Driving stories from around the world

Get Ready to Drive with sisters, Bhavneet and Taranjit, as they chat with every day and professional drivers from around the world about their craziest driving experiences, driving pet peeves, driving fails, and more.

Commute Stories

The Boat that Fishtailed on


Alan shares a story about when he was new to Atlanta and how he saw a Bass boat fishtail on the I-75. It was wild.

– Alan, The Wilder Ride Podcast

Doing Her Makeup While


During his visit to Chicago, Mike witnessed a unusual occurrence.

– Mike, Games My Mom Found

She Called the Police to Kill

a Spider

Diana was driving home one day and saw a spider in her car. She freaked out and called the police. Hear the hilarious story of what all went down when the police arrived.

– Diana, Spark My Interest Podcast

$6000 damage to his Van

Hear about a crazy road trip story that ended with $6000 of damage to their mini-van.

– Patrick and Ryan, Terrific Specs Podcast

He Forgot to Put His Teeth


As Kevin was leaving for work, he had a feeling he was forgetting something. More than halfway into his commute to work, he realized what he had forgotten. And he had one awkward phone call with his boss.

– Kevin, A Necessary Evil Podcast

The Time She took Gum

from a Stranger

Remember how your parents always told you to not talk to strangers and not take anything from people you don't know? Well, apparently that all goes out the window when you become an adult.

– John, Pilots Guide Podcast

He Drove onto the Sidewalk

What was supposed to be a normal day for Drew, dropping his sister-in-law off, turned upside down when he was forced to drive onto the sidewalk.

– Drew

Driving in Another Country

for the First Time

Torry and her boyfriend went to Dublin and they rented a car for the first time. Combine first rental with being in a different country, and what do you get? A interesting commute story of course!

– Torry

He had a Panic Attack while


Have you ever driven? Have you ever had a panic attack? Have you ever had a panic attack while driving? Scary, right? Well, you are not alone

– Bob, I Wanna party with Bob podcast

Driver's Ed Gone Wrong

Elliot is a driver's ed instructor by day and a podcaster by night. And he has a story to share with you about a driving experience with one of his student's. Take a listen...

– Elliot, Tessa and Elliot Argue Podcast

I Swear I Parked My Car

Right Here

Ever forget where you parked your car? Well, you are not alone. April had a similar experience.

– April, Big Fat Hikers podcast

Mike's Honking Battle with

a Goose

Mike literally had a honking battle with a goose in the middle of the road. Listen to find out who won and how it ended.

– Mike, Genuine Chit Chat Podcast

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