANJIT: Not like I chose…


TARANJIT: …to make it wonky.

BHAVNEET: Was looked disgusting. Was looked disgusting. Cuz I threw it away. It looked like it was an M & M that someone dropped into the sofa. And it was under the sofa cushion for like two years and then it somehow fell out or a mouse found in and dragged it out. Then it ran away because you scared it and then it was just on the floor and it had like lint and mold and who knows what else speckled diseases on it

TARANJIT: And somehow ended up in an open pack of M & Ms?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. In my bowl of M & Ms. So yeah, that happened.

TARANJIT: That’s what you’re hyped on?

BHAVNEET: I didn’t eat it. I threw it away.

TARANJIT: No, you’re hyped on M & Ms.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, they’re pretty good.

TARANJIT: I gotta stop giving you candy. You are too sugar high.

BHAVNEET: You gotta give me more candy.


BHAVNEET: Uh. Good things happen when I’m hyped up.

TARANJIT: You are like on a sugar high.

BHAVNEET: We are starting the Genius World Record.

TARANJIT: When I eat too much sugar. I feel like my body is just like…

BHAVNEET: Oh, I’m like let’s go.

T:I’m like that guy in Lazytown who always eats healthy stuff. And then when that one time…

BHAVNEET: Lazytown? How many people actually know about Lazytown?

TARANJIT: And then like when he had sugar that one time, you know how he was all just like no energy. And just like…


TARANJIT: That’s me.

BHAVNEET: That show was really like, be healthy. Be healthy. This is what happens when you’re not which I mean, is a good thing. But how many people have actually watched Lazytown?

TARANJIT: I only watched because our brother watched it.

BHAVNEET: I know. It’s more of like a kind of more recent kids show. When he was younger. Like that. Around that time. Yeah.

TARANJIT: Early 2000s.

BHAVNEET: It wasn’t a terrible show. But yeah, If you’ve heard of Lazytown, thumbs up.

TARANJIT: Say I did. Like I am. I did.

BHAVNEET: This time’s would be, did you? I did.


BHAVNEET: All right. Comment I did.

TARANJIT: Yeah.. Last time, it was…


TARANJIT: …a couple episodes. How many ever episodes? It was I am.


TARANJIT: Now it’s I did.

BHAVNEET: Okay, I did. Did you?

TARANJIT: Next time. It would be II wills.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Will you help support the genius world record? I will.

TARANJIT: No. You can’t do two in one episode.

BHAVNEET: It’s I did. I did. Okay. If you’ve watched Lazytown comment I did. And then we’ll know and we’ll continue to confuse people.


BHAVNEET: We’re gonna make this an ongoing thing and it might be another genius world record.

TARANJIT: You’re probably going to create another hashtag now. Like hashtag confuse others.

BHAVNEET: Uh. You brought it up so yes. And this might be its own genius world record. The number of most confusing posts by a podcast.

TARANJIT: We are gonna start creating these records and then we’re gonna like keep a lookout for if people break these records because we’re gonna have to put new people up.

BHAVNEET: Uh. When people want to break records, they usually like contact and be like, I’m going to break this record. Come approve it.

TARANJIT: Yeah. So now we can start the DWup genius world records. And obviously it looks like we’re going to start the record. We are going to be the first record…

BHAVNEET: Try and beat our records.


BHAVNEET: So if anyone has any other categories that should be added into the genius world records…


BHAVNEET: The DWup’s world genius world records. Yeah, I can’t say it right. The DWup’s up genius world records. Let us know. Or the genius world record sponsored by DWup.


BHAVNEET: TM with a circle around it. TM.

TARANJIT: What’s the word they started…started. They started…founders. Founders of genius world record. Working on it.

BHAVNEET: Genius world records. It’s a work in progress.

TARANJIT: Working on the details, but yeah,

BHAVNEET: Yes, this is going to be one of them. We will come up with more categories as it goes on. But.

TARANJIT: Yes. So far it sounds like we’re in each category.

BHAVNEET: Well obviously we are going to start with ourselves. Like we must have a record.

TARANJIT: We set the records. You have to try to break them.

BHAVNEET: Genius world records. For those who might not make it into Guinness World Records.

TARANJIT: That sounds so sad.

BHAVNEET: Okay fine. Genius world records. The most strangest records that Guinness World Record rejected.

TARANJIT: That still sounds bad.

BHAVNEET: Too strange to be a Guinness World Record.

TARANJIT: But they have pretty strange ones.

BHAVNEET: Oh, yeah, that’s true. Genius world records.

TARANJIT: A record for everyone.

BHAVNEET: I was just about to say a genius world record. Records for the common folk.

TARANJIT: But common people get in that, too.

BHAVNEET: That’s true. Gosh darn it. Genius World Record. More attainable records.

TARANJIT: More obtainable like you can easily get the record?

BHAVNEET: Okay. The slogan has…

TARANJIT: Is a work in progress.

BHAVNEET: Is a working…

TARANJIT: Or you can submit one and win and be the slogan.

BHAVNEET: You could have be the record holder for the best genius world record tagline.

TARANJIT: And only one person will ever get it. Because we’re not going to change the tagline after that.

BHAVNEET: Exactly. This is a great one.

TARANJIT: So, they would prominently be the record holder.

BHAVNEET: So when we’re big and famous. When genius world records is big and famous competing against Guinness World Records, your tagline will Forever and always be there. Oh my gosh. A record in and of itself. So if you have a better tagline because I can’t think of one right now. Please let us know. That’d be great. And you could start this new trend that’s going to be genius world record sponsored founded by…

TARANJIT: Sponsored. Founded. Created. All the word adjectives.

BHAVNEET: DWup. Sounds like what’s up. DWup. DWup. You up?

TARANJIT: D, you up?

BHAVNEET: Di does mean sister. Di, you up?

TARANJIT: If you say it really fast.

BHAVNEET: DWup. Give up?

TARANJIT: No. Who said give up?



BHAVNEET: DWup. Yeah. Two. Pink Panther no more. DWup.

TARANJIT: Oh my gosh. Shouldn’t have given you sugar.

BHAVNEET:  Can I have some more?

TARANJIT:  I’m kind of hungry though.


TARANJIT: I need food. Not sugar.

BHAVNEET: I need sustenance to create these world records.

TARANJIT: Yes. But we spent like 12 hours outside. And we’re we are like quick shoppers. We are like in and out shoppers. We don’t like…

BHAVNEET: We did go in and out.

TARANJIT: But yeah, well, I mean, we went through we went in and out. Like we accomplished most of where we covered a lot of ground.

BHAVNEET: We conquered.

TARANJIT: We covered a lot of ground.

BHAVNEET: We conquered the ground.

TARANJIT: But like…what was I gonna say?

BHAVNEET: We go in and out because we…

TARANJIT: Like we don’t…

BHAVNEET: We don’t go to the expensive stores.

TARANJIT: Like, we don’t go shopping because it’s like, oh, like, I want to just go shopping. Like, hang. Like, you know, spend time and just walk around.

BHAVNEET: And money.

TARANJIT: We go and we like, get in, get out. Get our stuff that we need and keep going. We don’t have time to waste…

BHAVNEET: Or money.

TARANJIT: I mean, just going to a mall. You’re not gonna waste any money unless you buy something.

BHAVNEET: That’s true.

TARANJIT: Speaking of. We were trying so hard to buy stuff at Macy’s. And we couldn’t find a checkout counter.

BHAVNEET: This is the second time that we have gone to that Macy’s and the second time we’ve waited so long that I am officially like over Macy’s like what how do people have the patience for I don’t know if it’s just this Macy’s or…

TARANJIT: No because we went to a different one.

BHAVNEET: …all the Macy’s. It was the same one. Oh, yeah. After. Yeah. But that was so weird. It’s like how do people have the patience? And why are you spending so much money on the same thing that you could buy elsewhere for cheaper. But I was like, Are you kidding me? I just wanted this one thing that I found in your last act. I never find anything there. But I found one thing and I’m like, I wanted this. But it’s not worth my $12

TARANJIT: Yeah, we literally walked. I felt like the whole store.

BHAVNEET: They’re checkouts are not distinct.

TARANJIT: And I’m like, this is not worth it. I’m ready to put it back.

BHAVNEET: And the lady tried to force a Macy’s card on you.

TARANJIT: Oh. No. This was a different Macy’s

BHAVNEET: Oh. This was a different one.

TARANJIT: This was the first Macy’s he went to so I…well this one we like knew where the checkout counter was because we went to it before.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. This was the one…

TARANJIT: We went to that one. But there’s always a line because there’s like no other checkout counter.

BHAVNEET: Which is another problem in and of itself. Like first off either make them more distinct or have more. Like why do you only have two?

TARANJIT: So, I want to go first. There’s two ladies there. And first of all, we were waiting, one of the ladies was struggling. So she like called someone else and she like, asked.

BHAVNEET: Which. Okay, fine.

TARANJIT: And then…so finally I went up to the other lady, the one that wasn’t struggling, that didn’t need the help.

B; I would have rather waited.

TARANJIT: I know. And I went to her. And then she was like, what was she like?

BHAVNEET: Well, the first thing she asked was like, are you gonna put this on your Macy’s card?

TARANJIT: Oh, yeah. And I was like, no. And then she’s like, Do you want one? 

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Because I was there with you for that.

TARANJIT: And I was like, No, I don’t want another card. And then she’s like, why not? And I was like, I don’t want it and then she…

BHAVNEET: She was like it’s really good. You get this much percent off.

TARANJIT: I was like, yeah, just this one time, like in my head. I’m like, just one time and now I have another credit card I’m never going to use cuz…

BHAVNEET: And now it’s gonna hurt my credit.

TARANJIT: I never really go to Macy’s. Once in a blue moon. And…

BHAVNEET: Blue moons are not very common.


BHAVNEET: It’s a wrong saying once in a blue moon.

TARANJIT: Once in a genius world record.

BHAVNEET: Yes. That’s a better line. Hashtag once in a genius world record.

TARANJIT: No.  No. So I like what was I saying? Oh, yeah, cuz I told her like, I don’t want it and she’s like, but there’s a good percentage and…

BHAVNEET: It’s really good.

TARANJIT: And I was like, No, thank you and then she was like, then how are you gonna pay?

BHAVNEET: With my finger? Do you want it?

TARANJIT:  I’m like, there’s more than one option then just your Macy’s card.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I’m sorry. The only people…

TARANJIT: Why would I get in line if I didn’t have a method of payment?

BHAVNEET: No. No. There’s like, I’m sorry. The only people that apparently pay or that you have helped have only use Macy’s cards. But there’s another thing out there called credit card.

TARANJIT: And then when she asked me like how you’re going to pay I thought she was telling me to like go and pay now. Right. And then I was like, but you didn’t scan anything like what and then she like was going on folding all the clothes and taking…

BHAVNEET: I saw her throw them.

TARANJIT: Yes. Literally unfolding the clothes, like shoving that little security thing into the thing and pulling it like really like hard.

BHAVNEET: Like, if you rip this…

TARANJIT: Not that, but like the ink. If the comes out are because you’re kind of like full pulling it before it like she used the thing to unlock the thing. And then she’s like, tossing the clothes to the side. And she literally opened this nicely folded pair of clothes into and then just crumbled it into a like just…

BHAVNEET: I saw her throw like one or two of them. But then I got called to the other side cuz they opened another register.

TARANJIT: Yeah, but like, so she finally like got all the little scanny things off. And then she just like tossed them to the side. And then she was like slowly taking the sticker and putting it on each barcode and then scanning it. And then she like what, like, opened up the whole pair of jeans, scanned it. And then she kind of just like, took her hands upon like a ball and not really fold and put it in a pile. And then she scanned the next thing and then crumpled it up and put the next pair on top. And I was like, it was in a nice fold…

BHAVNEET: You could of left them.

TARANJIT: The tag was on the outside. Like there was no need to open it all the way.

BHAVNEET: You could of left well alone and just scanned it.

TARANJIT: So then she like crumbles it. And then she scans two of them. We had four pairs. She scans two of them. And then she hears like two or three other people helping this other lady that’s still struggling and she walks over and starts help them like…

BHAVNEET: Do you want me to scan it myself?

TARANJIT: Finish what you’re doing lady.

BHAVNEET: Is this a self serve?

TARANJIT: finish what you’re doing. Like they already have three people, they don’t need any more.


TARANJIT: And then she finally comes back and she finishes scanning. And then she walks away again. And I was like…

BHAVNEET: So I can just take it?

TARANJIT: And then she gets a bag. And then she was like oh, like you know, she tells me the total and like I can pay. And then she was like I finished paying and then she didn’t even like put the clothes in the bag. And she like Thank you Have a nice day. She was like putting the bag towards me. And I was like…

BHAVNEET: You forgot half the pants.

TARANJIT: You didn’t put the clothes. And then later we noticed she gave me a ripped bag.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, it’s like you didn’t use a Macy’s card. So disgrace. You don’t get a…

TARANJIT: Literally there was a huge hole in the bottom where everything would have fell out.

BHAVNEET: It was all because you didn’t use a Macy’s card that she has a…

TARANJIT: And she was not like, you know, how everyone is like politely like Thanks. Have a nice day. She was like Thank you. Have a nice day. And she like shoved the bag towards me. And I was like.

BHAVNEET: This lady. She was also like, had a really strong accent. So I don’t know if that’s like just how she is. Because like some people from other regions are like…


BHAVNEET: That’s just how they are. But I don’t know if that was her situation or not. Yeah, so I got called to the other side. So this was my situation. I luckily did not get that lady, They finally decided to open up third register, because big line was forming. Because this is one of only…

TARANJIT: The only register.

BHAVNEET: Seriously, like, why. I don’t even know why we bothered go back in there. But so I went to the other side. And I’m like paying for my three jeans or something. How many ever it was. And so she scans them. At least this lady was a lot nicer, I guess. Because she was like, do you have a Macy’s card? Or are you gonna put this on your Macy’s card? I’m like, No, I don’t have one. And then she was like, would you like one? And I was like, No, thank you. And then she’s like, Okay.  I’m like good. That’s how it should be. You don’t want it. Okay, fine, whatever, I’m not gonna force you. And so she scanned them all. And then she’s like, Okay, this is your total, you can insert or swipe or whatever. And so I insert my card. And it was like processing, and then it was like beep. Beep. Beep. Remove. And I was like, Oh, that was fast. And then it went back to the main screen of insert, swipe your card, and I’m like, well sometimes it does that when it is done. So I was like, Oh, I’m gonna put my card away. And then she was like, Oh, it didn’t read the chip. And I was like, okay, whatever. So I put it back in and did the same thing. And I took it out. And then she was like, Huh. Try swiping it. And I’m like, usually in other places, if you do it three times, it forces you to swipe because it’s like oh, chip’s not working. So then I swiped it after two. And it was like use the chip reader. And then and so she was like, yeah, usually after two times, you can use the swipe. And I’m like, yeah, everywhere else, or most places. It’s like, if you do it three times, it forces you to do it. But she only told me to do it twice. So I was like, all right, and then it wouldn’t work. And then she’s like, Do you have another card? And I’m like, but I want to use my credit card. And so I looked up but you are already finally done. And so like you would…

TARANJIT: I was relyaing the story to our mom.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So you’re back was towards me. So I looked up toward you because I was like, Can I please use your credit card and so using my debit card? But then I’m like, fine, so then I use my debit card, but it wouldn’t work either. And then she’s like, it’s probably like, it’s probably the box is not working. So let me move you over to this other register the fourth one that this other lady had just opened, and luckily she didn’t like make me wait forever. So like once that lady was done, she was like, let me do her real quick. And she squeezed in and like did it really quick. So and it worked. I got to use my credit card. At least that lady was nice about it. I got an unbroken bag. You just got tough luck.

TARANJIT: A horrible experience.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, like what is wrong with you Macy’s? I don’t understand. Like for being so expensive, you’d think they’d have better customer service.

TARANJIT: Yeah, but the whole reason we went out was because it was the last day of tax free day week. We are like let’s go take advantage of this.

BHAVNEET: And I don’t think it was really…

TARANJIT: And we did.


TARANJIT: We spent a lot of money

BHAVNEET: Yeah. We did way more than take advantage of it. Because at that point it’s like tax was not even that much and we spent a lot of money.

TARANJIT: But there were a lot of deals.

BHAVNEET: There were. But the jeans that you had saw a long time ago were the same price this time.

TARANJIT: Well I mean, not just…well at Macy’s they were the same. But like other place there were a lot of deals.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, this one brand at this one store is never on sale and it was on sale. And I’m like, career wear. Professional clothes for cheap. I’ll take it.

TARANJIT: But when we were leaving Macy’s. Not Macy’s, the mall. We were leaving the mall to go to another mall.

BHAVNEET: Yes. Because we mall jumped.

TARANJIT: Yes. All the way across the state, literally.


TARANJIT: But before we get into the strange thing we saw, we have another computer story.

BHAVNEET: Another?

TARANJIT: Yeah. From I wanna party with Bob.

BHAVNEET: I want to party with Bob.



TARANJIT: bob has a story for us.

BHAVNEET: Let’s hear it.

TARANJIT: This is…well before we hear it. This is different from stories we’ve heard in the past, which is kind of scary.

BHAVNEET: This is what reality sets in.


BHAVNEET: Oh snap. This can happen.

TARANJIT: This happens.

BHAVNEET: Yes. Very scary. But let’s hear it.

TARANJIT: Let’s hear in the words. Let’s hear from as told by Bob. Sure.

BHAVNEET: From as told by Bob.

TARANJIT: Let’s hear it as…



BHAVNEET: Let’s just go with that.


BHAVNEET: All right.

TARANJIT: Here’s the story.

BOB: Hi, This is Bob with the I wanna party with Bob podcast. So the fine people at the Drive with us podcast asked if I would tell a story of my worst commute ever. My worst commute ever was pretty bad. I was living in San Diego, California, kind of near downtown San Diego and I worked in a town called Escondido, which is about 25 ish miles north of downtown San Diego. So driving to work one morning on the freeway, I was stricken with a really bad panic attack. And it was the very first one I’d ever had. My whole body locked up. Arms. Legs. I mean, just barely barely maintained control of the vehicle that I was in and made it to the side pulled over and decided well, I wasn’t going to get back on the freeway because I had no idea was happening to me. I made it you know, maybe another five or six miles. And now let me just say, when you’re in the midst of a really bad panic attack, you know, that is a symptom of having severe anxiety, which I was about to find out that I was really right in the middle of. One of the symptoms of severe anxiety is can be bad diarrhea. So this is a family podcast. I’ll keep it as clean as I can obviously, I made it to the bathroom in a park that had no seat on the toilets. And yeah…the rest as they say was my worst commute ever. I I think I was around two and a half hours late to work. Literally had to take baby steps to get to work. Like I said about 25 ish miles took me over, you know, two and a half hours to get there. And it was not a good time. So there you go. That’s my story.

BHAVNEET: So that was a little frightening.

TARANJIT: Intense.


TARANJIT: I can’t imagine if I was in that situmation…

BHAVNEET: Situmation?

TARANJIT: Situmation.

BHAVNEET: I can’t imagine if I was in that situmation. Hastag. 

TARANJIT: I can’t imagine what I would do if I was in a situation like that.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, that seems very scary. I’m glad you were able to pull over and get safely off the road.  

TARANJIT: Yeah, but he was like, saying towards the end like how he was two hours late to work. Like what did he have to tell his boss? Did he have to tell the truth? Did he tell…

BHAVNEET: Well, I mean…hopefully his boss was nice.


BHAVNEET: Like oh my god. Are you okay?  Take your time. Come in.

TARANJIT: Yeah. Is his boss a nice boss? Like was he understanding?

BHAVNEET: I hope so. Because that is a legit…

TARANJIT: We need a follow up. 

BHAVNEET: We always need follow ups.

TARANJIT: Yes. I feel like we always have questions. And then we are like, wait, but…but. Part Two.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So if I reached out to you for a part two, please follow up.


BHAVNEET: Yes, this was from Bob from I wanna party with Bob

TARANJIT: Do you want to party with Bob? 

BHAVNEET: Because now I wanna party with Bob. Bob has a pretty cool podcast. He talks a little bit about paranormal stuff. 

TARANJIT: And apparently he was in a band. 

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Which is pretty cool. Which is why he’s probably like, let’s party with Bob.


BHAVNEET: I’m Bob. Let’s party.

TARANJIT: I’m Bob. This is a party and I’m Bob.

BHAVNEET: So let’s party. But yeah, it seems really cool. He goes to different places. Like his one recent episode was he went to the Grand Canyon and paranormal stuff, which there’s paranormal things everywhere. So lots of cool content. You should definitely listen and party with Bob. I wanna party with Bob.

TARANJIT: Here’s a quick promo.

BOB: Hey, this is Bob with the I wanna party with Bob podcast. Why should you party with Bob? Let me tell you. I talk about music specifically punk rock music, interview some bands, talk about the band I’ve been in for the last 27 and a half years. A band called tilt wheel, a DIY punk band from San Diego California. Also very interested in the paranormal and hauntings and ghosts. So you’ll get some paranormal travel and some of the haunted locations I visited over time. It’s pretty good time so you can get it at Also on Apple, Google and Spotify podcast. 

BHAVNEET: So now that you’ve party with Bob, not yet.

TARANJIT: Well now that you want to party with Bob.

BHAVNEET: Check out I wanna party with Bob. Yeah, and party with Bob. 

TARANJIT: Yeah, go join us party. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a limit of guests that can come to this party. I think it’s unlimited. 

BHAVNEET: Yeah, I don’t think it’s like only must be on the VIP list.

TARANJIT: Yeah, I think is open to all.

BHAVNEET: Not think. I know it’s open so go check out I wanna party with Bob

TARANJIT: Speaking of driving back from the mall. Before we went to from mall to mall two. What was that weird thing we saw at the light? Where this lady at a red light. She literally got out of her car to do her hair. 

BHAVNEET: Yes. So this makes no sense. Yes, I did tweet about this computer update as it happened. But we were at this really big intersection. So obviously the light will take a little bit longer to turn green. And apparently that is the best time in place to do your hair and not just do your hair in your car. It’s much easier if you get out of your car, flip your head over because apparently that’s how people do ponytails.


BHAVNEET: But apparently that’s the best time and place in the middle of an inner not middle but well at an intersection.

TARANJIT: Well if she flipped her hair in the car she would have honked the horn.

BHAVNEET: Oh my god.

TARANJIT: That’s why she got out.

BHAVNEET: Oh, that seems very dangerous. Just honk. Errr. Okay, so well she got out at a red light at a busy interview section.

TARANJIT: Which means she put her car in park. Which I’ve noticed a lot of people do at red lights. They put their car and park.

BHAVNEET: And she got out and did her was doing her hair. I don’t know the end of the story because our light turned green at that point.

TARANJIT: So we left.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, we turn left and left. So I was just like what is happening?  I’ve seen some crazy things but I’ve never seen anyone get out of their car to do their hair that was really interesting. Apparently that’s the best time and place. Find a great intersection. Put your car in park. And then 

get out to do your hair.

TARANJIT: Maybe she drives in that area all the time and she knows that this light takes some time. I have time to put my car in park, get out, do my hair, make sure it looks nice,  get back in, put it back in drive, and leave. 

BHAVNEET: How are you gonna know it looks nice until you get back in and look in the mirror?

TARANJIT: She’s gonna get back out and redo it.


TARANJIT: And get back and check it out again.

BHAVNEET: And just keep doing that.

TARANJIT: And the she would be like, oh no. The lights green. Just pull it back out and open it 

BHAVNEET: Forget…uh.,don’t forget to put it back in drive before you do that. I didn’t know a lot of people put their cars in park.

TARANJIT: I’ve seen a lot.

BHAVNEET: Like I’m starting to see some people do at like lights that are bigger intersections.

TARANJIT: Why? Why? Can you not hold the break yourself? 

BHAVNEET: There’s one point where there was an accident. This was not a light…where an accident had just happened. And if I had known a little bit earlier, I would have taken a different rope.

TARANJIT: Rope? Did you say rope?

BHAVNEET: Yeah rope. I would take a different rope. Tight rope my car along it and go somewhere else. If there was a rope, I would have took it. But I would have took a different road. But I was on a ramp and there was no other exit. So I had to sit there. And since it just happened, literally the all the lanes were like stopped of this four five lane highway. So everyone just put their cars in park because we’re sitting there for like an hour so I was like that’s that that makes sense. Nobody was moving anywhere so we’re all just like park 

TARANJIT: Okay, well that situation makes sense. But I’ve noticed a lot of lights when they turned red and people just put their car in park. And I’m like…

BHAVNEET: One of the guys in front of me like got out and started stretching and like doing these things. It was like well I mean you were sitting there for an hour, so I guess it makes sense. But yeah. People started getting out of their cars, doing things, and then they’re like looking like oh yeah accident. Get back in. If there was anywhere else…

TARANJIT: Story for the road.


TARANJIT: A story for the road 

BHAVNEET: That one might be used.


BHAVNEET: That hashtag might be used A story for the road.

TARANJIT: Yeah cuz when you’re on a long commute and you’re with with a passenger and you’re bored. You gotta  share some stories.

BHAVNEET: What if you’re not with a passengers? Share stories with yourself.

TARANJIT: You gotta  keep yourself…

BHAVNEET: You know this one time, I was driving.

TARANJIT: You got to keep yourself entertained because if you zone out that’s not good.

BHAVNEET: Yeah,  we’ll see in those situations, I like watching other people because they do the funniest things.

TARANJIT: What did you see the other day?

BHAVNEET: I like when we drive by people. I like looking at people…other people driving. Not in a creepy way but like because some people do the funniest things.

TARANJIT: You said that yesterday. Because I was driving and you’re like I like watching people. What did you see?

BHAVNEET: People were dancing. So when we were going you were driving so I was looking and on our right like three cars in a row right behind each other. So the first one we passed this lady was like singing. So she was using your hands. So she wasn’t like full on so she was like about like it sound like she just got to like the chorus line or something. So she was just…

TARANJIT: You spit on me.


TARANJIT: Yeah. I felt spit.  

BHAVNEET: No. It was the water from my drowning lungs so.

TARANJIT: It was definitely your spit.

BHAVNEET: I’m sorry.

TARANJIT: It’s okay. Continue 

BHAVNEET: So she…it sounded like she was at the chorus line because she was intently like singing about to like start belting the line. But.

TARANJIT: Was she gonna break out like in a movie in a musical. Just get out of her car.

BHAVNEET: No, she wasn’t that. She was like this seem like some soulful song or something because she was just like intensely into it. Then or like, Oh, she’s really into that song. And then we pass the next person and he was like listening to some like hip hop pop like something with some beats. Because he was like literally pounding his hand really hard while driving and singing just like Yeah, let’s go. This is a really good song. Shaking his head. Pounding.

TARANJIT: Fist bump. 


TARANJIT: Yeah. What is it called? Something in the air. What is it?

BHAVNEET: Fist bum?

TARANJIT: No. What do you do when you do it in the air like this?

BHAVNEET: It’s a fist bump.

TARANJIT: This is a fist bump.

BHAVNEET: Oh. Yeah. That’s…

TARANJIT: Fist pump.

BHAVNEET: Pump. Oh, wow. Very close. Very close, but not quite there. Hashtag very close, but not quite there.

TARANJIT: No. Stop. Seriously.

BHAVNEET: We’re making this record so it has to happen.  

TARANJIT: Has wait what?

BHAVNEET: It has to happen. Okay, and then the third car and I’m like, oh, what kind of song are you listening to? No, she was on those yellow Hummer and she was just like, both hands all wheel intently, angrily, boredly, I don’t know what. Staring forward.

TARANJIT: She’s driving. She’s focused on driving.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So it was like soulful…

TARANJIT: No distractions. 

BHAVNEET: Soulful singing, dance singing, intently no, I’m just driving.

TARANJIT: What kind of driver are you? A, B or C?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Or somewhere in between? Because there were gaps in between the cars. You could be in between?

TARANJIT: Those are your three options. 

BHAVNEET: Well, that’s not fair.

TARANJIT: You are either soulful singing…

BHAVNEET: Dancing.

TARANJIT: Fist pumping. Fist pumping.

BHAVNEET: And singing or intently…

TARANJIT: Driving. 

BHAVNEET: Driving. Which one are you? Let us know.

TARANJIT: Now you gotta create a post.

BHAVNEET: Yep. We’re gonna do…

TARANJIT: Hey. Hey. Hey. When you edit. 

BHAVNEET: Write a post.


BHAVNEET: And note. 

TARANJIT: Yeah, so then we made it to the second mall, which we’re like, whoa, this is huge. 

BHAVNEET: It wasn’t like huge. It was pretty fancy.


BHAVNEET: There’s this one place that was I thought it said Bubby’s burger palace, but it was Bobby’s. Because the O was hidden by like a tree or something that was just blocking just the O. I think was like a pole just blocking the O. So I was like Bubby’s burger palace. . 

TARANJIT: Bubby can have a burger palace.

BHAVNEET: Sounded like a fast food. But that restaurant look like a full on restaurant. And then when we got out like oh, Bobby’s. Okay, now it’s a… 

TARANJIT: Yeah, but we basically went to his mall just to have a smoothie. We literally didn’t do much else there.

BHAVNEET: Just to what?

TARANJIT: To have a smoothie.

BHAVNEET: You said just to have some tung dee.

TARANJIT: Smoothie.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. From Cold Stone.

TARANJIT: We can’t talk. Cold Stone Creamery.

BHAVNEET: Yes. Because I had it once before. And I was like, oh my god. So good. 


BHAVNEET: I can’t believe we’ve never had it before.

TARANJIT: But it was as amazing the second time, too.


TARANJIT: And we basically practically like I think just around this mall and didn’t really get like anything there. It was too expensive.

BHAVNEET: You found something.

TARANJIT: I found one thing at a Macy’s.

BHAVNEET: That was our second Macy’s experience. But.

TARANJIT: Also we’re like looping around looping around looping around.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, so we drove all the way across the state. Hour and a half away from mall one to mall two just to get a Cold Stone Creamery.

TARANJIT: Smoothie. And one shirt.

BHAVNEET: Yes. And one shirt.

TARANJIT: Yeah, but their food court looks like…


TARANJIT: It had options that I could eat there if I ever were to come back. 

BHAVNEET: Yeah, so this was…

TARANJIT: A lot of high end…a lot of malls have high end stores we go to…their food courts suck.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. This one had this one so many options. They had veggie options, which is perfect. It had an Indian place. It was called like something spice.

TARANJIT: Spice six.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, modern Indian food. Like what what do you mean by modern?

TARANJIT: Usually…

BHAVNEET: They had like naan pizzas.


BHAVNEET: So that’s modern.

TARANJIT: Yes. They put like twists on it. 

BHAVNEET: Yeah. So I mean, there was a lot of options. This was like…

TARANJIT: I kind  of wish we didn’t have lunch where we did and we went there and had lunch.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Cuz that would have been cool. I didn’t know they had that many options. Because usually they don’t. So we’re like, Okay, let’s go somewhere that we know there’s food that we can eat.

TARANJIT: Yeah, we have pizza. I would have rather had like…

BHAVNEET: Naan pizza.


BHAVNEET: If we’re gonna have pizza.


BHAVNEET:  love naan. Do you love naan?


BHAVNEET: Do you know what naan is?


BHAVNEET: Nah. Savunya.

TARANJIT: I knew you’re gonna go there. I was waiting.

BHAVNEET:  I didn’t know I was going there.

TARANJIT: I could just see it. That you are going.

B; Coming up my head. Because I didn’t know I was going there.

TARANJIT: I just saw it in your face expression. Like you weren’t going there. 

BHAVNEET: Oh, I didn’t know I was going there. But you knew I was going there. Okay, well, this was one of the…

TARANJIT: Telepathic connection.

BHAVNEET: This was one of the many Westfields. I didn’t know there was multiple, but apparently there are. So this was Westfield Montgomery. Yes. So apparently there’s many but this one’s very high end looking. Because all the stores were very high end. And I’m like, I’m not gonna even bother going in that one. Okay, let’s go. Cold Stone Creamery.


BHAVNEET: I come just for your food court. That was nice. You spent all your money on that one purse at like Michael Kors or something. So now you had to have fast food in the food court. So that’s why they have like a bunch of like, cheaper food options, because you just blew all your money on one thing.

TARANJIT: I mean, we didn’t really look at the prices. So I don’t know if they were…

BHAVNEET: Oh, they’re gonna be high. You don’t have to look at them to know. If a store only…

TARANJIT: Not that. I’m talking about the food place.

BHAVNEET: Oh. Well, the Indian one that we looked at it wasn’t…

TARANJIT: Wasn’t bad?  I didn’t look at the price. 

BHAVNEET: Oh, I did. It wasn’t terrible. So I mean…

TARANJIT: Well, I mean, the smoothie wasn’t that expensive. So I guess that was kind of an indicator.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, it was really good.


BHAVNEET:  So good. 



TARANJIT: You passed it on to me. 

BHAVNEET: You’re welcome. Pass it on.

TARANJIT: I’m not thankful.

BHAVNEET: Wasn’t that a thing? Pass it on.

TARANJIT: Pass the plate or something?

BHAVNEET: Pass the plate. Pass it on is if you do like good, positive, like things. They are like pass it on.


BHAVNEET: Traits, like, you know.

TARANJIT: Pass pass. Remember that?

BHAVNEET: Yeah, that’s the candy.

TARANJIT: From the movie.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, some made up candy, or is it a real candy?

TARANJIT: I don’t know.  It could be.

BHAVNEET: It probably is. Why would they…

TARANJIT: Or they made it because the movie came out with it. And they are like, we gotta make some pass pass.

BHAVNEET: I think it is a real candy though. Pass pass. And they’re fake eating of non-candy. Like you could clearly tell it was empty. And then there’s like, woop, look at my empty hand.

TARANJIT: Older movies didn’t try as hard because like people didn’t like care as much but now people are like pay attention to all the little details and they’re like…

BHAVNEET: I like watching those movies. Well it is funny. Be like that is so clearly empty.

TARANJIT: Yeah.  But not then they didn’t have to eat the thing constantly over and over again. Every time they repeated had to retake the scene. But now it’s like, oh, I’m stuffed after eating one bite after 50 retakes. I had a whole meal. 

BHAVNEET: Yeah, see? I mean, that’s how you get a whole meal. Just keep doing retakes.

TARANJIT: Do people do it on purpose so they can have a free meal?

BHAVNEET: Then wouldn’t you get fired? Be like you suck. I mean…

TARANJIT: What if it’s like a like, you know…

BHAVNEET: A top end actor.

TARANJIT: A pretty good actor and then they…

BHAVNEET: Like they just suck.

TARANJIT: …are having a bad day.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, well, they probably wouldn’t then but.

TARANJIT: Do they get the meal after? Or what do they do with the food after?

BHAVNEET: Probably waste it.

TARANJIT: Or do they give it to like the assistants.

BHAVNEET: I don’t know. They probably waste it.  I know, right? Colon.





TARANJIT: Red light.

BHAVNEET: Oh time to do your hair. 

TARANJIT: Get out.

BHAVNEET: Get out your hair.

TARANJIT: Flip it.

BHAVNEET: One minute. Eek. That was my parking brake. 

TARANJIT: Your parking makes a noise like that?

BHAVNEET: Yeah it came out more high pitch than I expected. Yeah.. Ready? Flip hair. Haaaa. Oh, whoops. I forgot to get out. Over the door. Those are my feet hitting the ground. Uhhh, get up.  I’m old. My back hurts. All right, flip. Whoa, I hit the door. Ouch. Okay. Shut door. Okay, flip. Oh my god. The lights green. Get in.

TARANJIT: What if the person behind them was angry and they came up to the window? And they are like, go.

BHAVNEET: But she was outside. What. They came out to the window and started knocking, and be like, oh wait. You’re outside. Get in. Wait, but you’re out, too. Oh my god. Yeah. Let’s both get in. All right. Drive away.

TARANJIT: Road rage.

BHAVNEET: Yes, road rage. If you would like to hear about some weird, crazy incident that you probably already heard about. Because you listen to all of our episodes. Listen to the last episode. That’s all.

TARANJIT: Stop this one. Pause it right here. Go back to that one.

BHAVNEET: So that you understand.

TARANJIT: And then come back and resume this. 

BHAVNEET: I mean, you probably already listened to it. Because you know, all the episodes are great. Unless, you’re like, let me try out DWup. And I’m gonna start with this episode. Because don’t you randomly just pick an episode?

TARANJIT: I usually do the newest one.

BHAVNEET: Oh. Well…so if you’re starting now, yeah, this is your newest one.

TARANJIT: That’s what I do.  I like to listen to the newest one because you know, get to see if I like…

BHAVNEET: This is how they are.

TARANJIT: This is how they are and then like, okay, like them. Then I’m like, they’re pretty good. So then I go back to the start and start from the beginning. And then obviously in the beginning if I’m like, Okay, this ones not that good. But I did really like their episodes. So I skip one and go and listen to the rest. And I tend to like if I like the first one. 

BHAVNEET: So do you like us yet? 

TARANJIT: Why are you crying?

BHAVNEET: I’m not.

TARANJIT: Your eyes are watered.

BHAVNEET: They are?


BHAVNEET: Oh. Well if you were gonna say no, I’ve going to start crying. Apparently. I don’t know. It just happened.

TARANJIT: Your eyes are really filled with water.

BHAVNEET: Oh, the water from my lungs.

TARANJIT: From your lung hole?

BHAVNEET: Yeah. From my lung hole from the past episode is still here. So yeah, I don’t know how…

TARANJIT: Hack it out.

BHAVNEET: No. I’m gonna cry if you don’t like us.

TARANJIT: You sound like a kid. If you don’t like us, I’m gonna cry.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. What she said. And what I said. Okay, now I’m back. And  uh…

TARANJIT: Actually, you know, how we were like, there’s a flor…how we don’t have a Florida man story? What if it was a Florida woman story?

BHAVNEET: That was very random.

TARANJIT: Because I found this Florida woman’s story. 

BHAVNEET: Oh, well. Hey, we’re gonna let you…

TARANJIT: Would that count?

BHAVNEET: I don’t know.

TARANJIT: I’m gonna tell it on our podcast.


TARANJIT: I’m gonna tell it on our podcast.

38. 56

BHAVNEET: Okay, Let’s go. Florida woman. A Florida woman. Dot. Dot Dot. Colon.

TARANJIT: So she was flying on American Airlines. And she apparently is going to sue them or trying to file a lawsuit of like $75,000 in damages over locking her support dog away from her. 

BHAVNEET: A Florida woman is suing an airline or trying to sue an airline for locking away her support dog.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so…

BHAVNEET: Did that sound like a news thing?


BHAVNEET: Okay, cool. I did it.


BHAVNEET: Yay. Okay, we’re back.

TARANJIT: We are back to our normal selves.


TARANJIT: Weird selves.


TARANJIT: So apparently, she was saying how the flight attendant was verbally abusing her or something. And then…

BHAVNEET: Was it an American?

TARANJIT: American Airlines.


TARANJIT: American Airlines.

BHAVNEET: Like the airline company.

TARANJIT: Yeah, American Airlines.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. That’s what I’m saying.


BHAVNEET: Yeah. Was it? Then your response was very weird. Okay.

TARANJIT: I thought you were asking me if the lady the flight attendant wast American.

BHAVNEET: No, I said was it American Airline?

TARANJIT: Yes. I’ve been saying from the beginning American Airlines.

BHAVNEET: Oh. I totally did not…I missed that. Okay.

TARANJIT: So she claimed that the this flight attendant was verbally abused, abusing her and she took her emotional support dog and locked it in the bathroom.

BHAVNEET: In the bathroom?


BHAVNEET: That’s a weird place to lock a what? Now nobody can go the bathroom.

TARANJIT: Well there’s multiple bathrooms on a plane.

BHAVNEET: Well if it was one of those small planes, there’s only like two. So now you just locked one.

TARANJIT: But this lady was saying how she had anxiety and she was pregnant at the time and like…


TARANJIT: …had contacted the airline before she bought the ticket and before boarding and asked all the details and they said it was okay.

BHAVNEET: So then why are you taking away her emotional support and all?

TARANJIT: So then she brought it onto the plane and she had no issue during the boarding process. But when during the flight, this flight attendant was like you’re not allowed to have that.

BHAVNEET: She obviously didn’t know about this.

TARANJIT: And she took the dog and locked it in the bathroom. And then she like was saying how she’s gonna get you’re going to get caught handcuffed when the plane lands. You’re going to be taken away and because you’re we’re not allowed to do this because it’s against F-PFA. FAA?


TARANJIT: Regulations and this was not allowed and you-re gonna be downgraded from business class. You can’t sit in business class anymore.

BHAVNEET: Well, not gonna take American anymore. Like what.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so apparently when she did get off the plane, she was escorted by police.


TARANJIT: But the police didn’t charge her with anything. I guess because the police were called. And they’re like, what’s going on? Like you know they didn’t know what…

BHAVNEET: Yeah. They had to check it out. Yeah.

TARANJIT: And then she wasn’t charged. So she’s filing a $75,000 damages.

BHAVNEET: Because they said it was okay. You shouldn’t have said it was okay if it was not okay. And then she wouldn’t have fly like with them.


BHAVNEET: She wouldn’t have flewn with them. She wouldn’t have gone on American Airlines if she knew that she couldn’t.


BHAVNEET: So why…this flight attendant should have been informed that like this person already okayed it. Llike what is wrong with…

TARANJIT: And it was a long flight. It was from Florida to L.A.

BHAVNEET: Oh dang. Like six hours.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so who knows what part of the flight…

BHAVNEET: That poor dog locked in a bathroom for six hours.

TARANJIT: I don’t know what part of the flight…

BHAVNEET: Like with no air. Like just locked in there. That’s terrible. Was the dog okay? Six hours locked in tight like air height.


BHAVNEET: That’s terrible. So many things wrong.

TARANJIT: Yeah, so that’s a Florida whoa man story.

BHAVNEET: Whoa man. Whoa Yeah, just whoa.

TARANJIT: Maybe we should give it to them. Cuz he said if we had one…we couldn’t find one and I didn’t realize I had one.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, you had one all along. You’re keeping it from us and them and everyone else that didn’t hear it on the news already.

TARANJIT: That was my Florida story.

BHAVNEET: All right. What other states you got?

TARANJIT: Other states?

BHAVNEET: We should hit all 50 states.

TARANJIT: I don’t have a state. I have another country story.

BHAVNEET: Okay, fine.

TARANJIT: Let’s leave America for a little bit.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Stop being so self-centered.

TARANJIT: We can’t always talk about us.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. We can’t just talk about us.

TARANJIT: We can’t be us-ers.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Us. We gotta be us.

TARANJIT: Yeah. We gotta be uh…

BHAVNEET: We cant be us-ers.


BHAVNEET: We-ers? Mowers.

TARANJIT: All of us. All of us-ers

BHAVNEET: All of us-eers? All of us-ers.

TARANJIT: Sirs? What about the…

BHAVNEET: Yeah, what are you saying?

TARANJIT: I didn’t say sir.

BHAVNEET: You said officers.

TARANJIT: No. I didn’t say officers.

BHAVNEET: I said all of us-ers. Not officers.

TARANJIT: Us-ers. Like. U.S. ers. Us-ers.


TARANJIT: Yeah, nevermind.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, that was a… that’s a fail. Okay. In the world. Yes, there was a story brewing and she has it.Alright.

TARANJIT: So France had created this first solar road in 2016.

BHAVNEET: Solar road?

TARANJIT: Where they lined like a one kilometer area of road with solar panels.

BHAVNEET: Oh cool.

TARANJIT: Their idea was that the sun would produce electricity off this they would get and it would also function as a road.

BHAVNEET: The way you’re saying it is making it sound like it was bad. Wait so the actual road was solar panels?


BHAVNEET: Or was it that they lined it? Like next to it

TARANJIT: They turned a one kilometer of road into a solar road.

BHAVNEET: So you’re driving over solar panels?

TARANJIT: Yeah. So but three years later, they were like this is a complete disaster. This is not a good idea.


TARANJIT: Because they didn’t even produce half or nearly half the end goal of electricity. They thought they were produced from this.

BHAVNEET: Maybe they chose the wrong location.

TARANJIT: And on top of that the solar panels installed were not like in the best condition in the beginning when they’re installing.

BHAVNEET: Why would you spend so much money to install sucky install sucky solar panels?

TARANJIT: I don’t know. But then, like, people were like, nearby residents were complaining about all the noise that comes from like…

BHAVNEET: Driving over them?

TARANJIT: That and like leaves being on the road. So they’re like, scraping across, like making noise. There’s too much noise complaints. But But apparently, the Netherlands had succeeded in something similar, but they made a similar bike lane.

BHAVNEET: And that worked better?



TARANJIT: And they were able to produce the…

BHAVNEET: Before or after France?

TARANJIT: That I don’t know. But they were able to exceed their expected energy production.

BHAVNEET: So maybe you should talk to your buddies up north and figure out what they did.

TARANJIT: Sounds like bike solar lanes are better than…

BHAVNEET: Because cars are not always driving and bikes are like fewer and less often. So…I don’t know that over there. Do more people bike because I guess it’s more crowded? So…

TARANJIT:  I guess. Yeah.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Huh. Wherever they did, they did right. So France, maybe you should talk to Netherlands. That’s very cool. I didn’t know people would actually make roads, like bike lanes or roads that are out of solar panels.

TARANJIT: Yeah, I didn’t know it was a thing. But I came across it and I was like, what?

BHAVNEET: Well, that’s pretty cool.

TARANJIT: I mean, it was a cool idea to be like kill two birds with one stone.

BHAVNEET: Well, that’s a terrible line.

TARANJIT: What’s a better expression?

BHAVNEET: Why are we killing birds?

TARANJIT: Yeah. What’s a better expression to use? Knock two bowling pins down with one bowling ball.

BHAVNEET: That’s really long. Knock to pins down pins down with…knock two pins down with one bowling ball. That’s a new line.

TARANJIT: No. What’s a better one? Insert better line here.


TARANJIT: Yes. But yeah.

BHAVNEET: There will be no killing of birds.

TARANJIT: Yeah, but it was like a good idea, I guess. But it wasn’t successful.

BHAVNEET: I want to know who killed two berns.


BHAVNEET: Berns. Yeah.

TARANJIT: We kiledl two berns.

BHAVNEET: I want to know who killed two birds with one stone that they came up with this line.

TARANJIT: Maybe like in older like…

BHAVNEET: Yeah, but how. Like they hit one and that bird went flying and hit the other.

TARANJIT: The stone ricocheted off one and hit the other one. I don’t know.

BHAVNEET: That’s a very interesting line. Like very like, I would have never thought of that. Like so weird. But it’s something that you say all the time. Like, you know, it’s like just common phrase.

TARANJIT: It’s a common phrase. Yeah.

BHAVNEET: But where’d it come from?

TARANJIT: Hmm, made two meals in one pot.

BHAVNEET: We make more than two meals in one pot. Like if you get a big pot, you can make like 20 meals.

TARANJIT: You checked all the boxes off your to do list in one throw.

BHAVNEET: One throw? What are you throwing that it checked…


BHAVNEET: You threw a pen and it checked two boxes. Did you actually do both boxes?

TARANJIT: It checked off all your boxes on your to do list so it looks like you did finish it. On throw.

BHAVNEET: Oh my god.

TARANJIT: I don’t know. I can’t think of a good one right now. It’ll come later when it’s too late. Because we will be done this podcast episode so then it won’t make no sense anymore. And then be like why did I even continue thinking about it?


TARANJIT:  Oh…of course you do.

BHAVNEET: Like I really gotta go.

TARANJIT: So I gave you a Florida person story. Now I have a Clani…

BHAVNEET: You have a clack?

TARANJIT: Cal…now I have a California person story.

BHAVNEET: Is it still her because she went to L.A.?

TARANJIT: Oh yeah. No, this is a man.


TARANJIT: This guy died from a taco eating contest.

BHAVNEET: Well, I mean, I think any kind of eating contest is not safe.


BHAVNEET: For shoving so much food in your…

TARANJIT: Who started this and why…

BHAVNEET: It could go in your lung hole.

TARANJIT: Yes. Who started these eating contest and why is it a thing?

BHAVNEET: I don’t know. Because all that food you could just gave to a bunch of people if you really wanted  to just like give away.

TARANJIT: Like you’re not even really enjoying this. You’re kind of like dipping it in liquids and then shoving it down.

BHAVNEET: Yeah. That’s not enjoyable. You are just like inhaling


BHAVNEET: That’s disgusting.

TARANJIT: So I was like curious as to like why this started when it started. So I like looked up some facts about it.

BHAVNEET: Fun facts.

TARANJIT: And like it was on Times website so I’m guessing it’s reliable but I didn’t go and fact check it. So if it’s wrong, I’m sorry.

BHAVNEET: May be right.


BHAVNEET: May be right facts. Fun facts. Hashtag maybe right fun facts.

TARANJIT: No, no. Why did I give you too long…why did I pause for so long to give you that chance?

BHAVNEET: We are goona make this world record.


BHAVNEET: Yeah off air you said yes.

T; I did not.


TARANJIT: You’re making up stuff. I’m not.


TARANJIT: It’s snot me.

BHAVNEET: It’s snot.

TARANJIT: So this apparently began in like…well they’re saying it began like before a like long time ago. Like there’s been times when people were doing things like this, but I guess like the more recognized time was in 1916 when…

BHAVNEET: That’s pretty recent. In the grand scheme of timelines.

TARANJIT: Nathan’s Famous held his first Fourth of July contest.

BHAVNEET: Wait. Nathan’s Famous? Is that a restaurant?

TARANJIT: I’m guessing it’s a food place. I think they probably had hot dogs because they started a Fourth of July hot dog eating contest. They started the first one in Coney Island.

BHAVNEET: Hey, that’s a famous place.


BHAVNEET: Like where is that?


BHAVNEET: New York. That’s what I thought.

TARANJIT: So this article was like, according to a legend, which I’m not sure if it’s a legend.

BHAVNEET: According to legend.

TARANJIT: But it’s a legend now.

BHAVNEET: It’s a legend.

TARANJIT: So according to a legend, only four immigrants competed in this to determine who was the most patriotic.

BHAVNEET: So whoever can eat the most hotdogs is the most patriotic because that’s an American thing to do.

TARANJIT: Yes. So an Irish men, man, Irish man. Won. Guess how many he ate?

BHAVNEET: 500. Do they even have that many?

TARANJIT: That’s way off.


TARANJIT: It’s like, way off.

BHAVNEET: That’s too high?



TARANJIT: Still high.

BHAVNEET: That’s still high? That’s it? He only ate like 10?

TARANJIT: No. He ate more than 10.


TARANJIT: No he ate less than that.





BHAVNEET: He only ate 13?

TARANJIT: Yeah, the other three weren’t able to eat more than 13.

BHAVNEET: So they all went and then when they all dropped off, that’s when you’re done.

TARANJIT: So then this article goes on. It was like in 1919, a New York Yankees outfielder, Ping Bode. Which I don’t know who that is.

BHAVNEET: If any of you…

TARANJIT: He competed in a pasta eating contest in Florida with…


TARANJIT: Against an ostrich.

BHAVNEET: Wait what?

TARANJIT: An ostrich and him were versus each other.

BHAVNEET: Were versus each other?

TARANJIT: Yeah. And he won by default because the ostrich passed out after the 11th bowl.

BHAVNEET: How did they get the ostrich to keep eating?

TARANJIT: Is pasta good to feed an ostrich?

BHAVNEET: I don’t know about that. But how did they get the ostrich to keep eating? Because what if the ostrich is like I’m done. Bye.


BHAVNEET: Walk away.

TARANJIT: I don’t know.

BHAVNEET: How did they get this dude to keep eating? This ostrich?




BHAVNEET: Yeah, why ostrich?

TARANJIT: Yeah. Is that like, allowed?

BHAVNEET: What other animal eats a lot?

TARANJIT: It was 1919. But…

BHAVNEET: Did you have a lot of ostriches?

TARANJIT: So apparently this started to like this whole eating competition contest thing started to die down for a while. And then two brothers brought it back in the late mid, like mid 1990s.

BHAVNEET: Wow that is really recent.

TARANJIT: Yeah. So they like revived these competitions. And they were able to they started with hot dog contests. And they were able to get like numbers it used to be like hundreds of people participating. Now like more than thousands of people participate.

BHAVNEET: People love to eat. This is America.

TARANJIT: And then they even founded an International Federation of competitive eating.

BHAVNEET: Whoa, it’s a thing.

TARANJIT: International.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, it’s official.

TARANJIT: And they hold like a 100 competitions a year.

BHAVNEET: Well, dang. Do they eat like absurd things or do they like compete against absurd things like ostriches?

TARANJIT: No. So like they have a range of foods that they have competitions of now. So it’s not like just hot dogs like hot dogs was the starting point. And now they have like random things.

BHAVNEET: Interesting.

TARANJIT: I know that pie eating contests where a thing but like I think they are like that random stuff. And I think…

BHAVNEET: Yeah. Pie eating is pretty big. Hot dog eating. I didn’t know pasta eating was a thing.

TARANJIT: So would you ever participate?


TARANJIT: If you had to participate in one, what food contest would you participate in?

BHAVNEET: I feel like pasta seems the best out of the things you’ve listed.

TARANJIT: Well, like it could be any food.

BHAVNEET: I don’t know what kind of…

TARANJIT: Any food.

BHAVNEET: Blueberries.

TARANJIT: You would participate in a blueberry eating contest?

BHAVNEET: Yeah, they’re small and you can just eat a…inhale. But it’s also fruit. So you’ll get stuffed really fast, faster.

TARANJIT: Yes, but you don’t last you don’t stay like full for long. You get hungry pretty quickly.

BHAVNEET: So then that should be good. I just keep going and by time I like I might full but then I keep going eating. So then I’m like I’m good again. Blueberries. What would you eat? Something different. You can’t just say the same thing. Like you always do that I say.

TARANJIT: I don’t know. Because I have really like small stomach.

BHAVNEET: I know, but…

TARANJIT: And on top of that I can’t eat a lot of food.

BHAVNEET: You still have to pick something. What would you participate in?

TARANJIT: I feel like a popcorn eating contest would be good.

BHAVNEET: Kettle corn?

TARANJIT: You could eat a lot of popcorn and not really….

BHAVNEET: That’s true.

TARANJIT: It doesn’t go anywhere.

BHAVNEET: But then somebody else will eat a lot more than you.


BHAVNEET: Either way.

TARANJIT: But everyone will eat a lot more than me.


TARANJIT: So then probably…I didn’t pick a food to be like this is the one I’ll win at.

BHAVNEET: I don’t think that’s actually a reasonable one because they would run out of popcorn before anyone’s done because…

TARANJIT: They have to have a popcorn machine. Just keep on popping popcorn.

BHAVNEET: They are gonna run out of physical corn to pop.

TARANJIT: Well, any food so.

BHAVNEET: That’s true. Now I want popcorn. Kettle corn.

TARANJIT: You just had kettle corn.

BHAVNEET: Kettle corn is amazing. It’s for the sugar loving people.

TARANJIT: I know. That’s why I don’t like it that much.

BHAVNEET: You eat popcorn.


BHAVNEET: Well, popcorn is good too. If it has butter.

TARANJIT: Speaking of food, I’m so hungry.

BHAVNEET: Yeah, you said that earlier. I am, too.

TARANJIT: I am ready for dinner.

BHAVNEET: Yes, time for dinner. It’s time for dinner. Breaking News.

TARANJIT: No, not news.

BHAVNEET: Food in my tummy. Not a food eating contest. But just a sufficient like good meal size portion. Yeah, that’s what I want. So while we go stuff our faces and not enter into food eating contest. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. Doesn’t have to be in that order. But at Drive with us podcast. And if you have any crazy commute stories, let us know. Share them with us. On our website. On our social media. Email us. Message us.

TARANJIT: Tag us. Any way of contacting us.

BHAVNEET: Yes, contact us. I want to hear crazy stories. So share them with us and we’ll go stuff our faces. See you next time.

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