Extra Content E5: Disney Trivia

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Welcome back Commuters! This week on Drive With Us we discuss a topic that has probably encompassed a large part of our childhoods (and if it hasn’t… then your rock home must be way bigger than mine 🙂 ).


Specifically, we set out to test each other’s knowledge through Disney/Pixar trivia. How well do you know dialogues from different Disney/Pixar movies? When you listen to Episode 5, you will quickly realize that one of us is not very entertainment-inclined while the other is slightly more so (can you guess which of us is which?). I would like to say that this was partially biased due to the level of difficulty of quotes that were picked (one person’s quotes were more well known than the other’s). Regardless, if nothing else, this trivia challenge brought up nostalgic memories and the urge to watch Disney/Pixar movies. Because you can never truly outgrow Disney!

If you are new to the magic that is Disney… have no fear! We’ve got you covered. Click the link below to enter into a realm filled with entertainment for all ages:

List of all Disney Movies

List of all Disney Pixar Movies

And you’re welcome for getting you hooked!

We are by no means experts when it comes to Disney fandom, but we like to think of ourselves as Disney fan novices. We are still in the shallow end of the pool and have yet to venture into the deep waters of diehard fandom. We can remember random scenes and butcher dialogues as we try to recall what actually happened… or how it happened… or in what order.

Disney movies are great for all ages. And the best part is rewatching a movie again as an adult and finding the creatively inserted elements/jokes that you never realized when you had watched it for the first time as a child. I had my biggest epiphany quite recently regarding one of these movies: Monsters Inc anyone? As a side note, this is one of the greatest Disney/Pixar movies EVER and everyone should add it to their “Need to watch” list right now! There are definitely a lot of things hidden into the storyline of the movie, but what my adult brain somewhat recently comprehended was the scene in Harry Hausens where Sulley tells Mike “Ook-lay in the ag-bay.” As a child, and surprisingly up until I was practically an adult, I would ponder why Sulley randomly started speaking in a foreign language… and why? Do any of you get that reference?

It’s Pig Latin! How could I have not recognized the language that was ever-so-popular during my youth. So much so that there was a phase where we were practically fluent in it. Now, whenever I watch that movie and come across that scene I can proudly say that I see the underlying meaning! You can’t fool me (anymore) creators of Monsters Inc. 🙂

If you are as much of a Monsters Inc fan as me, check out some of these other cool facts about the movie that you may not have realized, such as why is the restaurant called Harry Hausens?

Movie related revelations are not the only kind that are made during this episode. Check out Episode 5: Disney Trivia to hear more about our other revelations. You can listen to the episode right now on the website or in your favorite podcasting app.

What are your favorite Disney movies or dialogues from Disney movies? Let us know in the comments below!

And check us out on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook (links at the top and left of the web page) for updates and fun sneak peeks of our upcoming content! Also, head on over to the Commuter Update blog to learn about some of the scary, weird, and funny things we experience on our commutes!

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